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Status Updates posted by David

  1. Welcome! Let me know if you ever have any questions or suggestions. :)

  2. Welcome to ES! Let me know if you ever have any questions or suggestions.

  3. Welcome to ES! Let me know if you ever have any questions or suggestions.

  4. Puns sighting.

    1. David


      + King Aram sighting.

      Something is happening.

  5. Is it me or has Google stopped bolding keywords from searches in the link description/excerpt?

  6. David

    What happened to the Wednesday stuff?

    1. Jake


      The main problem is that there just isn't much news I can find. I've searched Gameinformer, and nothing of note has been going on. If you insist, I'll try to throw something together for this weekend.

    2. David


      Nah, it's fine if there's nothing big. I was just wondering because the last Wednesday one was the 20th of Feb.

    3. David


      There's also no reason to limit yourself to Wednesday if you just want to do bigger news. It would probably be easier doing one once a week on random days depending on when cool things are announced.

  7. So I just realized with TRR closed you have nothing to moderate anymore. Do you want your old Content Team job back?

    1. Nathan


      So TRR is actually closed now...I knew it had gotten to the point where closing was inevitable. I would like to get my Content Team job back at some stage but not right now. I'll get settled back on the site and get my stuff sorted out (I've been really busy with irl stuff lately which has me kind of distracted) and then I'll reapply when I feel I can do the job right.

      Also just wanted to say it looks like you've done a great job adapting the site to take advantage...

    2. David


      Yeah, there's no rush. It's just good to see you're back.

      Also, was the last bit of your message cut off?

    3. Nathan


      Oh yeah, I didn't notice that. The rest said something along the lines of "great job adapting the site to take advantage...of TESO, like introducing the guilds thing to the site and all the other changes you've made. :)

  8. Deals database revenue since December 15th launch: $198.80

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      Oh, wrong decimal place. I meant $19.88.


    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Welp, still better than nothing...

    4. Blake


      You had me excited. Even though I really don't know what that means.

  9. First cavity today. My dental career is already over.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Jake, it's something about bacteria that grows or something in the night while you sleep. That's why people have bad breath in the morning and should brush their teeth.

    3. Blake


      I can understand not brushing at night, but not brushing in the morning? That's just nasty.

    4. Jake


      Yeah, I realize all of that Eric, but I just forget most of the time. Apparantly, I still do a better job than my 2 brothers who brush twice a day, so I've got to be doing SOMETHING right.

  10. It amazes me how many people find this site by typing the entire URL into google.

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      with http:// aswell? I hate people that type http:// www. is bad enough

    2. David


      Yes, the whole thing.

    3. Fergal
  11. So pretty much every topic in the Consoles & System forum shouldn't be there. Modddddssss.

  12. Welcome to the site! :)

  13. Annnd Asia is gone again. Threw in Russia for good measure.

  14. Asia... stahp. STAHP

    1. Blake


      Keeps me on my toes. I've never been this busy ever, and I have two test tomorrow.

    2. David


      I've deleted 4 spam posts on existing threads and 4 individual topics just since yesterday. I was so incensed about it I clicked one of the links and spammed the site's "Contact Us" with my american imperialist rantings.

  15. Am I the only one who can't view articles?

    1. David


      I've made a temp fix, so disregard.

    2. Jake


      No, I refuse to disregard.

  16. Did my usual Facebook like check today and saw 36. mfw.

    1. Fergal


      LOL. Advertise somewhere bro.

    2. Synfidie
    3. Synfidie


      Maybe go spam your site on the main elder srolls fb page...all the cool kids are doing it. lol

  17. Did my usual Facebook like check today and saw 36. mfw.

  18. Did my usual Facebook like check today and saw 36.

  19. Did my usual Facebook like check today and saw 36.

  20. Just unbanned the continent of Asia. Brace yourselves, mods!

    1. Blake


      I've been preparing for this for all my life.

  21. Ah, the panicked "HEARTHFIRE IS NOT ON PSN WUT DO" search queries have really been rolling in lately. It's not like you haven't already waited 8 months, guys.

  22. If I make a link that says "Guilds" under ESO, maybe they will appear. That's how these things work, right?

    1. Blake


      I find no fault with your logic.

  23. Think I'm going to end MotM, it had a good run but wasn't getting any votes near the end.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Labush
    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      You would have won if you were active before the vote... You usually disappeared like one week before every vote, and then came back when voting started or ended.

    4. Tynisa


      I just appear when i appear. Apparently i appear at the wrong times. This blows.

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