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Everything posted by David

  1. You could do a bank wire to send money potentially. Alternatively, do you have a debit card? I'm confused what you meant with the Maestro logo, I know there's a debit card with the name. Are you the type of college student that gets a 2,000 check from their parents every other week? I know a few of those.
  2. Perhaps, what did you have in mind? I am willing to work with people to resolve Paypal issues as well.I could accept credit card payments, but that would raise hosting costs by about $5/month. If that's something people would be interested in I would add that ability if we break even.
  3. David

    Thank you for your contribution, you always have my back. ;) Don't feel like you always have to carry the donation burden though.

    1. Brad


      I dont thats why I didnt post anything :P so people didnt think "oh someones already donated" :)

    2. David


      Ha, yeah. I just feel like you've already done enough for a long time. Your Premium Member has to be damn near 2-3 years from expiring at this point, lol. Hopefully we can come up with some new things to make it worth something.

  4. That is epic. I have no idea how one goes about doing something like that.
  5. It's that time again! Hosting for the site is due every 20th. It's been 1-2 months since I've posted one of these since generous people have helped me out in previous months (Deathirst); it's always good to skip this annoyance. I have already paid for my usual portion of the hosting, so the remaining balance we're aiming for is $10 (as always). Of course if we don't meet that goal I'm not going to fold the place over $10 and won't be very upset about paying it myself, but keep in mind I'm a poor college student. If you're not already a Premium Member, you can donate by purchasing a subscription (you get benefits even if you have a position such as Moderator or Content Team). If you're already Premium and/or want to donate something other than the subscription tiers, you may donate any amount here (anything under $0.40 is taken by PayPal in fees, so be wary).
  6. The day when you can just take a few discreet phone pictures of your crush from under your desk and then upload it to your PS6 for virtual sex with a 3D model of him/her. Complete with personality and willingness settings, all for $11,000,000 adjusted 2020 inflation.Condoms not included.
  7. This site is pretty fancy; the image would be resized to fit inside your post and then scale with the forum to fit user screen resolutions.
  8. Everything in the spoiler is loaded anyways so there's no point in that. :lol:Generic japanese schoolgirl.
  9. If it becomes a successful/regular thing, sure. In the mean time you can just make a thread in this forum for the events.
  10. You should really rename this something along the lines of "Community PSN/Live/Steam Names" so people know what it is. Great idea/work though, I'm glad people are finally starting to take advantage of things that should probably have been done 9 months ago.Owned Communications:VentTeamSpeakIRCPlaystation 3 - Wolverine408Black OpsNCAA Football 13PC:Traaginen (Steam Name)Civilization V
  11. I wouldn't say Diablo III is overrated, it has a pretty "meh" reputation. But I take it you're talking more about the pre-release hype, which you're correct in saying was insanely out of proportion.
  12. That's completely irrelevant. You said "It will be just as powerful as the PS3/Xbox360 and cost me way less" which isn't true. That's all I'm saying.
  13. How is the Wii U cheaper? Even the 8 GB model is $50 more than the PS3. I don't think Nintendo is innovative at all, either. They just rehash the same 4 exclusives and the Wii was pretty gimmicky (in my opinion, anyway). Nintendo doesn't give two shits about the consumer until it affects their bottom line, just like any other company.
  14. Definitely won't be getting one. It will be interesting to see how it sells. The Wii sold like hotcakes but it seemed like it was just something people bought for 1-3 hours of lulz and then never touched it again.It might be a cool thing right now, but it has specs similar to the PS3/360 wtihout the mainstream no-competition market the Wii had. I don't see why anyone would buy it who already has a ps3/360 or plans on getting the next generation of those systems in ~12 months.
  15. Gamespot's report. I actually didn't include it at first because it wasn't in the NPD report but figured it might be a discussion topic. The Wii was hot for awhile, but it's the type of thing everyone buys and then never uses. Now that the "omg Wii" has been over for a couple years I wouldn't be surprised if it's dead in the water. Nintendo has also announced it's successor already, so there's that.
  16. I'm not sure. Perhaps you're not on the PS3's main user account? It really shouldn't matter now that patch 1.7 is out; updating to 1.7 should resolve the issues from 1.5 without making it necessary to delete the old one. Well, probably.
  17. So this is what you've been doing instead of editing for the last 3 months. I don't even care, this was worth it.Really, bravo. Clearly you have a calc exam you're procrastinating for. I'll even give you, my Like arch-nemesis, a Like.
  18. Well, what do you think?I'm going to have to go with the Pokemon games. The simple fact is that they're all horribly rehashed and contain almost no story whatsoever. Nintendo also used really shitty marketing strategies for the consumer, such as the need to buy link cables or own multiple games to "catch 'em all". I mean, two releases every iteration? Really? And people just eat it up?There were many, many more in-depth and interesting "catch the monster" games. I personally had Dragon Warriors Monsters 2: Cobi's Journey on the GBC and it was insanely more fun and complex than Pokemon. Guess it didn't have a TV show or a ton of propaganda behind it, though.
  19. That's why it's pointless to have two installs. The only thing that could even be screwed up with Mods that matters are your game saves, and you're still using the same ones anyway. [*]Copy and paste your game save files to somewhere safe like your desktop. [*]Uninstall the 2nd Skyrim game. Even if the first is lost (shouldn't be) or your saves are deleted (again, won't happen), you will still have the game save files backed up on your desktop. That's all you need to do.
  20. @Squishy I deleted your comment trying to quote it. But anyways, BLOPS of all things is even in the top 10 again. Even MW3 isn't.
  21. Just copy your game save files to an external drive or a different folder in your PC.Your solution (installing another game) to the potential problem ( having to reinstall) is exactly the same as what you're trying to avoid. So why do it? There's really no point as long as you have back-ups, which are much easier and more practical.
  22. I'd just see if Steam lets you install Skyrim through its platform. It might, it might not. Otherwise, if you're still persistent about wanting to do this, you can do a normal install and just change the main directory (such as changing it from Skyrim to Skyrimv2 or something). What you're asking can be done but probably isn't worth it anyways. Nexus and Steam both come with the ability to disable Mods, if I'm not mistaken. What you will want to do instead is make a back-up of all of your saves prior to using any Mods, just in case something does go wrong. Worst case and you do have to reinstall for some reason (doubtful at best), just download the back-up saves and then upload them after the clean copy is installed.tl;dr - Don't bother with two installs, instead just back-up what you have prior to using Mods.
  23. The NPD Groupss August findings paint a somber picture of the gaming industry. Total retail sales fell 20% year over year, while non-PC hardware in particular tanked nearly 40%. This downward trend is similar to the findings published about the month of July. The rest of report is detailed below... AUGUST 2012 US GAME SALESThe following represent the overall sales in U.S. dollars.[*]Total retail sales: $515.6 million (-20%) [*]Non-PC hardware: $150.6 million (-39%) [*]Non-PC software: $237.7 million (-9%) [*]Accessories: $127.3 million (-7%) [*]Total software: $252.8 million (-11%) TOP 10 GAMES FOR AUGUST 2012Title (Platforms) - Publisher1. Darksiders II (X360, PS3, PC) - THQ 2. New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS) - Nintendo 3. Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (3DS) - Square Enix 4. NCAA Football 13 (X360, PS3) - Electronic Arts 5. LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (X360, Wii, 3DS, DS, PS3, PS Vita, PC) - Warner Bros. Interactive 6. Sleeping Dogs (X360, PS3) - Square Enix 7. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (X360, PS3) - Activision Blizzard 8. Batman: Arkham City (X360, PS3, PC) - Warner Bros. Interactive 9. Call of Duty: Black Ops (X360, PS3, PC, DS, Wii) - Activision Blizzard 10. The Amazing Spider-Man (X360, PS3, DS, 3DS, Wii) - Activision Blizzard The console wars continue with the Xbox 360 leading the sales pack with 193,000 units; a figure that has slowed as consumers begin to anticipate the next generation of gaming consoles. Click here to view the article
  24. The NPD Groupss August findings paint a somber picture of the gaming industry. Total retail sales fell 20% year over year, while non-PC hardware in particular tanked nearly 40%. This downward trend is similar to the findings published about the month of July. The rest of report is detailed below... AUGUST 2012 US GAME SALESThe following represent the overall sales in U.S. dollars. Total retail sales: $515.6 million (-20%) Non-PC hardware: $150.6 million (-39%) Non-PC software: $237.7 million (-9%) Accessories: $127.3 million (-7%) Total software: $252.8 million (-11%) TOP 10 GAMES FOR AUGUST 2012Title (Platforms) - Publisher Darksiders II (X360, PS3, PC) - THQ New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS) - Nintendo Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (3DS) - Square Enix NCAA Football 13 (X360, PS3) - Electronic Arts LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (X360, Wii, 3DS, DS, PS3, PS Vita, PC) - Warner Bros. Interactive Sleeping Dogs (X360, PS3) - Square Enix Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (X360, PS3) - Activision Blizzard Batman: Arkham City (X360, PS3, PC) - Warner Bros. Interactive Call of Duty: Black Ops (X360, PS3, PC, DS, Wii) - Activision Blizzard The Amazing Spider-Man (X360, PS3, DS, 3DS, Wii) - Activision Blizzard The console wars continue with the Xbox 360 leading the sales pack with 193,000 units; a figure that has slowed as consumers begin to anticipate the next generation of gaming consoles.
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