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Everything posted by David

  1. Rockstar has continued to release images from its upcoming signature title GTA: V, this time following the theme of "leisure". The first image features what appears to be a dirt bike race... Next up is a competitive tennis match next to what we can only hope is a player-owned house... Last but not least, you're going to have to have some sort of escape plan when flying fighter jets, right? How about parachutes! The previously released images can be viewed here. It appears as though Rockstar intends to release three images a day, possibly for the rest of the week. We'll keep you posted!
  2. The Gallery and Blog applications have both been updated. Gallery had a rather massive overhaul and as a result there are some issues with the dark skin I'm aware of (though they're just visual and don't affect usability), so if you want to check out what it should/will look like use the Light skin. Hopefully I'll fix whatever issues there are relatively quickly. Here is a list of improvements; each bullet links to an in-depth write-up by IPB if anyone is interested. What's New for IP.Gallery In addition to many fixes for reported issues, the following changes have been made: Redesigned Navigation We have redesigned the navigation and structure of Gallery to provide a more traditional navigational approach, while retaining a more social approach for those who desire it. Global albums have been changed to "categories". More Administrator Control Administrators now have better and more fine-grained control over moderators, albums and images. Miscellaneous Features and Enhancements pInterest integration; improved shared media image presentation; set as profile photo expanded Gallery-wide; hidden and unapproved ambiguity improvement; SEO improvements Navigational Changes Changes to albums and ability to list members, albums or images in the special member albums category More Miscellaneous Improvements RSS feed enhancements; notification improvements; homepage enhancements based on client feedback What's New for IP.Blog SEO and Microformat Improvements Improvements have been made to better optimize IP.Blog for search engines, and implement relevant microformat meta data. Promotion Ability to auto-share to Facebook/Twitter on entry creation; better image handling for sharing to Facebook; ability to auto-follow entry on creation; reputation integration in user profiles; integration with quick navigation panel Moderation and Miscellaneous Improvements Consistency improvements; custom block improvements; inline moderation enhancements; better category management In addition to software improvements, I've added new categories: Das GIF Haus - A place for all of the best GIFs. Image Hosting - Where people who add images to their articles should host their stuff. Otherwise it will likely be lost after a short period of time because people tend to hot-link or upload it to crummy places like imageshack. Premium Members are also able to host their own stuff. It just so happens that our licenses for these updates ran out awhile back, so I had to repurchase renewal rights to the software inorder to get these updates. Since renewal prices run about $210 a year, I'll just take this moment to say all Premium Member subscriptions go toward the site and really help me out. You can also donate any amount you want if none of the Premium Member tiers are right for you, or if you're already subscribed. I'd also like to thank Deathirst for donating $15.00 and taking over the hosting costs for August with it.
  3. On default, Skyrim creates its own three autosave files. Assuming you create a new file for every character, those manually created files will never be touched by autosave. Now, problems do arise when people delete their original, manually created file and use the autosaves exclusively. There are three static autosave files that are overwritten regardless of what character you're using. If you were using those it is possible your original save was overwritten.
  4. Rockstar pledged new information regarding GTA 5 this week, and released three new images along with the announcement. The first image features a beautifully designed "Cheeta." We can only hope the vehicles look this good when they make their way on to the consoles. If you were one of those players who has always wanted to fly a jet in GTA games, it would appear as though you're in luck... The third image is a testament to Rockstar's effort in making a realistic urban setting, all the way down to the minor methods of transportation... All in all, we're pretty excited. If nothing else, it looks like Rockstar is getting the most out of this console generation's visual capabilities. The following trailer posted in November of 2011 shows how far the graphics have already come: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkkoHAzjnUs Although there is currently no official release date (perhaps that's the upcoming announcement?), many analysts have GTA:V pegged for a March 2013 release.What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments! Click here to view the article
  5. Rockstar pledged new information regarding GTA 5 this week, and released three new images along with the announcement. The first image features a beautifully designed "Cheeta." We can only hope the vehicles look this good when they make their way on to the consoles. If you were one of those players who has always wanted to fly a jet in GTA games, it would appear as though you're in luck... The third image is a testament to Rockstar's effort in making a realistic urban setting, all the way down to the minor methods of transportation... All in all, we're pretty excited. If nothing else, it looks like Rockstar is getting the most out of this console generation's visual capabilities. The following trailer posted in November of 2011 shows how far the graphics have already come: Although there is currently no official release date (perhaps that's the upcoming announcement?), many analysts have GTA:V pegged for a March 2013 release. What do you think? Leave your thoughts in the comments!
  6. The only thing I remember from Fallout 3 is blowing up Megaton and some hidden utopian-esque city involved in some quest.That and the dolls. Oh, the dolls. (figurines?)
  7. First of all, the image used for this article is actually New York, but for all we know that's where Fallout 4 could take place anyway.However, a Redditor going by the pseudonym "fallout4boston" recently posted the following... Could this rumor have legs? Well, it is worth noting that the "Commonwealth" mentioned in Fallout 3 was apparently specifically referencing Massachusetts, according to a Bethesda employee in a 1UP interview. New Vegas and Fallout 3 also referenced a Commonwealth institute that could theoretically be MIT (the Massachusetts Institute of Technology).Then again, vague references to "institutes" and other locations from Fallout 3 could point to hundreds of other locations. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.Click here to view the article
  8. First of all, the image used for this article is actually New York, but for all we know that's where Fallout 4 could take place anyway. However, a Redditor going by the pseudonym "fallout4boston" recently posted the following... Could this rumor have legs? Well, it is worth noting that the "Commonwealth" mentioned in Fallout 3 was apparently specifically referencing Massachusetts, according to a Bethesda employee in a 1UP interview. New Vegas and Fallout 3 also referenced a Commonwealth institute that could theoretically be MIT (the Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Then again, vague references to "institutes" and other locations from Fallout 3 could point to hundreds of other locations. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  9. So this movie which hasn't even been announced is going to be done in less than 4 months? Directed by Peter Jackson who is in the process of finishing The Hobbit, also due in December?Seems legit.
  10. Download Malwarebytes anti-malware and scan with that.
  11. I would like to welcome you into our clan. Congratulations on being accepted into The RuneScape Rebelz! <br>____________<br><br><font size="4"><b>I. What's Required of You</B></font><br>____________<br><br><span style="COLOR: #FF8C00"><b>1. Forum Activity</b></span><br>As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - <a STYLE="text-decoration:none" href="http://eldersouls.com/forum/33-runescape/">Forum Index</a> - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums.<br>____________<br><br><span style="COLOR: #FF8C00"><b>2. In-Game Communication</b></span><br>It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our clan chat is 'The Rebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape.<br>____________<br><br><span style="COLOR: #FF8C00"><b>3. Other Tips</b></span><br>Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our <a STYLE="text-decoration:none" href=" Information</b><br>Clan Chat: The Rebelz<br>IRC Channel: #Rebelz<br><br>It's great to see you in TRR. We all look forward to getting to know you! If you want, you can introduce yourself to other members by <a STYLE="text-decoration:none" href="http://eldersouls.com/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=new_post&f=52">posting an introduction</a>.
  12. David


    Welcome! Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions.
  13. This should probably be in Event Planning, not that it matters.I say do it but I won't make it for obvious reasons.
  14. Alright, I've removed /page/index.html/* from ALL links involving content/articles, which I'm MUCH happier with now. ElderSouls.com stays as such when you type it in to go to the main page. All articles URL's are also much shorter and more user friendly... The old URL should redirect to the new. Only downside is that all pre-existing social sharing such as facebook likes are lost since facebook keeps track of them according to the URL. This will still work in the future, though.The forum default is still eldersouls.com/index. The topics/forums are completely unchanged and ignore the /index, though, so I'm slightly concerned that's being dropped when clicking on them since it doesn't make much sense. If I change to eldersouls.com/community that will be static even when viewing threads, so that it's eldersouls.com/community on the index, and "eldersouls.com/community/forum/topic/Skyrim-Water" instead of "eldersouls.com/forum/topic/Skyrim-Water". It's longer but I think it's less confusing, no?Thanks for giving me feedback so far, it really does help even if to all of you it seems ridiculous/pointless/confusing/meaningless.
  15. Eliminated /page/index.html/* (among other things) from all articles/home content. Waaay more user and SEO friendly. Lost all of my FB Likes though. :( Also, the TRR index works again, though you'll have to update the link by going through the RS forum.

    1. Blake



  16. I was just talking about what the URL points to. Eldersouls.com goes to the home page now.One thing I just realized with naming it domain.com/forum is that when you're viewing a forum like Skyrim General Discussion the domain will be domain.com/forum/forum/1-Skyrim-General-Discussion.Since having "forum" twice in the URL is a definite no-no I think I'm leaning towards community.eldersouls or eldersouls.com/community. This is also better because of things like blogs; domain.com/forum/blogs is kind of contradictory. Are you on a forum or blog? Community (or /board) is more general.
  17. TRR forums are accessible again through the sub-forum. Old index link won't work for a few days since I need a file that's on my broken laptop.

  18. The entire first movie was spent trying to provide a practical background as to why a guy running around in a batsuit isn't just a lunatic. Super hero movies, like all others, aren't supposed to be 100% realistic and practical - that's a given. However, the plot and events of the movie have to make sense within the movie universe; for example a talking squirrel in a space suit is fine for sponge bob but not Saving Private Ryan. Likewise some of the things in TDKR go beyond what's supposed to be real in that universe.
  19. You think you can hide from us with your little anonymous log in. Little do you know... I CAN SEE YOU. overlyobsessedgirlfriend.jpg

    1. Nugg3h
    2. Nugg3h



    3. Blake



  20. "Home", as it is currently known, is now the actual default Eldersouls.com page. I'm also considering making the forums eldersouls.com/forums or community.eldersouls.com. Thoughts?I personally think using a subdomain (community.eldersouls.com) is more professional looking than a subfolder (eldersouls.com/community). After that discussion comes the forums (or "forum"?) vs. community debate.Right now our home page is default, and eldersouls.com/index is the forum, which is more or less exactly the same as it was.
  21. It's been a long time since the release of Kojima's exceptionally well-received Metal Gear Solid 4. Shortly after the game hit store shelves, Hideo Kojima announced his next upcoming title: Metal Gear Rising. After several years of waiting, it would appear we finally have a release date. According to Gamescom press releases, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will launch on February 19 in North America, February 21 in Europe, and February 22 in the UK (apparently the UK isn't in Europe, but we'll let this slide). Metal Gear Rising will be a spin-off from the Metal Gear Solid series featuring ninja cyborg Raiden as the main protagonist. Apparently it will take place a few years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4, in which cyborgs are beginning to take an increasingly large role in daily human life. Rising will feature a faster, more action-packed style of game play as opposed to the traditionally stealth-oriented Metal Gear Solid series. This is one reason Kojima decided to drop the "Solid" from Rising's title. Also released at Gamescom was an official trailer, and it has us excited. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZshJgXXHnk What do you think? Will Rising live up to the massive standards set by Metal Gear Solid 4?Click here to view the article
  22. Zomg, Blexun's first article. I am so happy and proud. :smile:Doesn't surprise me that GameStop was one of the worst, though. They have an absolutely terrible reputation from a customer standpoint already.
  23. It's been a long time since the release of Kojima's exceptionally well-received Metal Gear Solid 4. Shortly after the game hit store shelves, Hideo Kojima announced his next upcoming title: Metal Gear Rising. After several years of waiting, it would appear we finally have a release date. According to Gamescom press releases, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will launch on February 19 in North America, February 21 in Europe, and February 22 in the UK (apparently the UK isn't in Europe, but we'll let this slide). Metal Gear Rising will be a spin-off from the Metal Gear Solid series featuring ninja cyborg Raiden as the main protagonist. Apparently it will take place a few years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4, in which cyborgs are beginning to take an increasingly large role in daily human life. Rising will feature a faster, more action-packed style of game play as opposed to the traditionally stealth-oriented Metal Gear Solid series. This is one reason Kojima decided to drop the "Solid" from Rising's title. Also released at Gamescom was an official trailer, and it has us excited. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZshJgXXHnk What do you think? Will Rising live up to the massive standards set by Metal Gear Solid 4?
  24. By "lifetime" they mean "11 months until the game folds completely."
  25. The best method you're going to have for getting good armor/weapons are through leveling Smithing and Enchanting to level 100. Daedric is the best tier of weapons you can get in normal Skyrim (though Dawnguard adds Dragon weapons), and they require a smithing level of 90 to make. Alternatively you will start finding Daedric bows in the world and for sale at level 46/47. Leveling smithing to 90/100 will be much faster than this, though, and it can really help you throughout the rest of the game.Enchanting can be used to add permanent buffs to weapons (such as 25 fire damage per hit on a sword, for example), and is pretty much the most powerful skill in the game.I wrote a leveling guide that can help you level Smithing and Enchanting as fast as possible - http://eldersouls.com/page/index.html/_/skyrim/skyrim-guides/the-fastest-ways-to-level-in-skyrim-r21
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