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8 Sites That Probably Aren't Worth Your Time

  • A masterful list of vague, underrated, and obscure websites that are sure to make you giggle like the stereotypical 17/f/ca you pretend to be on the internet.

I'm not a fan of bookmarks, especially the internet bookmark tab. Sure, it helps keep track of some important links, but for the most part, Firefox points me in the right direction automatically. So what do I use my bookmark list for? Lulz sites. Sites I don't normally go to unless I need a giggle. So I thought I'd share a few, and by few I mean all of them.


Have you ever told the best joke ever, but nobody laughed at it? Well, maybe it wasn't the best joke ever. Maybe it wasn't even that funny. Maybe you didn't really say it out loud. But they would have laughed had they heard it! Well... Maybe there is no "they" because you are home alone right now when you thought of a joke, but you didn't say anything cause you have no friends. Oops. I made myself sad.

Pretend You're Xyzzzy

In case you haven't heard, Cards Against Humanity is a hell of a game. Have you ever played Apples to Apples? Well, imagine Apples to Apples had a dark, sick, and twisted cousin, and that is what Cards Against Humanity is. Well, there happens to be a website for that game. While the site is still under development, and for some reason is called Pretend You're Xyzzzy, this game is worth the lulz if you play it with friends. Still, the actual card game is worth getting if you have horrible and hilarious friends.

Hey, what's gooooin' on?


Click that link right now and let it be background music for this topic. Fits the mood perfectly, am I right? Saw this posted in Imgur and knew it was a keeper. I could type pages on this video/song, but I'll let He Man speak for himself.


Facebook can get bland and downright depressing. If you ever want to post in style, give this little website a shot. Simply log into Facebook, post a status, and choose what "method" you want to post it by. Personally, I'm a fan of "The Afterlife."

The Fucking Weather

It is nice to know the weather ahead of time when you live in an apartment far away from your school. But all of the other weather websites are too... vanilla... for my taste. Which is why I love The Fucking Weather. It starts off my day by kicking my ass and telling me exactly what I'm thinking about.


If you are like me, then the internet supplies you with 3 things your life desperately needs: boobs, cats, and music. Here is a website that combines all... Well, the last two. There is a website called kitties and titties, but I decided not to share it (officially).

Kick Ass

Have you ever been browsing a forum and you really hate this one poster? I mean, RREEEAAAALLLY hate the poster. Maybe you despise a whole website. Either way, this app is for you. Visit the link, drag and drop the button into your bookmark tab, and with just a click, you can take control of an Asteroid-esque ship and blow a whole website page to hell. Please finish this list before blowing it up. Please.

Japanese Bug Fights

Honestly, I threw this last one in here because having 7 items on a list is kind of cheesy. My Entomology (study of insects) professor shared this with us and I liked it well enough. I also hate bugs of all kind, so I feel alpha as fuck having them fight for me.

And there you have it. 8 websites to make your day a little less bleak and depressing.

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I already had the heya page bookmarked. This are all good sites though. Had some fun with the kick-ass app. It was really fun for like a minute, then it became incredibly boring... Still, good fun.Edit: I watched the first bug fight. I thought it was going to be epic, but right after it started one of the bugs hit the other one in the face and it was over...

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Heyeyeyeayha is the only one I knew.Is this an article?

I was considering it, but I decided not to. I can have more fun with things when I'm just making random post. Unless you think it's fine the way it is. I could add two more links and scrap the intro.
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I was considering it, but I decided not to. I can have more fun with things when I'm just making random post. Unless you think it's fine the way it is. I could add two more links and scrap the intro.

Go for it, it's the most interesting thing that's been posted recently so we may as well promote it.
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Well the PostedVia website has officially died.


Edit: I also tried to fix the Japanese Bug Fight link, but it said I didn't have permission to edit the article.


mfw when I can't edit my own article.

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Well the PostedVia website has officially died.


Edit: I also tried to fix the Japanese Bug Fight link, but it said I didn't have permission to edit the article.


mfw when I can't edit my own article.


That's so a rogue Editor can't decimate thousands of hypothetically existing pages at once, since editing should be done before it's approved (when you should be able to edit) anyway.


Fixed the link.

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