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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Ridiculous how? 1. Man dawg, that cover is ridiculous. 2. Wow....that is ridiculous.
  2. Bought Gary's Mod on Steam for 10 dollars. It's actually a lot of fun, but I'm not creative enough to maximize the hilariousness.
  3. Tried my hardest to add something to our store. I guess I'm not as powerful as my rank would have me believe. D:

    1. David


      Was it the Mindmyskills song? Lmao. Users are able to add things, but they have to do it via the Downloads app.

    2. Blake


      As good an idea as that is, no. I was just curious to see if I could. Didn't have anything in mind.

  4. Blake


    Hearing this joke for the 5th time almost makes it 5X as funny.
  5. I think I liked the Thieve's Guild quest better, maybe the same as the Dark Brotherhood.Yeah the Dark Brotherhood quest line was a lot darker, mysterious, and sinister in Skyrim than Oblivion. Liked how they gave up on the Tenets and things went to shit until you showed up. Also, Babette kind of freaked me out the first time walking into the Sanctuary. I kind of guessed Nazir, who is my favorite, and her would survive at the end because they are both trainers and Babette is a kid and therefor can't die. Even the opening where you see that kid preform the Dark Sacrament with the knife and the skeleton, cause kids acquire skeletons all the time, is a significantly better opening than the random killing of a npc in Oblivion.Wasn't too fond of assignments given to you by Nazir. Seemed to be just place holders to add to the experience. Also, Shadowmere is a girl in Oblivion, but a guy in Skyrim. Pointless complaints, but worth noting.
  6. Heard you can do something similar with The Champion of Bethasdfsadf (that Daedric prince) and his Ebony Mail.
  7. Just to give you an idea, it doesn't mention chaotic weapons at all. =/
  8. Needs a lot of updating, tweeking, and such, but all the groundwork is still there. Very nice guide and I must of missed it.
  9. I read dead thralling Cicero can lead to some pretty bad problems when it comes to continuing the Dark Brotherhood quest line. This may of been patched though.Usually I just kill him. Kind of a liability. Other times I let him live. Mostly kill him though. His voice annoys me. I also like his armor bonuses better than the Dark Brotherhood armor. That's all I used on my stealth play through. God I loved that Khajiit.
  10. All classes canceled for some awesome pre-Spring Break laziness. PREPARE YOUR ANUS FOR THE NEXT SKYRIM GUIDE.

  11. I renamed Frost "Mr. Buttersworth".I also was gonna see how this would work, but Frost ended up disappearing before I even got Shadowmere. I think it may of died, who really knows.
  12. Every time I check Elder Souls, I just click the Runescape sub forum and get to it from there. It always worked for me, so I can't complain enough to constitute a change.
  13. I think I have one worse. During orientation for college, I was talking to a some chick. During conversation, it came up that I was a huge fan of swimming pools. She asked me what I looked for in woman's swimming pools and I replied "something not too deep". Apparently this is a shallow response. I honestly don't understand people anymore.
  14. And that is why you don't play with the undead, kids.
  15. Yeah that's how Oblivion was. The perk system kind of allows more possibilities with skills, but no chance to have them all. I would like to see a one time reset thing, especially since how I plan my character sometimes changes mid play through.Another interesting idea would be a combination of the two systems, where you get some added bonus upon milestone level up while other perks have to be invested in.
  16. Blake

    Alchemy in Oblivion

    I also took my like back
  17. I actually like it. If anything, all the different perks gives some replayability by choosing different perks and combinations. I just wasn't a huge fan of the leveling system in Oblivion, so maybe I just like the improvement.
  18. I mean I can kind of understand Zelda story line wise, but Mario? That is probably one of the most popular games that lack any kind of story line.
  19. I guess our member count has passed my post count .Sure I was passed a long time ago, but now I'm aware of it.
  20. I wouldn't include Super Smash Bros in the milking of the franchise.The idea of milking a franchise doesn't bother me as long as the finished product provides genuine fun in itself as opposed to fun that is associated with the franchise. For example, I played all the console versions of Mario Kart (besides that one for the SNES) and they have all been genuinely fun to play by myself or with the family. Then I play Mario Tennis, which sucked. Tennis is a boring video game sport on it's own. Adding Mario to it may make you giggle as you kick Peach's ass, but no fun besides that.As far as Mario Party goes, the first three were great. After that, they were milking the hell out of it. Also, why are all the spin off games with the Mario characters? I guess we aren't ready for Link to strike out Ganondorfs black ass.
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