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Everything posted by David

  1. Apparently I forgot all about this. I just relived the moment on youtube and it came back. So, anyways, Desmond is taken over by Juno and stabs his love interest: Lucy. Earlier through memories, S16 says "She's not who you think she is." which most assume indicates she's a templar. Though it's important to note that THIS (templar) WAS NOT STATED, Few things I remember, though since I completely forgot this in the first place Im obviously extremely fuzzy... [*]There are numerous hints such as emails, character dialogues, etc. that indicate not only does Desmond have a thing with Lucy, but that Lucy genuinely cares for Desmond. [*]She appears as blue in eagle vision, indicating she's not an enemy/templar. Does this matter? Probably not. Thank God it wasn't Shaun, I don't know how I'd survive through the Desmond bore-fests without him. Also, if this is answered in Revelations (doubt it), don't spoil that for me. D:
  2. It does? Well, I guess that shows how many fucks I give about the whole Desmond thing. Here's to completely missing/forgetting a main plot element in one of your favorite series!Edit: Do you mean Brotherhood?
  3. I routinely read ahead on quest walkthroughs for things like Skyrim since I really don't care about those stories. Buuut I was going to comment on how I've never had a major story spoiled... Then... Well, looks like I'm going to be returning the AC: Revelations package that's going to arrive tomorrow.
  4. Two more things that I forgot to mention... [*]Loki's rant to the German's near the beginning was in English. Am I supposed to believe that one old German dude was the only one to understand it? [*]His outfit was pretty lame. Mostly the helmet, which turned him into a dung beetle.
  5. David

    Inspirational Link

    He's the hero Hyrule deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.
  6. You should delete both. The game data will just automatically re-install from the disc when you start the game, so you don't have to worry about anything provided you delete the right two things. It doesn't take long, maybe ~5 mintues at worst, to reinstall the game data. The patch will vary depending on your internet speed.
  7. I think PS3/PC just get it a month after the 360. I'd expect all to be out by the end of the summer, but who knows.
  8. You sonuvabitch, I was seconds from posting this.1. That would blow. If true, I'm going to hold out hope that they're just going to release a large magic update/overhaul together somewhere down the road. Right now... It just kind of sucks.2. I get attacked by wolves whenever I'm on a horse, and the annoyance of having to slowly dismount just to fight them off is one of the big reasons that I don't bother in the first place. This is a needed addition and I'm sure a lot of people will use it just because it looks badass.
  9. I agree, but it's only going to get/gotten worse since Netflix lost its Starz contract. Other studios are mad/refusing to deal with them because they think they're killing their sales. It's the same issue that's facing music sales with CD companies refusing to enter the 21st century, opting instead to spend billions suing their own customers. I actually watched the entire season of Borgia, thinking it was the American hit "The Borgia" without realizing it until the last episode. Fortunately the show was decent to good and had nudity, so I really didn't mind that much. Netflix actually had Iron Man 1 and 2 on there for a long time, it was one of their few notable movies.
  10. It was a really, really good movie. Probably my favorite in years, at the very least since the Dark Knight. This coming from someone who was very skeptical of the "multiple super-heroes" in a movie thing. Few thoughts... [*]There were a shit-ton of references to other movies, and it was worth it just for these. Point Break and The Wizard of Oz off the top of my head. [*]There were A LOT of great scenes. [*]Hulk v. Loki near the end - fucking hilarious. [*]Hulk randomly punching Thor offscreen after the take-down of the flying alien thing. [*]Loki making the crowd kneel - great scene, loved the old German dude standing up with the "there will always be men like you line. Captain America had a great entrance right after it. Then of course Iron Man had his signature ACDC fangasm. [*]Everyone on the internet is all "OMG HULK VS. THOR." The scenes leading up to this were great imo because they were the first time I realized Hulk wasn't going to be his usual lame-ass self as seen in other movies (not the characters fault as much as bad movies). He was easily one of the better characters in TA. [*]Hulks "I'm always angry" transformation was epic and I loved the dude that played Dr. Banner. The "secret" was confusing, though, and didn't really make sense alongside Hulk's first transformation. [*]Iron Man's near death/sacrificing experience with the nuke. [*]The banter between all of the heroes was great and had a lot of fan service. I specifically liked the connection between Stark and Banner. [*]Thor's actor played his role well and it wasn't as cheesy as I had anticipated. [*].... With that said, I didn't really like the "OMG WE'RE GODS LOL" addition to the already crowded 6 super heros + portal aliens. [*]The flying aircraft carrier was fucking epic yet hilariously retarded. What's the point of the aircraft? [*]Tony Stark didn't disappoint with one-liners. My complaints... [*]Black Widow was obviously only in the movie as eye candy. Completely useless around the other Avengers. There were several scenes that featured her alongside the likes of Iron Man and Thor battling the aliens with these tiny-ass pea-shooter pistols. The only thing she actually did in the movie was take out the orb or what-not at the end, which anyone could have done. [*]Hawkeye wasn't as bad as Black Widow, but the bow and arrow thing alongside the futuristic technology and flying aircraft carrier... Yeah, no thanks. Is there any reason to be using a Bow and Arrow? Everything he was doing could have been better accomplished with a modified automatic weapon. [*]On that subject, WHAT THE FUCK HAWKEYE? In the last 10mins of the movie he had about 6 slow-motion, absolutely-fucking-ridiculous shots with the arrow without even looking. That, plus the "I'ma shoot this arrow into the wind at 300mph and it's going to hit the ship perfectly here." Then he goes and gets his ass kicked by Black Widow and misses her AT POINT BLANK A GOOD 3-4 TIMES. adkfjnadskjfnasdkfjnasdf [*]Don't know what the hell was up with that chick cadet or whatever in the command wing. She had like 8 scenes with dialogue and was never introduced or made to be significant. Probably will be in the next movie or something. [*]When agent Coulson is alive again in Avengers 2. Write it down.
  11. Price is dropping, unfortunately I just bought AC so I'm going to miss this. Twisted Metal Deal
  12. Oh, yeah, I've been involved in most of those besides the Thorn and White Stallion for sure. A lot of those are using faction pretty loosely, though. I don't really consider factions factions unless they open up new dialogue/privileges with other NPC's. It would be nice if Bethesda improved on it to where you'd be enemies with some depending on which you join, etc. etc. The one and done things you do just for the picture on your character menu (Oblivion has this at least) are lame.
  13. 17,000+ posts!

    1. Blake


      Everybody knows the first 17k is the hardest.

    2. Tcee


      Wow, nice job xD

  14. David

    The Lusty Argonian Maid

    I would change the cover image if I knew how, the gallery is kind of horrible from a Mod standpoint. Apparently there's going to be a shiny new version released in the next month or so, though, that is going to overhaul a lot. I'm not getting too excited but at worst they'll be a few new things they'll add/fix.
  15. David

    Leonardo The Sodomo

    Nah, but I attempted to make sodomy rhyme with Leonardo and failed.
  16. Skyrim College of Winterhold The Companions Thieves Guild Dark Brotherhood The Blades Stormcloaks Impreial Legion Bards College Orc Strongholds Forsworn - You can join this? I may have if you're talking about that quest you break the leader out of prison. Oblivion The Order of the Dragon - Don't remember what this is. Arena Participant(by the way, want a Skyrim arena) Mages Guild Thieves Guild Fighters Guild Dark Brotherhood Mythic Dawn - You can join? The Blades The Knights of White Stallion - Don't remember any of these three. I remember the Knights of the Nine, though, which as DLC I believe. The Order of Virtuous Blood The Knights of the Thorn Court of Madness The Mythic dawn have a fantastic chance of being featured heavily in the upcoming DLC. They have a little cameo in Skyrim already, but otherwise it's surprising how little they're featured. DAWNguard, and all.
  17. I don't think I've joined more than 4. Who wants to list them all out?
  18. Or at least gain influence. Holy spoilers.
  19. Oh, yeah. Nevermind, I read your original post as Rocktails being a huge loss, so I was confused.Sharks aren't a big loss since with cooking gauntlets you never burn them at like 94 or something. I'm not sure what the current GE price is since I haven't checked in years, but when I did it there was only a couple GP difference. Do Rocktails never fail at 96 w/ gaunts?
  20. I've never played any of them. How do they incorporate legos? Is it just like any other game, except your characters are legos? Or do you build things related to the subject?
  21. Don't know if any of you are into these Lego games, but here's a pre-order deal that's lasting 48 hours from today. PS3 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16879333057 360 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16874330039
  22. The PC also has a lower price for both the physical and download version. This appears the be a well-reviewed game that just didn't do well commercially, but I've heard good things about it. Deal Page
  23. Lowest price yet. It's surprising how fast this game has fallen, probably a result of all of the fans going batshit over the ending (which has been/is being fixed apparently). Note: You have to select "PC Download" to get the PC price. You can select whatever version you want on the page. PS3 Version 360 Version
  24. Jailbreaking your PS3 will obviously void whatever warranty you have and possibly brick it, I would advise against it unless you have 1 old PS3 with nothing else on it and bucket loads of money to the extent you don't care if it's destroyed. Even if you did manage to install them there's no telling how stable/workable they'd be.
  25. Sharks don't. Rocktails wouldn't if you could get away with 100% success rate, but alas...
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