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O M F G !!!

I've just had an operation in my toe. It hurts. Like hell. I just took painkillers, but they aren't working yet. They have removed a bit of my nail, so it will forever be a bit more narrow then on the other toe. Shit, this really hurts. I can barely concentrate. I could feel that he touched the bone in the toe, though my toe was drugged(if that is the right word for this). It's a really odd feelin, when you don't feel pain but a really odd feeling in your bone. Fuck shit bugger, EricBloodaxe

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

Game Review: Ico

Shadow of the Colossus is considered a perfect example of video games being "art." SotC was made by a company called TeamIco. It was their second game. What was their first game? You have three guesses...it's Ico! While not quite as mind-blowing as SotC, this game still makes it into my top ten games of all time. Gameplay: This game blends platforming and puzzle solving. This is a giant castle, after all. You have to escort a girl named Yorda. KEEP HER WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES. There are demons tha



Game Review: Shadow of the Colossus

Are video games art? This is an argument that has been going on in the media for some time now. When the non-believers ask for an example, there is one game we all point to: Shadow of the Colossus. I owned a Gamecube during the 6th generation, so I wasn't able to experience this title the first time around. I bought the HD version last October, and I wasn't sure what to expect. To make a long story short: it's now my second favorite game of all time. Gameplay: There are only sixteen enemies in t



Game Review: inFamous

Ah yes, my first Ps3 game. This game will always have a fond place in my heart. I got it when I was very into "sandbox" games. While this game has many flaws, it also has many advantages over other open world games. I liked this game; what else needs saying? Gameplay: You are a man with electric powers in an open world setting. The combat plays out like a third-person shooter. Your "ammo" is at the top, in the form of electric orbs. As you use your powers, the orbs are drained, and can be rechar



Quest 64: Why Did My Parents Hate Me?

Obligatory First Entry Stuff My name is Blake Rodriguez. I'm currently majoring in Criminology at NC State and live in an apartment in Raleigh. Half Puerto Rican, 3 sisters, been involved with David's online triumphs and downfalls for 3 years and counting, yada yada. Now that that is out of the way, on to the blog. Plan on writing on a wide variety of things I think of: game reviews, random list, semi-hilarious articles, and maybe a little bit of insight on my life. Sharing my wisdom with the w



An Introduction to Site Metrics and Redneck Boobs

Always Have a Large Contrasting Title To Get People's AttentionIt would appear as though I am the only one updating their blog regularly. With that said, I should be finishing an 8+ page paper that's due tomorrow instead of writing this... But hell, this is more interesting. I'll also mention that I failed my last organic chemistry exam due to a lack of preparation, largely the result of my failed attempt at keeping you guys moderately entertained on this website for 5 minutes. But yeah, I'm not



A Few Site Changes

I'll just quickly detail and explain a few changes on the site I worked on this weekend... Instead of studying for the exam that's either going to make or break my life coming up on Tuesday. Ah well, that is life. General BadasseryJust couldn't think of a better catch-all term in all honesty, so I wrote the first thing that came to my head. If I'm right it's going to be almost the only thing displayed in the excerpt on the index, so I bet it'll get me a few cheap clicks. Suckers. Article Update




Hello peeps! I haven't made an entry in a while, and then I saw David's entry, I felt like Ishould make a new one. Soo... I became sick yesterday, and have fever today. I also saw The King's Speech today. Not for the first time though. But it's still a really good film! I think (hopefully) I have delayed the trip to our montain cottage. I don't really like skiing, and it's also reported bad weather for the whole week... But the people that got a cottage around the same place, always have a gathe

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

Game Review: Dead Nation

As you may have known, the PSN was hacked mid 2011. It was down for a month or so, but when it came back up, PSN users got 2 free games as part of a "Welcome Back" package. I took the games Wipeout HD and Dead Nation. I didn't like Wipeout HD. It just wasn't my style. Dead Nation was a game I had a bit more luck with. Gameplay: This is a pretty generic top-down zombie shooter. There is a shop at every checkpoint where you can buy new guns, ammo, and equipment such as land mines and flares. You c



A Profile in Heroism: Taylor Swift's Legs

Annnd if you're reading this, it means you've mistakenly chanced your way upon the new blog I'll be occasionally updating. I've decided that I can't constantly harp at you users about getting involved with all of the site's features without following my own advice... So, here I am. With a blog! Hint: Make your own. Anyways, this blog is where I'll post various analysis, issues, and events concerning ElderSouls.com. It's not replacing the News and Announcements forum. Rather, this is a place wher



Now I can fight things!

Finally grabbed 43 prayer, after deciding not to AFK through three and a half hours of homework that's still not quite done >.<. Well, off to do Jungle Potion and Shilo Village. Then I'll be on the fast track to 99 fish...eventually.




Today my brother found out that he was accepted to the National Music High School as the only one to be accepted in his category! High School in Norway is not the same as in America, it's the same level as University really. He plays the piano, incase you're wonering. Jazz. I don't really like jazz though. I'm kinda looking forward to him moving out, as he makes a lot of noice and I don't like jazz, which is mostly the kind of music he plays. I was actually going to post pictures of my giant fee

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

New blog!

Hi guys (and gals? don't think we got any gals on here though)! I've desided not to publish my earlier drafts, since they were pretty much rubish. I might publish the second one, though. The first one just said that it suddenly started snowing heavily outside, and now it's gone, after two days. Atm. I'm studying for my math test tomorrow, and I wish for once, it would go my way on these math tests. I'm not very good at maths, but still got into the class for all the smart people, that wouldn't o

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

Game Review: Final Fantasy XIII

So, I finished platinuming Skyrim a couple months ago, and wanted a cheap RPG game I could move on to. I decided to give the FF XIII-2 demo a try, and enjoyed it, so I picked up the first game. While it is flawed and I see why people don't like it, I feel I got my $20 worth out of it. Gameplay: This is a party-based RPG, and you have different classes to choose from. Commando is damage, Ravager is building chains so Commandos can do more damage, Medics are healing, Sentinels are tanks, Synergist



Moneeh and tooth!

So... I was just looking through the old coins that my family got. Some of them are worth quite a bit, though most of it isnt really worth much. Since my grandfather collected coins, and he have been all around the world, we got old coins from all over the world. Including a silver dollar from America! That's pretty kewl. I found them whilst I was looking for my half tooth though... And I found the box it was supposed to be in, and it ws empty! Now I can't post a picture of my half tooth! I can

Eric the Bard

Eric the Bard

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