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Status Updates posted by David

  1. Annnd the Google phrase of the day goes to: "mother fucking truth siren"!

    1. Blake


      You're Welcome

  2. It was RuneScape News Bot.

    1. Blake


      I was just quoting Snakes on a Plane. I wasn't r3ally mad br0.

  3. Hello, welcome to the site! Feel free to dive right into discussion. Oh, and feel free to message me if you ever have any questions or suggestions. :)

  4. Hello, don't think I've welcomed to the community yet! Feel free to dive right into discussion, we're a pretty open bunch. Don't hesitate to PM me if you ever have any suggestions, either. :)

  5. My room mate bought and finished Mass Effect 3 in 16 hours of playtime - all in a 22 hour period.

  6. Remember that you all have the ability to add your own images to the gallery. Annnnd you can create blogs. I need more to read. :(

  7. David

    Hey, welcome to the site! Feel free to get right into the discussion, we're a pretty open place. Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

  8. Hello, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions. :)

  9. Hey, welcome to the site! I saw some of your posts and just thought I'd officially welcome you. Feel free to contact me if you ever have any suggestions! :)

  10. Hey, welcome to the community! Feel free to dive right into whatever discussion you want, we're a pretty easy-going bunch of people. Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions! ;)

  11. If you don't have an avatar (coughFergal), you should get one.

    1. Fergal


      Wut. Why doesn't the animation work when viewing topics? But it does work in my profile. Damn fail .gif

    2. Anarchy


      LMFAO! @David

  12. Randomly heard the "... Until I took a sword to the chest." guy in Skyrim today. Thought it was just a joke; but nope, it's really in the game.

  13. Hello, welcome to the community! Let me know if you ever need anything for have suggestions for the site. :)

  14. Hello, welcome to ES! Just thought I'd leave you a quick welcome on your profile. Feel free to message me if you ever need anything or have suggestions for us! :)

    1. Death Knight

      Death Knight

      Hey, thanks for welcome, I'll be on relatively often, if i'm not posting, i'll still be hovering around so to speak. You've got a good site here, keep up the good work

  15. Hey man, welcome to the site! Feel free to dive straight into discussion; we're a pretty welcoming community. Let me know if you ever have any suggestions! :)

  16. So our new best keyword (by far) is Skyrim Comics. So... Let's make some? :D

    1. Blake


      This brings us back to the meme comics.

    2. David


      Nah. I was counting on you being a talented Art major with nothing better to do than make us some intricately-drawn comics.

  17. Hello, welcome to ES! Feel free to dive right into the discussions, our community is quite friendly. :) Let me know if you ever have any suggestions or need anything.

  18. If you're panicking because you can't find the active topics buttons they were moved to the side bar.

    1. Blake
    2. Blake


      sa;ldjflk;sd stupid "no hyperlink" whatever crap aklsdf

  19. Hello, welcome to ES! Let me know if you ever have suggestions or need anything. :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tristan


      Some common dragon words are;







      Vo-opposite of

      Those are some easy starters

    3. Tristan


      How do you edit your profile settings

    4. David


      Just click your name; after you're on your profile page, there's a button in the top right section of your profile that says "Edit my Profile"

  20. Long time no see man! Good to see you around again.

    1. Anarchy


      Yeah, it's good to be back in the clan (: What happened....to everyone like I barely see MODs on or members on IRC

  21. The conversion/integration with TRR is done. Let me know your thoughts on the layout! :)

    1. Blake


      y u no can haz comics on main page?

    2. David


      Sorry, I just removed them for a minute to test something and appear to have forgotten to change it back. :[

  22. Hey, welcome to ES! :) Feel free to dive right into discussion; we have a pretty knowledgeable community here. Let me know if you ever need anything.

  23. Welcome to the site. Don't be afraid to jump right into discussion. Feel free to contact me if you ever need anything. :)

  24. Hello, welcome to the site! Feel free to let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions. :)

  25. I take back what I said. New keyword someone used to get here "bang a whore skyrim"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake
    3. Blake


      Well consider this. Since you said that in quotations, we are the top result for that phrase. Maybe we can abuse that for some other easy views.

    4. Fergal


      I noticed that too, lmao.

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