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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. Hey guys,I think my account Huygenssauce is on some kind of 'hacking list' or whatever or I have a keylogger (although my security seems pretty solid). I've lost my account yet again and can't seem to recover it; the recovery system RS now has is somehow broken. I've googled it and everyone else seems to be troubled by it. When you enter your emailadress it says that you didn't provide the correct adress (you have6 tries per hour). It might be on this so called list because I used to experience with botting a bit in the past or because I used to share accounts (pre-TRR), which also got me hacked in the past.So I've kinda given up on that account...sadly...Now I can go two ways, either keep playing RS or quit the whole freaking game. It would mean I have to start all over and as you can see by the highscores in my signature, my account was quite good...Maybe even to be considered high leveled with about 100 days of gameplay. Starting all over would be painful, since 90% of all new content is high lvled, but I could try to do something like DIY (gather all used resources yourself; do it yourself instead of buying the maple logs you might use for fletching, you cut them yourself) to make things more interesting.Keep playing or quit?+I've got experience+DIY would make things more interesting+TRR kinda needs people, badly+I think the community would help me a bit-Been there done that-New content mainly for higher lvled-Played for like 100 days of ingame time-Not 100% sure my computer is not infected-GW2 is coming-WTF should I do ingame, really?Meh, help me out, lol<3
  2. Huygens

    GW2 Server

    Are we restricted to one server?
  3. Well, my first ever char was a Ranger/Monk which was named Asgarnia the Mighty, which is totally lame and yes based on RS haha.I've had a Elementalist called Pyro the sushiking or something like that, which seems to be a nice name. I guess I'll aim for something that contains my last name ;Huygens
  4. Diet soda, lol! Hehe jk, nice pics
  5. LOL, I've got the exact same thing. I always play as a big guy with black hair and stubbles (which is me ). I could never play as a woman to be honest.
  6. Call it whatever you want, LOL
  7. Why don't we turn this in to a forum game?The reply to a situation with the most likes after, let's say, 4 days, gets to write the new 'awkward situation', and so onyay or nay?
  8. I've got a suggestion, not sure if it has been done in the past though; If the build tick is moved to thursday, everyone can cap again on a busy/crowded evening like Friday night. So 'capping fridays' or 'citadel fridays' which could be successfull
  9. Hey, what will your first character be? And why?Race + profession!http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/I think I will start safely with a warrior, because of the epic armour GW usually has to offer.As for race, probably human, Norn or charr. I like those furry bastards.
  10. I guess I misunderstood the message this time, I took it seriously, as if there are no other options anymore.
  11. Oh sorry mate, pre-ordered a few hours ago, and only read this just now . I'm not sure Amazon delivers in the Netherlands, though.
  12. I would leave immediately, who the fuck brings their mom? Ever heard of the show '' hotter than my daughter''?
  13. Im going to pre-order tomorrow
  14. Hm, this is a stupid way to shut down the clan, in my oppinion. It's sad, I'm totally done with Runescape, but I still liked TRR. Well, I will stay on the forums for other games and mainly off-topic shit, anyways.
  15. Ah dude, pking in 2007 rocked
  16. I played it when it re-opened, but cant log-in now :'(well RSC wasnt that good, anyways
  17. Good to hear you'll still be on the forums <3
  18. How do you log-in there?
  19. Meh, it's around 45-50mb/s usually
  20. Huygens

    Game of Thrones

    Woot, enough time for me to catch up with the books
  21. I get your point on the store.I'm 100% anti-microtransactions. although SOF requires a lot of luck, nobody should have advantage over other players, just because they spend money on the stupid game.
  22. And so it happens that Runescape slowly becomes pay2win. The first 2 steps are taken, SOF and this stupid store.
  23. Happened to me, more than once, but then in the garden at the front of the house and no free drinks :(The only thing you can do is pray you wake up earlier than your parent so you can still sneak in.
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