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Everything posted by David

  1. Can't beat $4.99 for Crysis! Crysis - $4.99
  2. David

    Sad Faise

    The girl or the dude?
  3. Someone needs to update their blog!

    1. Blake


      I always say I am, but end up studying instead.

  4. Unfortunately I do not believe so, 1.5 only fixed the bug with Lydia. I'm not sure the Taarie thing will ever be fixed, as depending on your perspective it's not really a bug; you just have to make sure to follow her pre-reqs, which happen to include investing through her.
  5. David

    Skyrim Yahoo Answers

    And so his quest began.
  6. David

    Race Selection

    What the asbiasjdasd---?
  7. David

    Sad Faise

    I can't wait to read the comments on this.
  8. David

    Y Dovahkiin No Share?

    They work for nothing.
  9. David

    Over Encumbered

    The straw that broke the nord's back...
  10. Looks great so far, this would definitely have been a huge help for me when I went for Master Alchemy. I think this is something that I could promote to a featured guide on the main page. Two suggestions I have: [*]List it in table format [*]List all of the ingredients in the same way you currently have potions listed, and then list the potions that they could make. For example... Giant Lichen: [*]Weakness to shock [*]Restore Magicka [*]Ravage Health [*]Weakness to Poison I'll include the table details in PM. This is just a "maybe" thing you could do. I know when I was training alchemy I often had tons of ingredients without knowing what they were for, so the ingredients -> potions list would probably be more helpful for something that's power-leveling. The other way would be better for people trying to get potions, so to each their own.
  11. No, you just need to reinstall the v1.5 patch that you deleted.
  12. Not a bad deal since this game has taken a surprisingly long time to drop. I wasn't ever a huge fan of the series and actually never bought #3 after realizing that it wasn't going to change after #2, but I may buy it just to see what happens w/ the story. Resistance 3 - $24.99
  13. The autosaves should just be listed alongside your regular save files when you enter the load screen. Assuming you didn't turn the autosave feature off, there should be 2-3 to choose from. The autosaves will always overwrite themselves with the most recent character, which is probably what happened with you. Unfortunately, if this has happened, there's no way to go back and get more - the listed files are all that there are.
  14. Jagex has a motherfucking tank?I like how they've invested my $5.
  15. Yes.Search for "zerg rush" on Google. Now. Defend your results!
  16. Alright, so I'm assuming you're standing on the porch, use the "Call Dragon" shout, and the dragon doesn't come at all? Or does he come and just circle? Few things that instantly come to mind: [*]You need to hold down the shout button longer than normal to complete the whole "Call Dragon" shout. [*]Do you have the most recent patch installed? v1.5
  17. May not seem like a fantastic price since the game has been out, but this is the first significant price drop I've seen and I've been paying attention for awhile. A GOTY edition has been announced for later this year, so that must be why. Don't know how much lower it will go short-term, though, so this is a decent deal at worst. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - $35.98
  18. I'm probably one of the only people who got bored with Dead Space and never finished it.And as the day goes on, the lazier I get with links.http://store.steampowered.com/app/17470/http://store.steampowered.com/app/47780/
  19. Quite cheap. Never bought the game since I find it hard to get into the whole super-hero deal, but from what I've heard it's great.Batman Akrham Asylum - $4.99Arkham City is also $15.
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