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Status Updates posted by David

  1. Way to run away with that ESO forum guys.

    1. Fergal


      Isn't much to talk about until we can actually play it.

  2. New logo + smaller static bar = more screen real estate. Haters gonna hate.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. David


      What do you dislike specifically?

    3. Fergal


      Logo looks better.

    4. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      The cool image is gone.

  3. I know you're all jelly of my profile background.

    1. Jake


      After 30 minutes of searching, mine is now superior to yours.

  4. Created a new ESO forum - now populate it!

    1. Blake
    2. David


      I can imagine your joyful expression from here.

  5. Heyeyeahyeayaeah, it's been too long.

  6. Just found the "Ignore All Signatures" option. My god, what I've been missing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      I made it so that I now can't see signatures. Everything is way cleaner and less spammy looking; navigating threads is way better. Also enabled it for guests.

    3. Jake


      Y u no lik mi sig?!!

    4. Blake
  7. Will the glory of the Water Freezing thread ever cease?

  8. -10 degree wind-chills all week...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. David


      It's hot as fuck there.

    3. Blake


      I wouldn't call 20 degrees hot as fuck.

      Granted it is like 30 something at the moment.

    4. Nathan


      I'm jealous. I prefer the cold to the heat. Its easier to get warm than it is to cool down. Then again it never gets THAT cold here.

  9. Fuck I wish I was a talentless multi-millionaire like Ke$ha or TSwift.

    1. Jake


      Or, you could be like Dave Grohl. Despite his hardcore rock appearance, he has excellent financial skills, and is worth a respectable $250 million.

  10. Is it me or are the weekends/days-off always the slowest around here?

    1. Fergal


      Lol, never seen you as David on forums. xD

    2. David


      Really? I've even been "Wilson"!

    3. Fergal


      Think I've seen Traaginen, Tragic_Shadows, Wilson and possible more, but not David. Only even on IRC as [`David] :P

  11. Open the Skyrim Questions forum to guest posting for the first time in months and get hit with two threads in like 3 hours. I can just imagine helpless Skyrimer's f5'ing the page for months at a time in tears as the "Start New Topic" button doesn't appear.

  12. People always ask me why I hate Desmond. Have you ever tried to board an airplane with that asshole? Hot damn.

    1. Jake


      Wait, you mean there's people who DON'T hate Desmond? I thought such people were a myth.

    2. Blake
  13. Vote for the ES 2012 Member of the Year!1!one

  14. Someone call the Lehman Brothers and tell them they're no longer part of the most lopsided SEC victory.

  15. I'm so ready for break! Annnnd it's gone.

  16. Stupid hobbitses!

  17. The nerve of idiots on Facebook who think I'm going to adjust MY settings so people can't see THEIR "private" comments through MY profile. YOU'RE. ON. FACEBOOK.

  18. Steam. Just lol. It alone brings down PC gaming to the console level. Maybe lower.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      It's hilarious how it's required to play games. It wouldn't work for me for a day so I couldn't use any of the games I owned. Why? Because their servers were down or taking a dump or sometihng. Of course, then there's the whole requiring an internet connection even if you're playing an offline game... Not a huge fan of theirs.

    3. Jake


      I thought the developer chose whether to have an always online requirement, not Steam.

    4. David


      Yes, but Steam is the vehicle used to enforce that and most other anti-piracy requirements, and it does a damn poor job of it.

  19. If I were a rich man, all day long I'd biddy biddy bum.

  20. Squishy forgot to write his Wednesday article. Maybe the world really is coming to an end.

    1. Jake


      I had some business with my family. I'm actually writing it now.

  21. Have you noticed that your "Useless websites" article has over 5k views in less than a month? Wtf? No noticeable spike in google traffic to it so I don't know what that's about.

    1. David


      It's getting 300-400+ hits a day and no one is ever viewing it and Analytics insists it gets like 10. Are you botting? Reported.

  22. Got annoyed with Firefox the other day. To Chrome I go?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tynisa
    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Opera is Norwegian. I still don't think it's the best though.

    4. Tynisa


      Dunno, i just use it because i do. I see no difference between any browsers.

  23. Think I answered Fergal's request for a hovering "New Content" button. Go to the home page, scroll down a bit, then mouse over the fixed bar at the top. Is that what people wanted?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. David


      Yeah, you need to hover over it to stop it from disappearing, but that's the idea. Having it there all the time takes too much screen space, so it will reappear when you mouse over the main navigation at any place on the page. The sticky menu design is based of IGN with my own modifications. The idea of the disappearing sub-menu was from them too, but I coded it using CSS instead of some script they have.

    3. Fergal


      Well, why not put the New Content button beside Store and remove it from the bottom. Then you could remove the scrolling bottom part. Again, just an idea.

    4. David


      The top wouldn't be even. Also view new content isn't consistent with the rest of the menu since they're apps/sections of the site.

  24. I LOVE FAILING ORGO 2 EXAMS. Christmas break started two weeks ago.

    1. Jake


      Absolutely. At this point, I'm just trudging by. That's why my Chemistry grade is a D, I suppose. Oh my gosh, that class SUCKS.

    2. Blake


      Don't have exams till this Friday. Then three the next week. Then I go to Florida for Christmas. What exactly is Orgo? I could google it, but I like having you tell me things.

    3. David


      Organic chemistry.

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