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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. I dont really care about fancy phones. I just recently switched from a LG Viewty to a smartphone; Galaxy ace. It has Facebook and Whatsapp and I can play some games on it, all I need
  2. WOOOOHOOOOO 98 fishing!!!! But why the hell are you fishing lobsters? o.0 Bad xp and bad money:O!
  3. Huygens

    2011 GotY

    Skyrim is the only game I bought this year :-) , so yeah #1 #2 and #3 go to Skyrim
  4. Enjoy and do come back To me, RS is a game that keeps it's interest when you take a break from it every now and then.
  5. Until you get pked yourself, that is.
  6. Wait what? Is this seriously possible? Sounds epic How do you get such a chest?
  7. TRR <3 Ok, I was bored, I admit... Showing a decent flip, 100k profit from pure essence in a few minutes :-) Went dungeoneering with a irl friend of mine. For some reason I was really lucky and the boss only killed him all the time lol (although he has higher defence and 95 pray). We only did 2 medium rooms, for +-20k dungeoneering xp total. DG is quite fun if you do it with friends, even when they are just as bad at dungeoneering as I am. Back to getting 65 everything, crafting and thieving left. Since crafting costs money, I figured I'd better train thieving then. I forgot how incredible fast xp pyramid plunder is ! Up next: 65 thieving, money making and maybe I'll do a quest :-)
  8. Love your sig :-)

    1. Brad


      haha <3 me too :P

  9. Huygens


    Welcome! :-)
  10. I was like 10k away from 82, couldnt resist it . Don't ask why I'm ranging them right there. I thought you could still safespot them pretty good out there, turns out it got updated :-) /care anyways
  11. Nice :-)! I want panda armour too!
  12. Hm, I'm a mix of casual, hardcore, mmorpg and online gamer
  13. Hm, I'm only clicking because you asked nicely One direction is so freaking gay
  14. It's still pretty good, about 100-110k profit per run
  15. Nice reflection, some screenies would have been great too, though I never liked SW as a clan event, to be really honest, because you have little contact with each other, usually. One guy is a noob and only kills other players, some others only kill monsters, others camp at the obby, and so on
  16. I liked this, so I could unlike it, so I could like it again! Very nice post, some stuff I didn't know. I thought pdf files were considered safe to be honest How do you feel about Microsoft Security Essentials? I always feel like it's just doing nothing in the background.
  17. Im pretty sure he's Asian.
  18. Okay deceided to buy some slayer stuff and start doing tasks again :-) First step of playing normally again. Not that much of a profit today in item flipping
  19. Heh, actually, on the Dutch news I recently heard you get a much higher risk of getting viruses when visiting religious themed websites than when you're watching porn. I always advice using a sandbox when you're watching porn or other risky stuff, this way you're much safer.
  20. Huygens

    Clan Citadel

    Is the clan ready for lvl 4 tier? I mean 20 unique visits is quite a bit, if you ask me
  21. Ah shit, can you be a vampire when you're a werewolf? Totally didnt think about this. But I love the companions so much
  22. Im usually the good guy in games, but reading Traaginen's post tells me vampires are better
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