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Hacking Recovery

So I was hacked a few days ago, when I found out I planned on getting rid of all my stuff and starting a new account, Thankfully everyone in the cc at the time discouraged me from doing that and I decided to atleast wait till I had calmed down (it wasn't just the being hacked thing either there were a few other things that were on my mind as well, it was just the thing that sent me over the edge). I was so unable to think straight that even though i suspected it was a keylogger or something I h



Blast Corps. The Bane of My Childhood

So, about 2 weeks ago I was rummaging around for a good n64 to play. It wasnt long before I came across... this. I remember first seeing the game being reviewed on G4 at an early age, (This was after i discovered there was an entire channel dedicated to video games, you cannot imagine how ecstatic i was. my childhood was videogames.) The thought of a game entirely dedicated to blowing shit up intrigued me, the chance to drive around in a giant robot and/or bulldozer and destroy structures was to



New Features and Updates

New Features and UpdatesRevised Content Page Our old "Guides" page has really been showing its age for a long time, and I've been meaning to re-code it for months now. I've finally gotten around to it, and although it's no where near where I think it needs to be, I believe it's much better than it was before. To better reflect the content of the page, I've renamed it from "Guides" to "Guides & Articles" (this will probably just be shortened to "Content" when people become more familiar with



My return

So, Finally returned to Runescape and to the clan For a while I've considered rejoining the clan but I couldn't find it since the old website was down (with no link to the new one) and through searching TRR or the Runescape Rebelz all I could find were old recruitment posts which linked to the old website (ironically many of them were posted by me from my time in the Recruitment Team). Similarly I thought about playing Runescape again but I really wanted my old account back (I'd forgotten the p



Deployment OEF 11-12

Ah yes deployment. Something that most people in the united states can't say they've done. Anywho I've had a few close calls in that horrible place, let me list a few dates. I can talk alot of shit about that place but I'll keep most of it short haha. February 2011 - I'd say around the 20th is when I first got shot at needless to say I almost shit brix when a round flew past my head lol. March 2011 - Appendix acting up, I tend to just fight through the pain and keep going. April 2011 - First IED

Blue speed

Blue speed

Knock It Off, Netflix!

Knock It Off, Netflix! I've had Netflix on my game console and computer for a bit over a year now, and for the most part, I've been happy with it. I spend a lot of my time at school and the ability to stream TV shows and movies when I have a bit of a break is very convenient. If I had to complain about one thing though, the collection of movies leaves something to be desired. I mean, they have Hot Tub Time Machine just a couple of weeks after its theater debut, but when I want to see the first



My 17th of May + Solskjær

My 17th of May 16th of May This year we weren't supposed to have a big party for family and friends, but relax instead. Ofcourse, that did not happen. The 16th of May was a very stressfull day. Everything had to be ready for the 17th, and the new entrance had to be finished, so we could move some stuff in there. The food needed to be ready for the next day aswell. But it went allright, and eventually we got there. My brother could, as usual not help. Both because of laziness and because he "had"

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

Site Stats, Content Polls, and Tiger Sharks

User Feedback PollSappy Explanation Here at ElderSouls.com we care about you, the user. This is a fan site with user generated content, after all, and we wouldn't be going very far without any of you. That's precisely why we're having a feedback poll on this blog to get some answers on ways we can improve the experience here for everyone. It's a pretty basic poll, so if you have any additional comments or suggestions you're encouraged to leave them below in the comments (or make a new thread if



17th of May!

17th of May and russ! Now, you may wonder what happens the 17th of May. Well, its the national day of Norway, celebrating the constitution being signed on the 17th of May 1814! But what is a russ? Well, graduate students celebrate the end of the year, although their exams isn't over yet. But that's because it fits so nice with the celebration of 17th of May. So from May 1th to May 17th they are partying every day, and they are trying to get these knots to have in their cap, showing that they ha

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

Success on the Internet: Article & Guide Popularity

As the site ages and becomes more established, trends in user activity begin to become more apparent. Certain content can be highlighted as exceptional or below par based on hits and user involvement. So far, 11 of the guides submitted by our community have been published to the beta version of our main page. The software that runs our guide and article database, IP. Content, has basic stat tracking system built into it. This feature can be used to observe the number of hits the guides have gott



Game Review: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Heh heh heh...you all knew this would come along at some point. I realise nearly everyone on this site and their brother has played this game. I just thought I would share why it is my third favorite game off all time. With its large world, decent story, and huge amount of content and freedom, you cannot miss this title. Judging by the site you are on, you probably haven't. Gameplay: Allow me to start by saying that this is what the sandbox style is all about. The world is moderately large, prob



Kids These Days...

Kids These Days In the eight grade, I had to interview my grandfather with a list of questions given to me by my teacher. I then had to compare them with myself for some ultimate lesson I've failed to remembered. I love my grandfather, but that project made me realize he is a bit of an old fuck. When he wasn't bragging about all the farm work he did or how he built his log cabin workshop, he was droning on and on about how "kids these days" are lazier, namely how they play video games all day.



Game Review: Dragon Age Origins

An evil army is attempting to destroy the land, and it's up to you to stop it! While your first reaction may be, "Wow, how generic," Bioware puts its own twist into this Forgotten Realms tribute. What you are left with is an epic adventure that does a great job of defining what gaming is all about. Gameplay: Dragon Age Origins mixes turn based and real time combat together. You have four members of your party, and there are two ways to play. You can control one party member and switch every once



A little blood never hurt

Well as some of you know, I enjoy hardstyle music, and the melbourne shuffle dance. I decided to go the extra mile and duct tape my shoes "like a cool kid". It worked amazingly, to my surprise, however today i felt i should remove it and apply a new layer. My shoes are somewhat fine, little stickier right now without the tape but you may be wondering about the title now. here's the fun part, while removing said duct tape, i was holding my scissors incorrectly (because it's all i could think to

Unknown ProbLem

Unknown ProbLem

Meanwhile, in Facebook...

Facebook has been tanking downhill as fast as Myspace ever since it opened to the general public. Nowadays (at least in my case), my facebook "friends" (most of whom I neither know nor like) do little more than spam my feed with religious and political debates, game spam, idtiotic fake accounts, and the recent "LIKE/SUBSCRIBE TO RECIEVE 2000 FRIENDS LOL". It's a disgusting, horrible place that needs to die now. Facebook will be dead soon, and the cool people will migrate to Google Plus. A year o




Doctor: You need to stop masturbating. Pasient: Why? Doctor: I'm trying to examine you. Also, I love Runespan. I'm going to stay there until 99 rc, only stoping for Citadel. I doubt that's true, I'll probably get tired soon and go do something else. I hated rc before, but now I went from 13-50 since yesterday. It's not good xp fro skilling comp though... Also, I really should work on my English assignment... Sometime...

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard


I LOVE the Norwegian government. Not only do they repay some of the money I have spent this year on health care, but health care is completely free out the year. Because when you exceed a certain limit of cash spent on health care in Norway, they make everything free. And I have been quite a few times to the doctor this year and had that surgery in my toe. And now I get money back and free health care. I'm not really sure if other countries do this, but... yeah...

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard


Thank. God. For. Ramen. Honestly, where would our contry be without ramen. How many college students would we have lost to hunger? I love ramen, I basically live off the stuff. Chicken, Beef, shrimp. Variety, variety is good. Ramen is good. Think of the lives saved by that 4$ bulk pack of ramen. Stoeffers too. I dont know who she is, but that bitch can sure make a good mac n cheese.



Why I haven't played Skyrim for 2 months

Well, recently, I broke up with my girlfriend. Lets call her Hannah. She started being rude to me and one day I told her it was over. Hannah didn't take it very well, and when I got home the next day, my ps3 and internet modem were shattered. From what my friends told me, I learned that Hannah had left and bought a golf club. She then proceeded to use her key to my house(which I had forgot to take back) and went in while I was at work. She then destroyed everything in sight, and left. About a mo



My toe (yet again)

As you all should know, as I've been ranting about it everywhere, I've had an operation in my toe. But that's not the only problem. Today, I managed to kick my toe into the stairs, and it did hurt... a lot. But I often do kick into stuff. Probably because I got gigantic feet. My shoe size is; America; 14,5 UK; 14 and Europe; 49. I'm curious to see if anyone else in the clan have bigger or as big feet, as I find it humanly impossible. It's not very easy to find shoes either, but people in Norway

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

Paper Towels

Its 1 in the morning, and I found myself here procrastinating as usual. Before long, the red solo cup to my left was tipped over, and its cold contents sitting in my crotch. First instinct? Paper towels. I often find that when I run to grab paper towels, I am reminded why I dislike them so much. Prepare yourselves, i'm about to Andy Rooney on dis shiz. You can never use just one. No. I dont care what any commercial says, i dont care how absorbant it says it is on the bag. When something spills,



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