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Status Updates posted by David

  1. u buy skyrimz?

    1. Crazycow73
    2. Blake


      Our clan can't withstand the force that is Skyrim. I vote we become a Skyrim clan

    3. Blake


      Yes. It's our clan.

  2. ¡TRR über alles!

  3. Hmm. Blinking shit. Yes.

  4. About to hit $40,000 forum dollars. Y u all so poor?

  5. All arcade games should work now; no more issues submitting scores! Oh, and a few new ones have been installed. :]

    1. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      Thank you David :) Btw, nice scores :D

  6. TRAAG Corporation has grown by 260% since it was established. Hope you bought early!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. David


      That's a glitch, I assure you it will be below it again the next update. :)

    3. Blakelington


      how do i see that as an investor?

    4. T ranger101
  7. All. I. Want. Is. Count. Chocula. y u no in my belly?

  8. Is now a 71% shareholder in the COMM stocks. Oh, and did I mention TRAAG stocks have given investors a +6% return in the last week? MSTR stocks, meanwhile, have plummeted -2%.

    1. Kaiden


      I was going to invest in TRAAG, but the stocks were too expensive. I NEED MOAR MONIES.

    2. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      Keep posting, or ill kill you :3

  9. People keep beating my high scores. :C

  10. Oh hai.

    You should know that I invested 100% of my forum money into the "Community Member" group.

    Right now you're the only one. D:

    So get posting unless you want me to be homeless. :D

  11. It's now possible to "Like" TRR status updates. And so the Rebelz war machine rumbles closer to Facebook and world domination.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aliath


      I hope I don't accidentally click like and destroy my social life.

    3. David


      Don't worry, it's not actually linked to Facebook. Haha

    4. Aliath
  12. New shoutbox and status update tabs. :) Note that they ARE for different things.

  13. Your profile picture is the best thing ever.

  14. Forums are finally fixed, after hours upon hours of screwing with them.

    1. Aliath


      "[...] after hours upon hours of screwing with them."

      That's what she said.

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