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Everything posted by David

  1. 50 guests viewing this thread at 11:00PM - http://eldersouls.com/topic/3036-hearthfire-where-and-how-to-buy-property/ . Just lol.

    1. Blake


      First it was ice that saved Eldersouls. Now, it is fire.

  2. Taking the Jagged Crown to Tullius won't have any negative affects at all, so it should be a viable option. And no, you can't join the Dawnguard as a vampire from everything I've seen/read.
  3. Bosses (and regular enemies) are really hard for most people. You die a lot. The difficulty is that the game's currency and what you use to level with, souls, are also ALL lost every time you die. You have one chance to fight your way back to where you died and reclaim them, but this is often a long-shot since you're pissed off and have to travel 30mins to get back to where you were. Even if the NPC's don't kill you you'll most likely fall off of some hidden ledge.
  4. Well, it's September 4th and Heathfire is out on the 360! Since the game launched, the site has been hammered with search queries of people searching for information on how they can buy and acquire their own land and property. Purchasing Land You are able to buy property in the holds of Hjaalmarch, Falkreath, and The Pale. As you can imagine, this means there are three plots of land that you are able to purchase in Hearthfire. If you are a thane in any of the previously mentioned holds, you just need to visit the Jarl and/or Steward to purchase the land. Otherwise, a courier will deliver a letter from the Holds' Jarl asking you to visit. You do not need to be a Thane to purchase land, although you may have to do a radiant quest. Now that you know how you can purchase land, lets take a look at what each plot includes and specific purchasing details. The Pale Selling NPCs: Jarl Skald NPC Location: Dawnstar's White Hall. Notes: Your new home will by named Heljarchen Hall (located south of Fort Dunstad). You will also receive a housecarl named Gregor. Price: 5,000 Gold Falkreath Hold Selling NPCs: Nenya or Tekla NPC Location: Jarl’s Longhouse in Falkreath Notes: The Falkreath residence is named Lakeview Manor and is located East of the city. Don't worry, lake front property doesn't cost you anything extra; it still goes for... Price: 5,000 Gold Hjaalmarch Selling NPCs: Aslfur or Sorli the Builder NPC Location: Morthal Notes: Talk to the steward about purchasing a home. He'll say none are available, and instead offer to sell you land. Your estate will be named Windstad Manor, and be located near the Abandoned Shack. Price: 5,000 Gold Well, that's about it! Leave your thoughts and Hearthfire experiences in the comments below! View full article
  5. Well, it's September 4th and Heathfire is out on the 360! Since the game launched, the site has been hammered with search queries of people searching for information on how they can buy and acquire their own land and property. Purchasing Land You are able to buy property in the holds of Hjaalmarch, Falkreath, and The Pale. As you can imagine, this means there are three plots of land that you are able to purchase in Hearthfire. If you are a thane in any of the previously mentioned holds, you just need to visit the Jarl and/or Steward to purchase the land. Otherwise, a courier will deliver a letter from the Holds' Jarl asking you to visit. You do not need to be a Thane to purchase land, although you may have to do a radiant quest. Now that you know how you can purchase land, lets take a look at what each plot includes and specific purchasing details. The Pale Selling NPCs: Jarl Skald NPC Location: Dawnstar's White Hall. Notes: Your new home will by named Heljarchen Hall (located south of Fort Dunstad). You will also receive a housecarl named Gregor. Price: 5,000 Gold Falkreath Hold Selling NPCs: Nenya or Tekla NPC Location: Jarl’s Longhouse in Falkreath Notes: The Falkreath residence is named Lakeview Manor and is located East of the city. Don't worry, lake front property doesn't cost you anything extra; it still goes for... Price: 5,000 Gold Hjaalmarch Selling NPCs: Aslfur or Sorli the Builder NPC Location: Morthal Notes: Talk to the steward about purchasing a home. He'll say none are available, and instead offer to sell you land. Your estate will be named Windstad Manor, and be located near the Abandoned Shack. Price: 5,000 Gold Well, that's about it! Leave your thoughts and Hearthfire experiences in the comments below!
  6. Besides the Dragon Slayer Ornstein & Executioner Smough boss, I didn't have any issues at all with Dark Souls. Make that shit harder.
  7. During the Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary presentation, Square Enix announced the third and final installment in the Final Fantasy 13 franchise. Pink haired protagonist Lightning returns to lead the trilogy's finale, which will reportedly be titled Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. The game will feature the last two weeks (13 days, specifically) of the game's universe, centered around the world of Novus Partus. Hey, remember the good old days when each Final Fantasy was its own independent installment? Or when Final Fantasy was itself the name of the game? Yeesh. The following details have been released... [*]Lightning's attire (armor and weapons) can be customized. No word on whether or not there's anything past the sword and shield available in the first two XIII games. [*]Paradigm Shift combat system will return. Whoo... [*]But... Wait! Players can move Lightning around the battlefield. Final Fantasy XIII is expected to be released in 2013 for the 360 and PS3. It's hard for me to get excited considering the train wreck creative differences that defined XIII-1, but you never know how this one will turn out. Well... You do, but I'm not supposed to say such things in write-ups like this. Some interesting art work was also released, as seen above and below. Click here to view the article
  8. During the Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary presentation, Square Enix announced the third and final installment in the Final Fantasy 13 franchise. Pink haired protagonist Lightning returns to lead the trilogy's finale, which will reportedly be titled Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. The game will feature the last two weeks (13 days, specifically) of the game's universe, centered around the world of Novus Partus. Hey, remember the good old days when each Final Fantasy was its own independent installment? Or when Final Fantasy was itself the name of the game? Yeesh. The following details have been released...Lightning's attire (armor and weapons) can be customized. No word on whether or not there's anything past the sword and shield available in the first two XIII games. Paradigm Shift combat system will return. Whoo... But... Wait! Players can move Lightning around the battlefield. Final Fantasy XIII is expected to be released in 2013 for the 360 and PS3. It's hard for me to get excited considering the train wreck creative differences that defined XIII-1, but you never know how this one will turn out. Well... You do, but I'm not supposed to say such things in write-ups like this. Some interesting art work was also released, as seen above and below.
  9. No one else? Deathirst applied and has been promoted.I remember the good old days when people used to work hard for months to have a colored forum name. Can't give it away now.
  10. I personally thought playing as an older, physically-limited character in MGS4 was frustrating. Was hoping they'd go a different route, such as whoever is in the Famitsu picture.
  11. Bethesda has released some new information concerning PS3's Dawnguard status, and it's not exactly looking good for PS3 players. Their statement... The announcement sheds some light on the train wreck that has been the PS3-Dawnguard saga.Click here to view the article
  12. Bethesda has released some new information concerning PS3's Dawnguard status, and it's not exactly looking good for PS3 players. Their statement... The announcement sheds some light on the train wreck that has been the PS3-Dawnguard saga.
  13. You can't get remarried. People watch youtube videos of players on the PC using commands to do it and then assume you can on the consoles.
  14. I didn't know people really used Blackberrys anymore. I'm not an iPhone/Apple fan at all, and my last few phones have been Droids. Really happy with the direction their going, though what you get really depends on the manufacturer you buy through. Pure Google is the way to go generally.
  15. David

    Skullgirls Review

    I don't think I've played any fighting games like this since sneaking a few hours on my older cousin's PS1 back in the day. Maybe it's time to give them another shot? What does this retail for?
  16. Ancient Legion, eh? Did TRR ever war them when you were in the clan? Fun times. Don't worry, this has no bearing on your application at all. I'm just interested.
  17. Ha, I hadn't even noticed that, but you're right. Couldn't be more appropriate.
  18. © Famitsu, Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

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