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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Don't, not yet. Unless you are loaded, and don't care about throwing away 50s, it's not worth it until we have enough active site members to have multiple guilds. At this stage, it's more of an Elder Souls guild, lol.
  2. Fuck yeah, I'd return, but not fully. I'd play for fun, not to grind. That being said, they really screwed up RS, so it could be a lot of fun. I've only been on since 2010, seems to have been better before though.
  3. I really can't remember. Probably on some YouTube video. Whether the combat mechanics will be balanced or not, I'm confident that Zenimax will provide a complicated system where teamwork is essential, strategic wise. Also, watched this vid of someone who got to play the Alpha version, supposed to be amazing.
  4. In that sense is it not? Skyrim has to be a role-playing game. You play the role of the dragonborn - You do whatever the fuck you want and your actions affect how the game plays for you. Granted, it's not a pure full 100% RPG, perheps more of an action-adventure game. But definitely to some effect, it is an RPG.
  5. No, what meant by running around with a sword, was a warrior Nord with a shield and heavy armour, or something to that effect. Unless you're planning to do the same with Khajiits, I was thinking of a light-armoured two-handed stealthy build. At least that's what I tried my last run through of Skyrim, worked out well for me, but sure if it was the best though. I heard that the combat mechanics are supposed to actually be pretty balanced, but that could all be bullshit.
  6. I'm going to assume you can't just make one build and then be amazing at everything by the time you are a high level like in Skyrim - but anyway, any ideas on builds? I'm thinking of some stealthy Khajit, because they are awesome, maybe just for exploring and storyline anyway. Although, for PvP or whatever, I think a High Elf mage would be awesome. Pretty bored of just running around with a sword.
  7. Alright, I just read stat system and thought of RuneScape.
  8. Hmm, would that not be more like an MMORPG? I would consider both to be an RPG.
  9. Fair enough. But for the most part they are PC based only. Anyway, I actually checked up some stuff and it might be coming to console, no confirmed yes or no though.
  10. Joined on my brothers account, he doesn't use it anymore, I use it for CS:S, I'll probably just create a new account when I get my gaming PC though.
  11. Yeah, a monthly fee would really annoy me, on top of the actual purchase, because seriously, doubt they'll give ESO away for free even if there is a monthly fee, lol. Then again, if this lives up to its hype, I'll probably pay it anyway. @_@ But yeah, a one-time fee would be awesome.
  12. Personally, I'm leaning towards the Aldmeri Dominion, don't mind the races in that. Possibly Ebonyheart Pact because of the Nords though. But the other one can go to hell, never been a fan of any of those races.
  13. Are we going to be making a guild for ES online? Just been looking at some vids on YouTube, it's going to be more than amazing. Lmao.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fergal


      Yeah, you could leave a few general forums for other gaming stuff, deals etc. Anyway, since this is an online MMO, there will be much more threads than of Skyrim.

    3. Jake


      I honestly wish my computer could run this...maybe my laptop could, since its graphics card is SLIGHTLY better.

    4. Fergal


      Is there confirmed spec requirements out? I checked briefly yesterday and they seemed to be a bit lower than I'd imagine. Imma have a beast computer built by the time it comes out anyway though, BF3 @ almost 60 fps ultra settings. ;)

  14. Yeah, we Irish are so awesome.
  15. Unless you're left handed... Oh noes!
  16. Probably? It's going to be pretty amazing. Can't wait.
  17. Solution: Make it smaller! Maybe make another page/popup for why to register and leave a brief and tidier box, including a link.
  18. No point taking away that "Why to register" box or whatever - for one, you can't even see it when you're logged in. Secondly, I bet there were a load of people have no idea of how to use a forum, probably think there should be a massive box where you type a question without being logged in. Lol.
  19. Yes, but I think they could cut back on the 8 cores, to 4 and just have a faster processor and GPU. Regardless, it's not going to cost near as much as having an Intel processor, so they could easily kick up the speed without costing too much. Guess that would require more power though. That being said, of course they don't need the specs of high-end gaming PC's, but if it's not going to be close, why bother? The PS3 and Xbox 360 are already at that level. The graphics cards are faster than before, but on the other hand, I don't think the Xbox/Nextbox CPU specs are right at all. Anyway, if I don't get a PS4 for free/discount, I doubt I'll bother with either. Currently starting to build a high-end gaming PC, gonna cost me over €1000.
  20. Don't see why the hell we'd need 8 cores for, games on PC that use 4 cores don't even use them suffiently. On top of that, I really thought the specs might be somewhat better, and again let PC take the lead as usual. GPU and CPU are pretty slow, so I'm guessing graphics won't be an awful upgrade, atleast for the "Nextbox" anyway - ridiculous name.
  21. Bet they'll hack your email if you use the same email on their forums, lmao.
  22. Being unable to use the internet for tasks as simple as bloody using a blog, puzzles me. Lol. Seriously though, how can you get to that age and not have a decent understanding of computers/internet. Also, can't ever imagine thinking in another language, even Irish for me. Lol. I would say I'm become fluent with the internet, although that sounds a bit weird, but I don't really use the internet 24/7 anymore like I used to. Now I post on some forums, Facebook and just Google shit I need I guess.
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