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Status Updates posted by David

  1. Gallery hook is now on the side. Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jake


      I can see the advantages to having it in either place. I personally liked it at the top, but it's not that big of a deal. Maybe you could have a settings option to switch between them?

    3. cheekychips


      i too liked it better on top, but its really not something to get up in arms about.

    4. Blake


      ^Nickel for everytime I heard that one. HUH? HUH? HUH!!!???

  2. Hello, welcome to the site. :) Let me know if you ever have any suggestions or anything.

  3. 600+ total members! Now to get them all involved...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jake


      I'm jealous of Unknown's dedication. I'm about that involved, but I've been here for several more months.

    3. Jake


      Then again, I also have a cooler screen name...

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      yes squishyman but my screen name is even cooler :P

  4. Someone needs to update their blog!

    1. Blake


      I always say I am, but end up studying instead.

  5. Hello! Welcome to the site. Let me know if you ever need anything or have any suggestions. :)

    1. x cryptic x

      x cryptic x

      Thanks =), Just one thing. When will i be added to the clan chat since it would appear i currently cannot speak in it lol

    2. David


      As soon as someone with a rank high enough comes on, they should be able to add you right away. You might have to PM them to remind them though.

  6. From the water freezing thread: "Admin, you are a genius"

  7. My response was better and more realistic damnit.

    1. David


      Plus it took me a good 3 minutes to come up with that line. It went perfectly with the whole beach scenario because squirrels are always going to the beach.

    2. Blake


      Consider it revenge for deleting my cheeseburger comment. IT WAS GENIUS.

  8. 69 forum reputation. Annnnd the system goes off.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      74 is the number associated with Jesus and, ironically, Lucifer. Goosebumps ran for 74 episodes. George Washington had 74 Generals in his Continental Army. 74 is the atomic number of tungsten, a fucking awesome element.

    3. Blake


      A hurricane, a freaking force of nature, is categorized when it's winds are at least 74 mph. Spongebob obtained 74 stars at his drving school. Ken Jenning's Jeopardy streak was 74 wins.

    4. Blake


      74 BC was the year that Roman forces under Lucius Lucullus defeat the forces of Mithridates VI of Pontus in the Battle of Cyzicus. a 74 is a boat with 74 guns, in other words, a freaking pain train. So keep your perverted coincidence. I'll hold on to my superior reputation.

  9. David

    Hello, welcome to the site! Feel free to let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NYZ


      for PS3 of corse :|

    3. David


      Haha, unfortunately you'll have to see Bethesda themselves for that. I can only help with fixes and workarounds, and unfortunately know of none (save for PC console commands) for that specific bug. :(

    4. NYZ


      Yeah, I see... I can just what for the new update (hopefully). Hope that Bethesda can hear this one and only suggestion. Thank you for the replay :D

  10. Hey, what's going on?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Blake


      But why would it be "Mama, just killed a man" with a comma. That would only make sense if some guy named Just killed a guy. Either that site is wrong or Queen are idiots.

    3. Blake


      Well fuck that song now. Still, I ruined your status.

    4. David


      Or did you? Pretty sure this is a comment record.

  11. I've been working on a secret project that I'm sure will please many of the guests to our site. Introducing the new... TaylorSwift.ElderSouls.com !

    1. Blake


      Nice to see our Admin is always improving the site.

    2. Blake


      Oh. It's funny because taylor swift takes them here a lot and now it'll take them there. I got ya. If anything, it'll confuse them into seeing what we are.

    3. cheekychips


      Just typed it in. I. Died.

  12. Haven't been many new threads recently. Time to revive the "Hot People" thread.

    1. Blake


      I'll start removing my pants.

  13. Long time no see?

  14. Hey, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions or anything. :)

  15. Welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions. :)

  16. FFX?! I almost died when I saw your avatar, what a classic.

  17. Between your signature and the comment you left in the Positive/Neg Rep thread I'd say your position is getting to your head.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      And locking statuses. Didn't even know that was possible.

    3. Blake


      Just saw that warning point you gave me. I think members should be notified when they receive one, not that we have that problem.

      And I only changed his About Me, Interest, and Member Title. Noob Sauce did the exact same thing as well.

    4. David


      You weren't notified? I was more or less testing it and I remember filling out some form that claimed to be for the member to see. But yeah, as of now there's not really a problem.

  18. Hello, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

  19. We've had our best day ever two days in a row based on visits to the site. Free Premium Member to everyone that comments!

  20. Last night before I went to bed I was beating you by 2 reputation. Then you had a surge of like 10 in a matter of hours. Conspiracy? I'm bringing this to Captain Falcon.

    1. Blake


      The fact you keep track of this just shows you why I"m ahead.

    2. David


      Nah, I just happened to see it when I was going to leave an unrelated comment. I swear. ._.'

  21. Huygens w/ Avatar petition. Current signees: Traaginen and Captain Falcon

    1. Brodo Swaggins

      Brodo Swaggins

      I concur. This is one of the greatest issues of our generation. Your signatures will go far in finding an avatar for this poor soul.

    2. Anarchy
  22. Planning on offering Premium Member for referrals of new members. What's fair? 3 = 1 month?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Isaiah


      well what do premium members get to begin with

    3. David


      There's a list you can view in the store. Those plus no ads.

    4. Isaiah


      In thar case 3 referrals = 1 month

  23. Hello, welcome to the site!

  24. I looked at the chat logs, and noticed you sang "Happy Together" by The Turtles. I am just letting you know you have a good taste in music, my good sir.

    1. Blake


      The two or so guests who were idling there didn't think so D:

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