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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. Awww damn it Fergal, we were doing such a good job rebuilding the community
  2. I hope you're not doing that with Elder Souls?
  3. me2 bro! ive been waiting so fucking long, and there still isnt a release date -.- fuckers at ncsoft...
  4. Looks promising, more of this kind of updates would be awesome!
  5. Hard to get good stuff to write about to be honest, but if you're willing to try, that would be awesome to be honest!Eric too !
  6. If you're referring to the graphical updates, then yes full rune looks so crappy right now, but no1 wears it, all good armours look awesome; bandos, dfs, karil etc.
  7. So whats holding you back? Setting some short term goals is a good way to keep motivated!
  8. WOW, just checked on RSOF, nearly got 1k posts lol 950ish atm!

  9. I dont always say fuck you, but when I do, fuck youLOL @ ur siggy
  10. Im glad to hear and no I dont know shit about computer and yes it was smoking kills
  11. Mehhh, I never really got what people think is so great about SC2, I hate scifi lol
  12. Not sure whats next, need to update my goals Short term are at least: 1 or 2 slay tasks to get 82 slayer Lunar Diplomacy Some tasks to get ardy cape and stuff like that (ardy cape 2 = improved loot @ ZMI altar); another 65, it will be either RC (probably after doing lunar and getting ardy cape) or thieving, both semi-cool skills Maybe some money making, I just donated 7.5m to an old irl friend that just started playing again; flipping + farming would be nice after prices settle when BXP weekend is over
  13. 65 agility, have been busy with school so badly last couple of weeks, I've set a goal for myself to play at least 60-90 minutes 6 days week (all days except saturday) Not sure whats next
  14. Hm you inspire me lol, I might buy 99 cooking and just go f2p for a month or however long I will need.
  15. Huygens

    CC Ranks

    Just hop in the cc, 'the rebelz', and warn ranked players or just add me 'Huygenssauce', but Im pretty sure I play at different times than you. You could als try the IRC, but its kinda inactive I do think you have a point here.
  16. I will most definitely play this game, Ive been waiting for it for like 5 years now? I used to play GW1 a lot, but its just that the low lvl cap sucks
  17. GL mate, didnt know there was a cooking spot in al kharid
  18. Huygens

    CC Ranks

    Hm yeah, Traaginen said so too yesterday in the council's forum
  19. Huygens


    Welcome back I guess
  20. I do get lagg from time to time as well :S but I blamed my slow internet for it
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