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Everything posted by Dy3nasty666

  1. It WILL ban alot and I hope it helps alot but tbh i think that bots will just figure out a new way of coding :'(
  2. currently 88 combat will be 90+ within a week B)50 quest1100 total lvl (idk if its in the awards lol)
  3. lol idk i didnt mind it it just seems like each event jagex puts less effort into it :/
  4. yea another good one is filling baskets with orangers may sound stupid but its Easy 600k Per hour.
  5. Thurs work good for me BC we get out of school an hour earlier everytime
  6. Yea the hourglass is P2P only. Is it just me or is Jagex's Seasonal events getting worse each year
  7. Pk would be decent but I went with protect the commander just to see who's a tank
  8. Sounds decent, anyone know the rewards yet?
  9. Money Makeing Guide. Hey everybody welcome to my guide on how to make moneh I saw someone wanted one posted on the request a guide page so here it is! Money Making Guide By Dy3nasty666 (LoL Legacy96) Table of Contents: Section 1: F2P Section I: Miscellaneous Section II: Fishing Section III: Mining Section IV: Woodcutting Section V: Crafting Section VI: Smithing Section I: Miscellaneous Option One: Wine Drinking. Profit PH: 80K Pro's Not affected by bots! No Requirements! Cons: May take up to a day to sell on GE.(To counteract just have two things going at same time) What to Do. 1 Go to the GE and buy as many jugs of wine, Drink them and sell the empty jugs on GE for even more than what bought for. ( Bots buy them for water collecting) Option II: Pie Dough making Profit PH: 40-150k Pro's: No requirements Cons: Can get boring: What to Do. Buy water and flour and make pastry dough. Pretty simple and still good $. Option III:Jug/Vial Filling Profit PH: 40k Pro's: Prices always stay high even though alot bot this. Cons: Gets boring after a bit. What to Do. Go to GE buy as many vials as possible and fill them at the middle of GE and keep repeating. Option IV: Picking Bannas: Profit PH: 40k Pro's Good money Cons. No XP What to Do. Pick bannas on Karm. Sail back to port sarim and bank and deposit on docks. Repeat. Option V: Ash Picking Profit PH: 40k Pros: Good money, No requirnments Cons: If no bots are fming What to do. Go to a place that has alot of people FM'ing (I Choose Varrock East) And just pick up the ashes and sell them. Fishing Option I: Harpoon Fishing. Profit PH: 25K Xp PH:20k Pro's: Xp Cons: Bots dropped price by 10k PH in past few months :/ What to do. Go to Karm with harppon and 30 gp. Fish and then bank at stile. (pictured Below). Option II: Cage Fishing: Profit PH: 20K Xp PH: 15k Pro's: Good Xp Cons: Not very good profit. Same thing as above. Picture of stiles. Section III: Mining Option I: Mining Guild Profit PH: 20k XP PH: 10-20k Pro's Xp I guess Cons: ALOT OF BOTS!! can get frustrating What to Do. Just go to mining guild in Fally and mine. (60 Mining) Option II: Outside Resource Dungeon. Profit 75-100k Per Hour Pro's NO Bots!!!!!!!, Lots of rocks Cons. None No working bot scripts for this XP: 20k what to do go outside mining guild and theres an area. Just mine away. Theres Addy Ores(3) Mithril (3) Coal (8 or 9) Gold (2) and just repeat bank in RD for more money/xp PH. Option III: Resource Dungeon. Profit PH: 25k Xp: 15K Pro's Decent for starters. Cons. Always 15+ Bots everyworld. What to Do go Into fally mine and look for resource dungeon. Go In and mine and bank at deposit box. ( 15 Dung) Section IV: Woodcutting Varrock West Yews. Profit PH: 50k Xp: 30k Pro's very few bots. 3 Trees. Cons. May be slow at the start What to do go to Varrock west bank and go to the plank maker in that area there is 3 yews. Section V: Crafting. Option I: Gold Necklaces Profit PH: 40k XP: 60k PH Pro's: Good Xp and Money. Cons. Gets boring. What to do. Buy gold bars on Ge and a necklace mold go to Al Kahrid. And smith and bank. Repeat. Section VI: Smithing Option I: Steel Bars Profit PH: Varries But still makes decent profit.(IDK exact amount) XP PH: 10-20k Pro's: Best F2p Way to 99 Smithing. Makes Nice amount of Money. Cons: Gets boring. Only 9 bars per trip. What to do: Go tyo GE buy coal and Iron and Smith in Al- Kahirid, then sell for profit. Will add More later+ Pictures when I get time! Enjoy
  10. I had a super long guide on how to make over 80k/hr in f2p in lol forums. Now only if I can find it :/
  11. It sounds good. when would we do this about...?
  12. Very nice pic. I might, heres a link to my first ever rush kill:Rush'd Sun!
  13. Won't be able to make it sorry. Mondays morning's arnt very good for me.
  14. sounds good I duel you just pm me or post in here when you get those.
  15. good luck I support and i might show up for it depends if ill have mem then :/
  16. Dy3nasty666


    Hey everybody so heres my into: I started playing runescape in 2006 and have had alot of accounts since then like this one for example, I started working on it at the start of July this year.(stats below) and prefer being in a clan rather than not for events like wars and just having people to talk to while playing rs. I used to be in the clan Legacy of Legends until we closed our forums due to inactivity and always enjoyed going to events with them (like when we did bandos) and hope that I enjoy this clan as much as our old oneKthxBai
  17. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Dy3nasty666 Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 85 Total: 1101 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Legacy of Legends Where did you hear about TRR? Fergal What were your first impressions of us? a decent looking clan Why do you wish to join our clan? for events and people to chat with while playing RS
  18. Dy3nasty666


    t3h great dy3nasty666 in runescape
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