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Everything posted by Dy3nasty666

  1. Vote me! Even though I havent played RS in over 3 months...
  2. Beat him. My sisters taught me well muwhahahaha. Beating ALWAYS works
  3. Hey guys, just a quick heads up as some of you may know i havent been very active in RS lately and thats all due to the fact that ive been busy with exams in the next week and CoD. The reason for CoD is our clan is in MLG now (yay) and ive been making a smexy sniping montage. Ive been working on those and haven't found the time to play RS. SO yeah, still here and relatively active, just not on RS for like three weeks lol.
  4. looks cute n cudly just standing there waving, but the moment you turn your back it screws you hard
  5. :D :D :D stay awesome my friends....
  6. Its all good you guys were all there.... in my heart.Okay that kinda sounds wierdish lol
  7. best of luck when you get your cape ill stand beside you and we'll do our emotes togtha!
  8. still havent played rs in over 16 days. No mem no play D:
  9. Thanks for the first one it was epic
  10. I hope it died. mem ran out so I quit! lol
  11. Fergypoo! Nice to see you still alive! Didnt know where you ran away too </3
  12. still rigged You can't show your own votes thats why Jk well earned
  13. I log on after school and everybody already has like 1m xp D: not a good start D:
  14. aww your so awesome brad! Thanks!
  15. Time to fsu! Gl everybody(p.s. i like how this improves clan at same time nice touch lol)
  16. 1400+ and cooking. Cook dat food!edit: how long do you have to be here before you get vet? Ive been since last fallish
  17. never heard of this before. New update?
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