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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. Huygens

    Clan Citadel

    What if we dont make it? Will it save over somehow?
  2. Congratz and best of luck!
  3. I fucking hate those motherfuckers.... seriously
  4. Huygens

    Clan Citadel

    This is quite impossible, isnt it? 37k lumber and stone, that requires nearly 40 persons o.0
  5. I'm in for the lolz I generally just hang in the cc but I guess I've got enough charms to get some xp :DHuygenssauce
  6. I liked one of your messages, but didnt quote ;p
  7. Yay football cant wait for the tournamentThe Netherlands and Germany have the best teams at this moment, I'm afraid Germany will win though. But, yeah, I'm one of the few Dutchies that really dont mind Germany. I love the country
  8. OMG cant believe my interns are nearly over! Cant wait to have some proper spare time again!

  9. wtf dude when I saw the title I expected a goodbye message loltwins ftw
  10. The awards were cool, but there werent enough of them imo, just for getting 99s and stuff
  11. YEAHH BUDDY diplomat ftw gz mate
  12. No break for me until the first week of May :-)
  13. Ive played 1 and 3 , I know what you mean with that 3 just doesnt have the good old feeling
  14. Lol I got like 10 people in my friends list, since I got hacked it has been empty, only some irl friends and some clan members in it now
  15. gz! i love farming but i usually only do herb runs coz it otherwise seem kinda pointless to me; planting something and destroying it, love your lvl!going for 99 right?
  16. Gz noob :-)! Start fishing already:P
  17. Huygens

    New Promotion

    Good luck mate! Have fun hosting events!
  18. Board, my favorite viking <3
  19. Ill just say it again, my name is Lion, pronounced as Leon :-)
  20. A message is now displayed once a player's special attack energy reaches 50% and 100%. This I like :-) fuck all the other stuff tbh
  21. LOLOL I once referred to my penis as a R2H in the presence of my girlfriend, yup that was awkward.
  22. Bitch please, internship end next week Friday (20th) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah yeaaaaaahhh!!! I'd be so glad when the shit is over (for this college year)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      What's so bad about internship btw? I though it was more fun than normal school... If I understood correctly what internship is.

    3. Blake


      Well you get tired of anything after doing it long enough. That's why I don't talk to your mother anymore.


    4. Huygens



      well yeah internships are awesome, its just that ive got to make a portfolio, which is a HUGE document that has to prove my abilities, so the ending of my interns suck :P

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