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Everything posted by David

  1. If you go into the Hall of Elements in the college, Tolfdir should begin giving his lecture; this should complete the tour regardless of if it was interrupted before. After that the quests should continue normally.
  2. How about you don't release shitty programming instead of banning people for using the accidental features you put into your game, Jagex?
  3. There have been a couple of different threads with the same issue. As far as I know, there is no known fix other than reloading a previous save from before the issue started. PC has console commands which allow you to level up and pick new perks, but they might not fix the actual issue (in fact they could mess up other things indirectly). player.advlevel Forces a level up, but does not add the ability to choose a new perk. player.addperk <variable> ( e.g. 000581e7 for Augmented Flames level 1 : "player.addperk 000581e7") To find the perk ID, type 'help "perk name" 4', then add each level in order. Make sure to put double quotes around perks that have a space in them. (This also works with items if you need to find out their code.)
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ct1668FUKs
  5. David

    Skyrim Alignment Chart

    Alduin acts more neutral and is essentially just "doing his duty" or completing the prophecy. Mercer is running around killing his friends and stabbing people in the back for no reason and shit. Just all in all being an insane motherfucker the whole time.
  6. Earlier today Dawnguard was officially released on the PC.Bethesda also offered us this update on the PS3's status... Note that due to PSN updates the earliest it could release is still 8/7/12 (PSN updates every Tuesday), though Beth's statement makes it appear as though PS3 users will be waiting a week or more.
  7. x = -1.8First multiply the 1/2 on the right by both values inside the parentheses to get rid of them.(2/3)x - 4 = 1.5x - 2.5Then subtract (2/3)x from (1.5)x to get one x value. (9/6) - (4/6) = (5/6)-4 = (5/6)x - 2.5Add 2.5 to each side to get the x alone.-1.5 = (5/6)xDivide each side by (5/6).-1.8 = xCheck by plugging -1.8 in for x in the original equation.(2/3)(-1.8) - 4 = -5.2(1/2)( 3(-1.8) - 5 ) = -5.2Success.-5.2 = -5.2
  8. I don't understand how people can't recover accounts. If it actually is your account, it's horribly easy. Create an appeal and tell them... [*]The date you created the account (roughly). [*]The Internet Provider you used when you created the account. [*]Your original IP. [*]Billing address if you paid for membership with a CC. ... The list goes on. There's no reason you can't recover it. I don't know what you mean by your email being incorrect. If you've ignored the account for like 8 months then the hacker could have changed it. Honestly, it's almost difficult to keep losing your account. If it's happened before then you've ignored something that you needed to change, such as your email, recovery questions, etc.
  9. I've never heard of The Hobbit being required reading anywhere. That just seems weird. We had stuff like The Great Gatsby and The Death of a Salesman.
  10. David

    Skyrim Alignment Chart

    Really cool. Mercer and Alduin need to be switched, though.
  11. Home PageI'm not sure if you've noticed, but I've recently begun turning what was previously our articles/content database into our new home page. You can see its current state by clicking here.My main goal is going to be to ultimately set that as our overall home page so that eldersouls.com redirects there instead of to the forum index as it does now. Obviously this is a ways off, and I need your help in choosing what feeds to have on the page. As of now, we have feeds for recent articles, topics, and blogs. I can add pretty much whatever type of feed you can imagine, whether it be from a specific forum, member, "your" content, etc. Some input would be nice. Eventually I hope Elder Souls generates enough unique content to make bookmarking and viewing that page daily practical for the website visitors. I believe that there are ultimately two types of users: those that bookmark the main page and check about once a day, and those that bookmark the forums/become involved in the community personally become power-users. Hopefully with the new home page we'll eventually cater to the former a bit. Article UpdatesIt began with me taking a tangent and re-designing the article headings/titles to be more professional, like so... Which was clearly a large improvement over what we had previously... This led me to decide that we needed to start standardizing the format of our articles to appear more professional, and so that we didn't have various ugly colors such as the ones I used in my first Skyrim guides. Blexun used equally ugly colors, as did everyone else who ever made a post on this site. But wait! They're not ugly! Well, you're right. There's just one problem when you make things various shades of orange/blue/red/etc: it looks great on the skin you're currently using, but what happens when you turn on the all-white "Light" skin? What happens when I upgrade the site or completey change the default layout? Answer: everything either looks like shit or is impossible to see. That's bad for obvious reasons. Luckily there is also a solution: implement html through custom BB codes so that one single format can be used for every article, and automatically be changed to match whatever CSS the skin the user is... using... has. Yeah, you probably don't understand that because I don't really either but let's just agree it's cool and move on. Anyways, Blex and the other Publishers are about to get used to the new custom BB codes I've invented... Oh, yeah. I also already re-made the guest messages to reflect these changes as seen in the picture above. As you can see I've already used the H1 in this article. It's the standard BB code thing that everyone knows how to use... [h1] HI THINGS GO HERE [/h1] [h2] THINGS ALSO GO HERE [h2] The H1 tags are actual HTML elements and Google pays a good deal of attention to them. They should be used as your main headings (which means sparingly) and be made up of your article's main keywords. H2's can be used as much as you want and function as sub-headings. After I finished all of these shiny new things I was excited and wanted to write an article to put them on display. Before I get into anything else I'm going to have to step back a bit and explain the last few days of hectic panic experimenting that I've found myself in after writing my 3,500+ word article, The Dark Knight Rises - Plot Holes and Problems. I wrote the article. I submitted the article. I made something like 73 revisions (actually this is accurate D:). Here we are, right? Nope. I first split the article into 6 different pages to show off the new multi-page articles I haven't explained yet. You make one article with multiple pages if you're having a hard time keeping up. Anyways, I thought this was cool. Considering the multiple clicks allowed me to gather 4,000+ pageviews on the article in 4 days (for comparisons sake it's taken 8 months for other "popular" guides we have to get there, this all goes back to timing your article when the topic is popular). Oh, yeah. That reminds me: the article was vaguely successful. Whenever I looked at it there were 10-20 guests reading it. Google graced me with a top 3-5 ranking and people flocked to it. It was our most popular content, even beating out the Catwoman Lesbian thread and Skyrim Water Freezing. It was serious business. This all peaked on July 31st and I essentially sat home and F5'd the article stats all day in my underwear. Following that, Google decided to bitch slap me down to page 2 and the hits all but stopped. This caused me to panic and do some stupid things, such as... I re-did the page titles of all articles to be more search engine/people friendly. A good move long term, maybe, but it made Google angry and it dropped me further. Panic v.2.00 caused me to change the layout from 6 pages to 1. This is because multiple-paged articles are only indexed as far as the first page, so I figured 90% of my content wasn't getting counted by Google. I decided to lose the 6 pageviews per read and try my luck with just one page. Again, good idea long term, not so good short term. So there I was, getting like a couple of views every few hours. I was pretty bummed, but kept stupidly trying things that made the situation worse. I invented a new BB code! Page Jumping! Aye, it's as fun as it sounds. You can try it out by hitting the "Go to the Top!" and "Go to the Bottom!" links I've added to this blog entry. Go to the Bottom! This is a little bit hard to use, so I'll explain it for Publishers here. You'll only be able to use this when submitting articles or blogs. Create an anchor for the link. This is where your link goes to. It uses the following BB code... [jumpanchor='option']CONTENT HERE[/jumpanchor] The "option" is the key you're going to need for step 2, so remember it. It also turns into a link in the URL so it should reflect what you're pointing it to. Content is just whatever you highlight or write in; it's what everyone sees as the name of the link. Create the link. This is what people click to be taken to the anchor... [jumplink='option']CONTENT[/jumplink] Again, the option is important and it needs to be the same as the anchor you want to send it to. For example, using "tag" in the link will take you to the "tag" anchor. These things need to be unique and can only be used once or you're going to have a mess. Go to the Top! To get the looping effect you're going to have to wrap the text in an anchor AND a link. I use the effect in the example above as well as in the TDKR article. You're going to have to be somewhat careful in using these; example being I didn't realize there's a "top" tag in every page automatically so it didn't work until I figured out I had to use something else. My next move was to re-design the article sheet I posted above for a third time... I figured if Google was going to continue to kill my ranking I may as well go for the social media boost. I added a bar containing the whole nine yards there, as well as at the very bottom of the article. This actually worked pretty well and as you can see I had 26 Likes and various other views feeding off of them over about 8 hours or so. I just wish I had done this when I was actually getting heavy traffic. Anyways, this brings me to where we are now. My TDKR article is pretty much dead in Google and there's usually not even 1 guest reading it anymore. The good news is that most of the changes I've made should really benefit us in the future, and I think all of the Publishers will see the benefits of it immediately. Please leave suggestions and comments below!
  12. Good video. You probably have the best audio out of any commentary I've seen recently.The Dwanguard Castle looks pretty sweet. This is the first time I've seen it since I've avoided Dawnguard videos for spoiler purposes. Anyways, what are your initial thoughts? Worth $20?
  13. Those who read my TDKR article - I switched the layout back from several separate pages to one large page. Which is better?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jake


      By the way, I got an email that a guest reported a comment on that article. It was a spambot that was reported, but I don't have the authority to do anything. Why did I get that email?

    3. David


      I'll remove your group from reports.

    4. Blake


      Until I go see the movie....

  14. Main Complaint: You bring up a fair point with Begins and the League of Shadows. But was it really suffering? Bane's message (and presumably why he didn't get overthrown by the populace) was that he was "taking back the city" and providing hope for the lower class. He made it seem more like a revolution than anything, and I personally believe that destroying the entire city would have made more of an example to the rest of the world than creating a "hopeful" anarchist rule. Had the city been destroyed by the bomb as planned the rest of the world still chalks everything that happened up as the result of the terrorist attack.Cartilage: Again, you bring up a good explanation and reason for the whole scenario. However, my main gripe with that particular injury is that it's really never mentioned again after the doctor visit. Yeah, he gets the brace or whatever but that's presumably lost as the movie goes on. It could have had a more powerful message had they made what you suggested more explicit. Talia Stab: I'm probably going to change the wording for that, because you're completely correct. It was still supposed to render him disabled/immoble, though, and I think that you can still say that something that was so debilitating suddenly not mattering at all is a bit questionable. Anyways, thanks for your comments and welcome to the site! I appreciate the feedback.
  15. eldersouls.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=viewNewContent&search_app=forums It says "Filter By Forum" and if you click it all of the forums will come up in a pop-up. Then it's just a matter of selecting the ones you want.
  16. Bethesda has announced that Skyrim patch 1.7 (Release Notes) has been released to PC users on Steam. Console users will have the patch submitted to the manufactures this week.Since PSN updates every Tuesday, the EARLIEST PS3 users will be seeing this patch is August 7th assuming Sony approves the patch right away (doubtful knowing them).As of now no Dawnguard information has been released, though Bethesda has promised info will arrive later this week.
  17. I don't understand how it's unorganized, though. There's a main index that has almost no sub-forums, which links to the RuneScape area that is SOLELY runescape/TRR, which is more concentrated than when TRR was independent (tons of non-rs subforums).When you hit "View New Content" for active threads, you can filter by forum and select the entire Runescape section so that's all you see. It remembers the setting so you even only have to do it once.
  18. Good time to bring this up. They're actually turning the book into three movies I believe, so hopefully they'll be able to cover a good deal of it. I know that they dropped most of the story in the original trilogy as that was three books made into three movies. Have you read the books that go with the movie trilogy already out? I remember trying but failing since it was so dry. I was only in middle school, though, so it's not fair to say.
  19. You keep saying things like that, yet you're still here despite having quit ages ago. Just leave if that's how you feel, no one is forcing you to stay.As far as management problems, the only thing you've done since arriving here is complain and cause "petty bullshit". Your first post in this thread was "always easier to point fingers." That's all you've ever done, and unlike others, have never done anything or took any position that gives you any right to claim you know better than those who are actually trying.
  20. I was this morning and for a period of 2 hours no one was in the clan chat besides myself. This can be verified by Brad and others. As I write this, there are 5 people in the clan chat. There have always been 20+ throughout the summer. This is a problem and it's inarguable. You're right. Summer is also the time when no one worries about school, and comparatively it's 500% more active. I'm not telling people to ignore their family... I'm saying when they're on RuneScape they need to be more involved in TRR. I don't know where you're getting this meme that I want 100% time devoted to TRR. Precisely what's not happening. One person is not going to get it done, several teams of 4+ people is what will. No one is even applying. Completely false. I have no idea where you've gotten this from. Am I supposed to be surprised 2-3 people thought closing their clan was stupid? I highly doubt everyone responded to "is closing the clan stupid?" with "Traaginen by far one of the stupidest people ive ever met."Believe it or not this wasn't done just to piss people off. This is a REAL possibility that I'm telling you WILL happen if nothing changes. It's not fake. This is what I'm going to do unless I see a desire for the clan to continue. You don't understand what I said. Recruiting has been horrible all summer besides for 1 week. This does NOT mean you weren't doing your job successfully. The Diplomats have been comprised of like two, MAYBE three people doing something AT MOST recently. In the past we've had 4-6, all working. It's a collective problem, I was not singling everyone out and saying they weren't doing anything.One person doing a great job is still not going to equal the output of 4 doing it. I'm sorry I don't get the mission statement of the clan I founded.I don't understand why anyone is upset. I made this thread to ruffle some feathers, and now we have more activity and ideas then we've had in weeks. Mission successful?
  21. It's no secret I don't play RuneScape. I don't lead the clan anymore. I'm not involved in day to day operations at all. Does that mean I can't see when there's a problem? No. Does that mean I can't try to fix said problem after I've seen it persist for weeks, if not months? No, and I would be letting TRR down if I did otherwise. My question is this: why are you two so persistently fighting something that everyone in TRR should HOPE gets resolved? Why are you making this an issue about me when it's something every member in the clan has complained about since the end of June? All I'm doing is creating a thread and saying this: If you want TRR to succeed, the members need to do more than they are now. There is absolutely nothing bad or disagreeable about that, and your insistence on reducing yourself to petty personal attacks... ...in the face of a POSITIVE change for TRR makes me believe you'd rather see your vendetta to the end instead of solving the problem at hand. I was the sole recruiter of this clan for a year (2008) and saw it grow to 1600 registered members by 2010. I know recruiting. I did not say Carroll didn't do his job once anywhere in this thread. I've done it before. As you've said earlier, I've retired and have given others every opportunity to step up. This is exactly what you recommended earlier. For a year it's been fine, but now it's not working.The fact of the matter is this: We've had like 20 applicants the entire summer. In previous years we've averaged 3 applications a day. Collectively there is a problem with recruiting. It's not just the Diplomats fault, it's everyone's.
  22. I'm pretty sure I have the right to point out the obvious after leading the clan for 3 years. If stating "activity needs to improve" and telling people that things need to change to thrive is "pointing fingers," I guess I'm guilty. That's precisely what I'm saying needs to happen that hasn't. People quit and now no one else is stepping up. It's pretty hard to argue or find offense in that. You have no idea what I've been doing all summer. You're here right now, I could say the same thing.
  23. I'm not saying over the last 2 months no one did anything. Some people did their jobs well; some didn't. Overall, though, this was the weakest summer effort we've ever had, and no one is doing anything right NOW besides Deathirst. Just because you were doing a good job 2 months ago (or whenever, I'm just saying) doesn't mean people aren't being lazy now. The summer is the most active time of the year by far. That's how it's always been. Yes, some people such as yourself are older and have jobs... That doesn't mean the people that don't shouldn't promote TRR constantly when they're on. I'm pretty sure the last month of complete inactivity makes the reasoning pretty obvious. Case in point: this is the only thread that's been active on the RS forums in the last couple days.
  24. What frustrations? I only hear people talk about the difficulty negatively, and I think that's the best part of the game. It's actually too easy IMO, I only had to do boss-fights like twice at the most, unlike Demon Souls. I think the reason most people have trouble is they don't realize how to make powerful weapons. It's never really explained or something you would know about without looking it up, but it makes the game far easier and more entertaining.
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