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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. No more Dungeoneering for a while Next is some slayer and questing probably ! Need to get Lunar for RC, if the rc update is going to suck that is.
  2. The quest is pretty epic tho, nice cutscenes and all :-)! Not that long either.
  3. I got a fat ass on those pictures
  4. I lol'd at your sig:P GL on your goals, prayer is fking expensive
  5. oh fuck totally forgot about this one o.0
  6. You back, bro? :PWhats new?Uh, new staff, new forums, somewhat increased activity I guess, nothing special
  7. Swan song isnt that long to be honest, but im not sure what the prices of monks are atm, if its shit I would just suggest barbarian fishing till you can do rocktails
  8. And the Member Of The Month - March is . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamie/Cruelintakez Congratulations Jamie, you deserved this! You've won with a big majority of votes. You didn't get promoted to council for no reason One of the most dedicated members in the clan and probably the only one that hosts events, really active on forums, really active in cc and helping out with recruiting! Thanks for being an awesome member, Jamie <3
  9. Image (provide linkSomething with an mma fighter would be cool : http://www.solidspor...10/02/mma-1.jpg ( without the text) or http://clikhear.palm...126-950x866.jpg or http://bossip.files....evans_ortiz.jpg Colour:I always like black-white or black-red combinations Main Text: Huygens Main Text Colour:, White or red, depending on what looks cool Boarder (yes/no): Whats a boarder? Additional Comments I dont care much really, feel free to make something awesome! Im sorry if im nooby about this lol i dont know anything about making siggies
  10. ^agreed, but srsly, are lobs the best way?
  11. Yeah recruiting is going really well, especially since Jamie is helping me out now !
  12. I have the same problem Jamie has, I read it just now lol, GZ tho!
  13. LOL NICE!! How did you get farming so fast:O
  14. I'm against upgrading old pc's Just buy a new one! I've bought a gaming computer for €1000 about 4 years ago, it got outdated really fast. This year I bought a laptop for €600 which has better specs LOL, its only i5 (i7 is considered to be good nowadays I think),so to be honest, a new computer costs money, if you're only going to play RS on it, dont bother just get a console
  15. Hehe, yeah Murlock liked botting a lot :)But do you know if they got banned or just left for some reason?
  16. Lol, you're trolling :Dactivity should be actively, I guess
  17. Hello clanmates,The council has been discussing a point system.In short: you get points for being activeWe still have to deceide whether you get rewarded for getting pointsFor example: 1000 points = 1 mil, 1000 points = maxYou get 50 points for attending an eventYou get 100 points for recruiting somebodyYou get 150 points for hosting an event (at least 5 participants (clan members only))We still have to deceide how we're going to administrate the pointsWe still have to deceide what the activities are you get rewarded for (just attending events or other stuff too)The first phase was discussing whether it would be a good idea. We (council) said we want to try this out. We are still in this phase, since we're now asking the entire community for their ideas.The second phase will be discussing the rules.The third phase will be a beta phase.Please notice that this will be a way of motivating people to be active. You should never be focused on making money by attending events.Post and vote now!
  18. Does anyone remember WyzKhalifa and Sir Murlock? They were gaining ranks when I quit TRR. I wonder where they are now.
  19. Damn Jagex for making so many ranks o.0
  20. Thanks for reading,my previous goals were to get all skills 65, then 70, and so on...But I've experienced I dont like being focused on all skills, so I kinda need some new goals and I'm not sure whatPlease look at my signature and say what you think would be cool and fun to get:High lvl slayer+Moneymaker-Slow99 Def+'easy 99', always helpful-already have attack and strength, getting def would make me even more combat based, and any fighting I do after getting 99 will be a waste of xp99 ranged+Helpful to have-Pain in the arse to train the cheap way, expensive to train the fast way99 magic+Helpful to have, increased mage def-Costs money, boring to train99 Fishing+Money maker-GrindingQuests and tasks+REALLY helpful to have those completed as much as possible-Might get boring, might be hard at some pointsGet into merchanting+Money-Risky, grindyPlease fill in the poll and motivate your choice, please help me
  21. Sorry for off-topic, but I love your sig.
  22. Hm I think I might wait till the end of the weekend, since more people play in the weekend; more votes.
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