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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. What about students, temporarily working as a delivery boy?
  2. congratulations, you sexy thing here's your reward http://wfiles.brothersoft.com/s/sexy_kate_upton_hot_63641-1600x1200.jpg
  3. That's so sickening o.0 where do you live? Souns like some kind of medieval country, but I've got a feeling you're from the USA o.0
  4. I would if I still had access to it.
  5. Well that's a pretty lame policy, if you ask me Employees have the right to get paid the minimum wage, right?
  6. I'm Dutch, I don't tip. I'm not even joking, lol, Dutch people don't ever tip. Unless you have to pay like 72 euros, it's pretty normal to pay 75 then. But seriously, why would you tip? People get paid to do their job. I'm a teacher, I don't get tips from children of parents, do I?
  7. You can remove me from the players list, if you haven't already done so. I'm 100% done with Runescape :-) I still like gaming in general though.
  8. Just stop allowing people to own guns...srsly...
  9. Normally I really don't like change, I really don't. But I think it actually looks pretty good!
  10. Gorilla, for sure, they are like made out of 100% testosteron.
  11. Just watched NightmareRH doing Bandos solo, it seems really really easy now.
  12. TED, since Hobbit isn't released yet.
  13. I'm just getting too old for RS, seriously...I hardly have any spare time...When I do I usually play a FPS, work-out or spend time with my girlfriend
  14. I just type in eldersouls.com, log in and press view new content
  15. Lol, I honestly don't care that Lucasfilms has been taken over...Now we get a new Star Wars movie right, which is good, right ?
  16. It's quite good if you ask me, yes it starts to irritate me now, but when I first listened to it I was like LOLOLOL.The dance moves are funny, the chicks in the clip are hot for Asians and the song isn't that bad either.
  17. Do you actually have to register to vote in the USA? :ohmy:On topic:THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH
  18. Damn, some deep shit going on, is Bob the guy you can repair your barrows armour at?
  19. It's the text he wrote underneath the picture, right?
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