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Status Updates posted by David

  1. Here's the story...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jake


      About a little guy that lives in a blue world...

    3. David


      Not sure if horrible failure or massive success.

    4. Blake


      Of about how

  2. I'll admit I chuckled at your username.

  3. Legitimately concerned the ES video is going to crash the server.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      Yeah... I thought making it member-only would dissuade most. Nope.

      It has reduced the bandwidth... Slightly. Before we were doubling our usual monthly allotment every 2 hours. There's still probably a decent chance we get shut-down until I pay for extra.

    3. Fergal


      Either way, at least you are getting some site activity. ;) Although it seems most are just here to watch the video, doubt much will actually stay, but you never know.

    4. David


      Yeah. It's sort of misleading though since there's really not that much more traffic than usual, it's just that almost everyone that goes to the video ends up registering.

  4. New database for video sharing - http://eldersouls.com/media . Share, comment, and rate any YouTube vid just by copying the ID.

  5. Was sitting in a computer lab with hundreds of people when I clicked into the moderator control panel. Needless to say the girls who witnessed all of the hardcore porn pop-up weren't impressed with my "I'm a forum moderator" excuse.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      I've actually used that once and it went over surprisingly well. He-man knows no limits.

    3. Blake


      Also, was this status your subtle way of telling me I don't have access to the Mod CP anymore?

    4. David


      No, you should still have access to it. I actually just added the link to it on this skin last week; it's under the "Tools" drop-down.

  6. Realized all of the subscription expiration dates were wrong, so I manually recalculated them and discovered that I owe Blue Speed almost 10 years of Premium at the new price.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nathan


      lol. That reminds me why am I still a Moderator and do I have any time left as a premium member? I tried to find out myself somehow but couldnt.

    3. David


      Oh, yeah. I edited your account back. Yours ends on 1/1/14; I think you can check by going to Client Area -> Purchases under profile.

    4. Nathan


      Cool, I knew it was around somewhere. Thanks for that.

  7. Gallery suddenly returns with authority; over 8GBs of bandwidth last week with 3.36 on Saturday. Comics über alles.

  8. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  9. I would watch the paint dry if there was any around here.

  10. 18 Likes and it's not even in Google yet. Have you joined the sensation? http://hemansings.com/

  11. y u no post?!1one

  12. Apparently that super vague link to the HEYYEAHYEAH video got leaked and became a facebook sensation.

    1. Blake


      And thus a legend dies.

    2. David


      I was talking about this, haha. http://eldersouls.com/trolls/HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA/

      Wasn't linked anywhere yet has likes.

  13. 0 new FB likes for 2+ months, then 3 in four hours. mfw.

  14. Hello, welcome to ES! Feel free to PM me if you ever have any questions or suggestions.

    1. Glovelad


      Thank you very much

  15. Next article: Top 10 Reasons Shadow of the Colossus is a Terrible Game.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. David


      I personally think #1 should be the lack of kill-streaks. I mean, seriously? C'mon.

    3. Jake


      Blake, to refute #8, the HD remake's graphics actually outclass most modern games.

    4. Blake


      Doesn't count because that was a remake. Game so bad they have to remake it to get people interested. LOL

      The original looks like it should be on PS2 or something.

  16. Water Freezing - 50k views and 10+ pages. Oh, Bethesda..

  17. David

    Hello, welcome to ES! :)

  18. so i herd u leik game deals?

  19. Whoppers are a horrible candy.

  20. Walked out of my calc 2 exam feeling decent for once. Later found out I still did poorly because I didn't show my work. mfw.

    1. Daniel


      Beats doing the questions completely wrong, like me.

  21. Welcome to Elder Souls! Feel free to contact me if you ever have any questions or suggestions.

  22. Excerpt from the official rules of TRR: "When a clan member says "TRR UBER ALLES" the phrase must be repeated by every TRR member who witnessed said phrase until someone else utters something different. Someone else is then shot." Hahaha.

    1. Huygens


      TRR UBER ALLES, I never quit TRR, so I guess I'm still a member.

    2. Blake


      I remember that. Gooooood times

  23. Hello, welcome to ES! Let me know if you ever have any questions or suggestions. :)

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