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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Blake

    Green Day

    I do have to respect Green Day for being around a couple decades and still maintaining an audience, but a public meltdown is usually never the appropriate response. Although I do always enjoy a smashed guitar.What a nice guitar though.
  2. How can you ride 10 miles in 2 minutes?I would say horse riding is a sport, just because it has a set of rules, a way to judge a winner, events, etc. Of course that opens the door for stupid activities to be declared as sports, but I think most people can work out the difference in those cases.As far as them being athletes though, I would have to say no. Even though the conventional definition of an athlete is somebody who plays a sport, I try to narrow that down a bit to sports that are actually physically demanding; again a definition open for interpretation but I think the average person can work it out. That being said, I don't see how drivers, riders, and similar players can be called athletes.As far as the picture goes, just lol. If Facebook is good for anything, it's the type of pictures that are poorly thrown together, yet somehow carry a mass of fans.
  3. I don't even think this topic was meant to be taken seriously.
  4. I hear conflicting reports on that, just like whether or not you keep getting perks after level 50. From what I know though, 50 is the soft cap while 81 (or rather 81.5) is the hard cap.
  5. Dont own it yet, but I from what I've seen, it is a lot hilarious.
  6. The level cap is something like 81 or 82, so you can definitely level up more. But at level 50, the amount of skills needed to be raised to raise a level is dramatically risen. So like Snuggle said, work on other skills. Of course there is the alternative where you have a rare bug that completely freezes your leveling, no matter how many skills your raise. In that case, the only fix that I know of is reverting to a save before you got the level that should of rose your character's level. But, according to your pose, this may be too far back. =/
  7. Let's just hope naval battles aren't another rooftop defense game like in Revelations.*shudders*
  8. Well thanks a lot Brad. Now I need a desktop mascot.The Dovahkiin will.....suffice.
  9. Already read this before hand, but the pictures compliment the story nicely.As far as emulating it on a pc, when I tried to do it, it said I needed something. (Great explanation, I know). Forgot what it called for cause this was like a few months ago.
  10. Yeah that's exactly what I meant, lol. And Cheaters. It's been way too long since I've had satellite, so I forgot the crap they showed.
  11. I'm a giver. Let's not try to argue that point. I give my soul, blood, tears, and sometimes money to you guys. All for what? Lulz? A good time? Who really knows. All I know is, I rarely complain.However, if the countless members who went off their shit end have told us anything, it is that the appreciated, acknowledged, avuncular, adamant, awesome, alluvial, avaricious, agoraphobic, and amoral members, such as myself, have ambitions. We have goals, hopes, dreams, objectives, and missions we seek to accomplish. And if our work is unfulfilled, we grow dormant, abeyant, comatose, inert, prepatent, and lethargic,I really hope you didn't try to understand that. I mean, a lot of it didn't even make sense. And the parts that could of made sense, I just typed up. See? That is the kind of humor I supply to you guys.So what can you do for me in return? Visit this video. I can't embed it or the views won't count. Watch it, don't watch it, comment, don't comment on it, rate it, I don't care. Just visit it. Feel free to do it multiple times. This is all I ask. To David: You make it really hard to share links to videos.
  12. Blake

    Clan Citadel

    Oh. Who do we give the ort to?
  13. However, Iphone 4s for only 99 dollars. :oOne of the reasons I stopped watching G4 was because it became less gamer, where they combined X-Play and Cheat, ditched some of its other gamer shows, and filled their air time with stuff like Ninja Warrior and other shows. Nowadays I only have basic cable and less time for that as it is, but I don't see this being a good move for them.
  14. I'm concerned now.I can't help but think this isn't what the topic was meant for.
  15. Yeah I noticed that after I posted the topic. I didn't change it because...well...Kronk, why didn't I change the post? He has never-ending pizza. That is the game changer.
  16. The member Eldersouls deserves....In our defense though, I and a bunch of other people have told her to reinstall Java.
  17. How about no.Well there is a simple way to pick a clan name. 1. Start with the word "The" 2. Randomly pick an adjective out of the adjective scrambler website 3. Randomly pick a noun out of the noun scrambler website. That being said, our clan name is The Obese Sardines.
  18. In our defense though, we did ask for a screenshot.
  19. I once made a pretty good paper airplane.But seriously, this looks nice. Your tail-making needs more work.
  20. I guess sometime in the distant future, this will be a thing, once it is made natural feeling and it stops feeling like a gimmick.But this raises an astounding question. Can I wear it on my penis?
  21. When I linked the image, it was really huge and I didn't wanna stretch the topic. That's actually what I do now, since my bed and drawer block my other outlets. Again though, you are in there for 10 years, so what else are you gonna do? They are all interesting people, so I guess it is to have some sort of human contact. Or maybe a girl is playing this game and they really wanna get with Mark Twain. Either way, I'd have to share food, so I'd rather go it alone. Unless I get the Japanese chick, in which case she'll do alright with the gruel.
  22. I just wouldn't include them because I feel like 10 years with any woman in a small room will be regretted sooner or later.And here's mine.1. Computer2. Internet3. Water heater4. Consoles5. Video Games6. Fridge and Oven7. TV8. Weight bench9. Boxing Set10. MoviesI find it surprising nobody questioned Putin's place on the list.
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