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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I'll make sure to call your therapist.
  2. $20 from my parents. If you knew how broke I was, you'll realize how excited I am atm.

    1. cheekychips


      There goes my penis.

    2. Blake


      That sounded dirty.

  3. Blake


    In a word, no.In two words, you're fucked.In six words, only if you play on pc.
  4. Well according to the code and random forum dude, it'll probably only be new feeding animations. Why? Who really knows/cares. But yeah, vampires are over played but I wouldn't say 40%. Crossbow is a bit of a surprise. I know fans kept begging for one, but never got one. The real question is: Will it blend? Can you use a shield with it?
  5. Blake

    Game of Thrones

    As far as Netflix goes, I've been watching Futurama, Weeds, Sparticus: Blood and Sand, and occasionally I pick up on some shows like The Office and The Walking Dead.
  6. The sad thing this will be really cool, yet I won't buy it or play it.*sniffle*
  7. The coding was the most interesting. I wish to one day be that awesome.This is even more reason for me to buy a harddrive for my xbox. Or upgrade. D:
  8. Bottom. Once the viewers become familiar with our logo, they will buy my line of Elder Souls mugs, blankets, and air fresheners.
  9. Blake

    Game of Thrones

    +24234234Most of the TV I watch is on Netflix. So until then D: Heard it was really good though.
  10. Looks really nice. I glanced over it a couple of times and I don't see anything really really wrong. I'll take a look at it several more times just to make sure.I guess the only thing I could suggest is to not have "by Unknown Problem" on their twice. That is a suggestion though.
  11. I've never done the Stormcloak side of the Civil War quests, but as far as I remember, only the holds that were held by the other side is occupied by the soldiers. The guards that were in the Stormcloak cities were loyal to Ulfric, so there isn't a reason for them to be replaced.You can check this by going to cities like Windhelm or Winterhold and see if they have Stormcloak soldiers or their original guards.
  12. But seriously, you haven't written a question. You can either edit your topic by clicking on the edit button or you can simply reply to this topic with your question.
  13. Just to tell you now, Ulfric won't become High King in the game. Maybe there might be a DLC for this, but as of now, he won't officially become king in the game.That being said, the Stormcloak guards should remain the guards of all former Imperial holds for the rest of the game.
  14. Once you write one, he'll bug you for more.
  15. They don't call you Dragonborn for nothing.
  16. It's kind of obvious now that you say it. I feel like I did when my cousin told me Harry Potter was a Horcrux 6 months before the final book came out. If that were to happen though, I don't see our character defeating the Thalmor, maybe weakening them and driving them out of the area a bit. I don't believe that Bethesda can introduce an enemy that big and complex to just do away with them inbetween games.
  17. Although the Civil War is a huge part of the story, the actual quests felt like a last second addition. Like you said, it was all fort to fort with the occasional "intercept the messenger" or "black mail the Jarl's assistant" throw in. Actually attacking the cities is pretty fun though.Also, I thought the axe thing meant you "are serious", in this case, would attack if the moment presented itself. Still doesn't explain the axe message's different role in both play throughs.And finally, Ulfric makes a Nord character kill an Ice Wraith too. Which I'd take that over clear a fort anyday.
  18. Weird. Well only thing I can suggest is try to pick up the things off the ground and see if she will talk to you like you started the quest.Also, you can try talking to Ysolda in Whiterun or Ennis in Rorikstead to try continuing the quest.I'm not at my apartment, so I can't try this out for myself. If these don't work, I'm sure somebody else will have a suggestion. I'll be back at my Xbox tonight so I can always try it out then.
  19. Best: Whiterun. Small enough to be easy to navigate, but still has all the major attractions that are easy to navigate too. Also, 3 smithers. Solitude is pretty nice as well, mostly because of it's arrow store.Worse: Markarth. While it probably has the coolest layout, it is harder to navigate than Windhelm. Also, there is a lot of bribery and blood shed there. And not even the organized, respected corruption like in Riften.On a side note, I recently discovered a section of Windhelm I've never knew existed. The Grey Quarter with all the elves.
  20. Blake


    Well I know of two ways to stop the guards from messing with you when you are wanted. Depending on how high your bounty is, if you leave the Markarth province for a while, something like an in-game week, you can come back and the guards won't attack you on site. You'll still be wanted, but you can talk to them and pay off bounty then.On the flip side, if you joined the Thieve's Guild you can pay off your bounty for half the price. This requires talking to a guard of that hold so leaving the area for awhile is still necessary.
  21. Facebook has a way longer shelf life than what I think you give it credit for. But yeah, I really agree with the Facebook friends I neither know nor like. I only really use Facebook to talk to the people I still want to keep in contact with, but can't. That being said, I try not to read the News Feed unless I really have nothing else to do. That and I'm eagerly awaiting a couple of "friends-of-the-female-persuasion's" "OMG SUMMER OF 2012 YOLO!" Facebook albums. And finally, two blogs? You fucking like-whore monster. Here is my favorite Facebook moment. And one kind of funny one that happened to me. http://i.imgur.com/NXPtd.jpg?1 And here is the link I posted in the link above (If you are confused by that statement, click the above link first) http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/4353/raptorbasketball.png
  22. I have a set of king robes. A firemaking update. New quest. And my birthday is this month. This is definitely a sign that I should start playing again.
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