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Status Updates posted by David

  1. Is the menu that scrolls with you on the main page useful or annoying?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fergal


      ^. Would also be nice to have a new content button. :P

    3. David


      There's one right under it at the top? Or do you mean one that scrolls with it?

    4. Fergal


      For the scrolling bar of course. Just a thought.

  2. Two days. Two applications. Cons missing for 8 days. What to do...

  3. Someone tried to "recover their forgotten password" on my account. Seems legit.

    1. Blake


      Blaggh! This will definitely put a damper on my attempts to take over Elder Souls.



      That was me, what is you account name again?

  4. Just saw Red Dawn. One of the worst movies ever.

    1. Blue speed
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I just watched the trailer. It looked pretty terrible. Don't understand why anyone would watch it, if not to laugh of how bad it is. One family fights of an entire army, that already defeated the US army. And from the trailer it looks like the attacking army is one asian guy with a handgun.

  5. Just bought another $300 forum license. Why? Because fuck me, that's why. I'm a sucker for $10 Black Friday deals.

    1. Jake


      Time to start a porn site?

  6. Where are the blogs??!

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      LOL they still there bro.

      Nah, kidding, I understand what you mean. I planned like two different entries a while back. However it's too much hassel for me to plug my iPhone into the computer to transfer the pic's...

  7. Thinking of doing a game give-away for the facebook group. Suggestions for good games that are $20 or less? That covers all of the PS3 Greatest Hits before you give me crap.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Shadow of the Colossus is out for PS3 now, nub.

    3. Jake


      I know, but you said you wanted the Ps2 version. I have the Ps3 version already. I wonder if Traag has decided yet?

    4. David


      I kind of liked the Dark Souls idea. But I'm not really sure on a good way to go about the facebook thing since the whole idea is to get more likes/exposure. I also just spent $105 to renew the software here so it might be awhile before it happens.

  8. Teh likes. Teh arh back!

    1. Blake


      Any idea what was the original problem?

    2. David


      Nope, they just reappeared as randomly as they drifted away.

    3. Blake


      Zuckerberg works in mysterious ways.

  9. New "Error 404" page - http://eldersouls.com/404.html

    1. Jake


      That's pretty cool, I must admit. It gives our site a bit more style.

    2. Blake
  10. Yeah, I know. Shit's broken. Come at me bros.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fergal


      Maybe if you didn't install the Beta version your buttons wouldn't be broken.

    3. David


      What can I say, Fergal? http://ct.fra.bz/ol/fz/sw/i60/5/6/17/frabz-I-like-to-live-dangerously-57ba8d.jpg

      I had no idea about my signature, actually.

    4. Fergal
  11. That orgo 2 exam I bombed? 89%. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jake


      That's an Asian F-. You should be ashamed.

    3. Tynisa


      I dont know what an orgo is.

    4. Blake


      It's like an orgy, but with an octopus.

  12. Re-categorizing all of the forums.

  13. Just bombed the hell out of an Orgo 2 exam.

    1. Blake


      Made a 48 on my English Lit test. But I missed the review section cause I was sick. And I talked to my professor with it and we worked it out so it won't count. And I talked about his kids, his wife, and his cycling days. And we watched The Last Waltz for a bit.

      So I don't know that feel, bro.

    2. David


      I'm in a serious slump. My best class right now is a B and I thought I was going to 4-point this semester with easy classes. GF.

      Also, no idea how you can have your prof let you out of that. All review sessions are optional? If you fail here you're just fucked, GL on retaking the course.

    3. Jake


      I know that feel. It's gotten so bad for me that I know I'm going to fail a quiz as soon as it's handed out in Chemistry. I hate Chemistry. It makes me hate the world around me.

  14. Elder Souls Episode VII: Return of the Chat

    1. Jake


      Where's the chat?

    2. Blake


      Elder Souls Episode IV: A New Chat

  15. The Electoral college sucks. They don't even have a good football team.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      I just replied to say how much I like your avatar.

    3. Jake


      I was going to agree with you, that it should be popular vote, but then I saw it was a joke.

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      lol good one. and nice avatar lol.... like it better than the alpaca already lmao

  16. Hello, welcome to the site! Feel free to let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions. :)

  17. Apparently it's actually impossible to say "What's on your mind?" here. Tried for a good 5 minutes.

  18. After an extensive and lengthy appeals process Captain Falcon has ruled in favor of the defendent in Blake v. David. He has been unbanned and has returned to his family.

    1. Blake


      I can only pray they don't get me in civil court.

  19. The new drop-down for the Skyrim category is kind of a big deal. Not going to lie.

    1. Blake


      Don't know about the rest of you, but bricks were shat.

    2. Jake


      What is the dropdown? How do I see it?

  20. An absence on the forums. A refusal to respond to my inane and rambling PMs and profile comments. A cryptic emo message left in place of a previously illustrious About Me. u mad bro?

  21. Thoughts on new home page layout? Long side bar good/bad idea?

    1. Jake


      I don't know why, but I like it. It makes everything fit much more snugly.

  22. Staff positions are available! See the announcement in Community Discussion.

    1. Jake


      Any jobs other than the usual Content Team?

  23. y u all no post?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tynisa


      Nothing to post about, unless i want a reply from the same 7-9 people.


    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      wasn't on.. sorry :( sad face...

    4. cheekychips


      College has consumed my life. #EngineerProblems

  24. So did you ever actually see The Dark Knight Rises?

  25. 900 members!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. David


      Depends what you consider active. Is logging in at least weekly active? Posting? Visiting the site regularly but not logging in? It's really impossible to say.

    3. Jake


      I was thinking that there would be quite a few people who stumble upon here, create an account, post a few things, and never visit again. Is there any way to know which accounts are like that, and if so, how many are not?

    4. Labush


      I think 20 max are active atm. And 20 is a big number..

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