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Everything posted by David

  1. Hm. I don't believe Skyrim has any text setting for adjustment. How big is your TV? Here are the issues that come to mind... [*]The TV is relatively small. I could see some having issues with the text on the smaller widescreen HD's out there. [*]It's not set up correctly. To get an HD signal, your HDTV needs to be correctly set up with an HDMI cable and have the appropriate settings configured in the PS3/360. Otherwise, you'll be getting standard definition converted to widescreen and that will make the problem exponentially worse. This is a pretty common mistake. Since you've said the text was blurry, I expect it's the second. Here's an HDMI cable example:
  2. You will have to read in-betweenBullshit threads are bad karma.the lines to figure out what I mean.____On a serious note, my inability to sleep at 3am.
  3. Despite the evidence in the previous post I still believe she's a lesbian. She also spent some alone time with Lucy, but I didn't look for the evidence/emails.
  4. The other history thread has a lot, but it's (as of now before this is added), all prior to 2008.
  5. Rebecca Crane. With a deep, raspy voice, short hair, baggy pants, and a love for electronics, you're probably sitting in front of the computer thinking "butch lesbian." But is she? Let's look at some of her emails...Rebecca, to everyone Shaun, to Rebecca Rebecca, to Shaun Shaun, to Rebecca It's hard to tell if he's serious or being his usual sarcastic/jackass/hilarious self. They have sleeping bags on the floor; no one has a night stand.Shaun, to Rebecca *talking about some dinner thing Desmond and Lucy couldn't go to* Rebecca, to Shaun Again, a hint of something more, or a tragic abandonment of friends?Shaun, to Rebecca Rebecca, to Shaun Oh snap. Again, though, it insinuates they have their own rooms while they only have sleeping bags.Speaking of those sleeping bags, Desmond's is off by itself... Lucy's is PRESUMABLY the one off by the computers. There's two remaining right next to eachother. Whose could they be?!
  6. Even after Paul has written 4k words and devoted two days to this thread, we're still going to have 7 months before June of 2009 missing that I'll have to do, and then ~6-7 months from Novemberish 2011 to May 2012 that hopefully Fergal can come back for. It would also be cool to get his tLoL input.
  7. My vote was for Rebecca in Assassins Creed. There's no way she's not a lesbian.Also, Green Lantern is supposedly theoretically the most powerful Justice Leaguer or what-not. I learned this after reading the youtube comments on that DC Universe video from awhile back, so clearly I'm an expert and you should all believe what I say.
  8. I would like to welcome you into our clan. Congratulations on being accepted into The RuneScape Rebelz! ____________ I. What's Required of You ____________ 1. Forum Activity As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. ____________ 2. In-Game Communication It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our clan chat is 'The Rebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. ____________ 3. Other Tips Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our guide. ____________ Quick Information Clan Chat: The Rebelz IRC Channel: #Rebelz It's great to see you in TRR. We all look forward to getting to know you! If you want, you can introduce yourself to other members by posting an introduction.
  9. Hello, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions or anything.

  10. I'm sure a lot of people would be interested in some more details on your build. You should create an account and start a new thread in the Skyrim General Discussion forum with more info such as your perks and what-not. :)It's good to know it's going well.
  11. Nah, the lost chapter is the 7 month period from when TRR was founded to the time Mono started this (June 2009 when he joined).
  12. With all the brews that dude used I'm surprised if he broke even.
  13. It's an interesting premise for a build, that's for sure. I'm excited to hear more about how it develops.I personally wouldn't use that magic resistance enchantments to heavily, as in my experience there's not really even a great deal of NPC's that use magic. Fortifying your methods of attack or other skills might be better (as long as it doesn't diminish the Golbez standpoint, as I'm unfamiliar with it).
  14. Could you explain what you're seeing more specifically? For example, is the entire the window the game is in only a portion of the TV, or is everything fine besides the text? Is it coming in relatively blurry/fuzzy?
  15. Looney Toons (Bugs Bunny, etc.) are still easily the best. I didn't get to watch as many as I'd like.Watched...Loved Digimon to death when I was quite young.Dragonball/Dragon Ball Z (originally hated the show but got addicted to it when I was at my grandparents house and it was the only thing on).I remember watching Beyblade a bit.Didn't...Yu-Gi-Oh came on when I was in 4th/5th grade, right after the 3rd grade pokemon (and in my case digimon) fad. At that point I realized it was just another bullshit thing that would die in a few months, and it did.I never really got into any Nickelodian shows, when I look back on it I guess I was a hipster. At one point Spongebob was all anyone talked about for a good 2-3 years and it annoyed me. CTN for the win.
  16. Great read so far. I'll note inaccuraces as I see them. [*]Blue/Jamie never led at the same time, and it was not a particularly active time in TRR history (it wasn't bad, but it wasn't when we had record pulls at all like t says). I believe Blue resigned, and promoted Jamie to leader from Council (this and the resignation was unexpected since Blue had just been promoted himself). I'm not sure how long she was in charge, but it wasn't that long (she could probably tell you more). A 3 weeks to a couple of months at the most, but yeah, I'm fuzzy there so that's just a guess. [*]Jamie and I were never Leaders at the same time (well, depending on what you consider the Founder rank). As far as the Nelson incident goes I think that I wanted Nelson banned (again) and Jamie disagreed. All I remember is that there were some seriously pissed members. I think we eventually agreed that either Nelson wasn't allowed on Jamie's account or Jamie's account didn't get Mod powers (in addition to some reduced punishment for Nelson that amounted to a temp ban). [*]I don't know if the Caspen thing is accurate since he may have already quit before Illini's incident, I'll have to look into it. [*]Caspen was actually really liked by a lot of the members. He was one of the Council members that didn't really contribute a lot in terms of implemented ideas, war leadership, etc. But he was the type to ALWAYS be active and talking to the people in the clan chat, just like BGS in his day. [*]Raian didn't found SBF (though I think he joined? Not sure), I think it was primarily Morkid, or at least the two of them. But yeah, fuzzy there too. [*]The summer where we had "30-40" active topics was 50-70. [*]Your Jeremy paragraph makes it sound like we tolerated his pornography solicitation, whereas we (or at least I) didn't even know about it until the one kid that quit told me about it. After a few hours of investigation I learned of the rest and he was fired after he melted down over it in a private IRC discussion. This was after he had recieved warnings about posting porn in IRC prior to the more serious thing. Yeah, other people occasionally posted it as well but Jeremy was the constant (Allan was the other but he wasn't really in the clan or anything besides managing our hosting, so he couldn't be punished). I didn't feel it was a double standard as he was supposed to be a role model as a Council member. Looking forward to the rest. After you do the tLoL thing (which I personally feel kept TRR more active/alive than anything), I think we should go back and add some more on other members. One thing I'd like to point out is this: I really think that's just a truism in clanning. I was in Heavy Blade for like 3 years, and I NEVER felt like I was a tenured member there either. Unless you're a founding member there are always going to be memories that are brought up that make you feel like a newb, I guess. This topic is probably doing that for most people.This really makes me feel old.
  17. Fact: If you're a right-handed male, your left testicle will hang lower than the right. If you're left-handed, your right testicle will be lower.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tcee


      What an interesting factoid. xD

    3. MstrMonopoly


      if you don't put your wallet in your back pocket I don't know what you're doing.

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      well thats interesting.... never really thought about that.. of course i dont have balls... because im female... lol

  18. Yeah, as of now there is no fix for this bug. I wouldn't worry about it, though. If you're talking about a Radiant quest (quests that are randomly and continuously generated forever) you're not losing out on anything really.
  19. Haha, have you noticed that before? If I see the directions still written out in the topic I generally just glance over it quickly and assume nothing is there. Kind of like that time you missed the question that was written in the middle of it.It's hard to explain, but to quote Obi-Wan, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." Responding with such is interpreted as being confrontational or more passive aggressive.
  20. I fixed that 20mins before you posted. Come at me, bro? That's because the older players have come across the real name of the character in several other places by now, such as the internet or other games as you did. If people that are picking up their first game of the series don't get it, there's probably a problem. I was confused with the first part here, you could say that's the main reason Link should be prominently named. The same could be said about all of the other human controlled heros in other media. The explanation of "link" you bring up is a good point, though. I might be wrong, but I don't always remember having the option to name Link whatever I want in all the games. Also, that doesn't change the fact that Link himself is the name of the character that has gone into popular culture; no one ever talks about the unnamed Hero of the series. I know, I was just seeing if I could enrage any Nintendo fan boys since none of their characters speak directly.
  21. Oh, yeah. I was referring to the journey to that point in the game, actually, I just mistakenly referenced the video.From the wiki... I believe that 16 was the dude who killed himself in Abstergo under Lucy's care.
  22. Seriously, Zelda isn't even in every game. Most players don't know who Zelda is and think that they play as Zelda... [*]Games/movies/tv/shows/books/etc - EVERYTHING uses the primary character in their names (if it uses a character at all). [*]Link is a mute who never speaks, and thus never fixes this confusion. [*]Zelda is a foreign name to most people and thus don't realize it's generally a female name. So... Why? EDITS Note: Apparently your sister is Zelda in the Windwaker [/stupidplot] Note Note: Tetra. This is just getting embarassing.
  23. David

    The Legend of Link

    Wait, Zelda is named Link?!1
  24. You don't appear to have written in a question - if you need help with something you can respond with what you need in the form at the bottom of this page.
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