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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Yeah, it's looking good, just wonder what Xbox has up their sleeve, particularly for Live, because that was a lot better than PSN. (Although PS3 was miles ahead of Xbox besides that). Nice article!
  2. I think these should really be on weekends. Weekdays don't work with Europeans and Americans alike because of school etc.
  3. Sorry man, I had football training. Usually Tuesdays, but was Wednesday this week, could be like this from now on though, idk.
  4. Okay sure, will be a few minutes late but should easily make it, probably. Will look into Realm of the Mad God, never played it before.
  5. Generally, I go with melee. But I do that in like every game, probably will change it up a bit for ESO, probably archery or a stealthy melee/archery hybrid.
  6. I lol'd. Anyway, can't see it being awful, it just looks too good. Although, that's what I said about BO2 and I got my hopes up for nothing. Anyway, as Blex pointed out, it still is Elder Scrolls, there will be that storyline part to it.
  7. Weekdays - Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Could make Tuesday, but bit of a hassle. Late Friday, late Saturday and a not-so-late Sunday.
  8. Hmm, I'll won't be able to play much during the week at that time. Weekend however, is fine for me at that time.
  9. I can play CS:S, but my computer is so terrible that it barely runs it atm, so if I came on, it would be to talk more than actually play. If this becomes a regular thing, I can play BF, maybe some CoD when I get my new PC, but that won't be for a while. Any specific time? Btw, add Webmonkeyire. Eric, I already have you added.
  10. Oh nevermind then, but yeah - Laptops are a bitch to upgrade. But with regards to actual desktops, I find little reason not to build it yourself, and besides, it's fun if you know what you're at, "lego for adults". My point is people with not an awful lot of PC knowledge think just - "Oh, an i7 processor and lots of ram!", great but that's all a waste if the PSU is shit and will eventually fry your hardware, not to mention, probably prevent any future upgrades without upgrading the PSU too. Also, thoughts on SSD? Was thinking about getting a relatively small one and slapping my OS on it, but they cost so damn much.
  11. If you can find a PC with similar specs as the one I have that costs less than about €1000, be my guest. I bet you it'll appear cheaper because as I said earlier, shit motherboard, power supply and probably a case with terrible airflow. On top of that, stock cooling. If you look around online, you will find things cheap. And upgrading RAM is simple in a laptop.
  12. You could probably just build your PC and save a ton. Although some PCs might look cheap with fancy processors and ram, they always go cheap with the motherboard and most importantly, the power supply. And anything more than 8 gigs is isn't really necessary unless you are doing a lot of video editing/rendering etc. Besides, far too easy to install ram to worry about future proof.
  13. My current computer isn't worth talking about, seriously. But in some time, my parents are buying me a gaming PC for about €1000, building it completely myself. So, what specs do ye guys have? (Start -> Run -> "dxdiag" -> Shows relevant info) CPU: Intel i5 3570k MoBo: Asrock Z77 Extreme4 Memory: 8GB Corsair Vengeance (2x4) PSU: Corsair TX650 GPU: MSI R7870 2GB OS: Win7 Home Premium HDD: 1TB WD CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Case: Cooler Master HAF 912 Monitor: Samsung 21.5" (5ms, 1920x1080/HD) i7 processor is overkill for gaming only, and I'm overclocking the 3570k anyway. Anything more than 8gb ram is overkill for gaming only too. Went with AMD graphics card instead of nVidia because of AMD's lastest drivers, they match nVidia which is overpriced. Might get an SDD too for my OS.
  14. Same, nothing missed. Damn, my hand has been shaking for 3 minutes now, not doing any more shit until tomorrow. Lol. Just after TaeKwonDo and gym though, so could be that. But lol, whole table is vibrating, wtf. xD Edit: Btw, I can't log in using Facebook, my actual account before OR after. Whenever I log in successfully, it takes me to registration page still signed out. (As opposed to prompting incorrect user/pass)
  15. Officially, but I have 98, so third. I was just up, hands were cold enough, so I might be able to beat you if I ultra try-hard. At least your first score anyway.
  16. Fucking retarded thing won't log me in. Tried with Facebook, an actual account I registered ages ago, lol. Almost have you David.
  17. This too. Well, I can talk to my parents, close enough friends etc. But anyone I don't usually talk to, ugh, can't stand it.
  18. Hmm, will there be two RuneScapes, current one and 07 - or starting everything again?
  19. I feel like I have a lot of knowledge about stuff, but when it comes to general knowledge and things EVERYONE knows, I always seem to never have a clue at what's going on. Lol. @Spoogan: I just lol'd, I actually thought it was some TRR vet from before my time that everybody loved, oh lord. Especially since, as he started hanging around here relatively lately, at one point he added me on PSN. (He has a fucking beast KD on CoD)
  20. If money isn't a problem, go for it, your choice. Otherwise, there's no point if you're left with no food for a week.
  21. Perhaps, but I'd like to go back to that stage. And I'd imagine I'd like it though, used to play a lot of private servers when I got bored, they were fun. 09/10 would be nice too - was pretty good then, now it's just really fucked up and armour looks kinda futuristic.
  22. Why does like all of America drive automatic cars? Manual ftw.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. David


      Definitely BS. Probably true in large cities, though I'm sure the it's the same in Europe.

    3. Blake


      Second the BS. I can drive a stick just because my grand pappy taught me how. It get's kind of old after awhile.

    4. David


      My dad taught me. I remember at one point I was at a stop sign on a road with a *slight* incline, and I spent a good 3mins repeatedly trying to go and stalling out. Then I double checked and found out I was in 3rd gear instead of 2nd. The shame on that man's face. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/199/1exploitableiamdisappoi.jpg

  23. Pfft, Khajiits all the way. xD Only other reason I can think of is - can't really play tactically if we are all the same. But who cares about that yet, eh?
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