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Everything posted by Dy3nasty666

  1. ill try pking, get raped and rage quit for evar!
  2. you know, you COULD just give the money to me.........
  3. you know, you COULD just give the money to me.........
  4. vote for me, mainly because im prolly the only one left that actually uses this forum that hasnt been picked yet lol
  5. haha. I win because I dumped the wife three days before movemeber, no shaving for me!on the downside i am single again though lol
  6. man thats awesome. we gotta party somehow. Drop party anyone?
  7. haha. Friends. Friends slow down your exp gain!jk I have some of them idk how many would be active though
  8. yea pretty much. besides it doesnt really help much when theres only like 5 people who use it.
  9. Thanksgiving was a month ago you silly americans!
  10. So long story short making another mw3 montage what music should I use?kthxbai
  11. give it to me. Id <3 you foreva!
  12. ill try to be on as much as possible whenever, so if anyone needs a break they can just switch with me or something
  13. should be able to make the 20th but gaurentee not the 21st
  14. we can't all be rich red party hat wearing lcuky bastards now can we?gimme 1m pl0x?
  15. Pick me!!!!!!!!still havent won once yet loledit: 450 posts ftw
  16. only time ive ever pked. I did this. and then I got that
  17. No idea what the vid was about but i still watched it
  18. Im taking a break- trying to get a fish mask
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