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Everything posted by Dy3nasty666

  1. understandable. I remeber the first time when it came out i was a bit sketchy. Alot of RWT and Bots gathering in one world at the same spot for an event but sofar everything has gone good lol.
  2. Alright and would any of you be interested in joining Powerwars? Yes its sponsered by a gold selling website, however what it is it two teams, HomSu and ChuckHide and they battle eachother in varriour events like castle wars, Clan wars and stuff like that. After the 3 rounds are done the winning team gets a drop party with over 100m being dropped by Gold4Fun. Just an Idea I understand if you guys dont want to go to events that are sponsered by RWT companies lol.
  3. Gratz and Goodluck! What color P Hat you getting?
  4. Dangit Fergal- everytime I go to a site to advertise youve already been there and posted lol
  5. Laptop ftw:D Play RS basicly anywhere lolz.
  6. Hey guys now that im an EC, I would like to throw the occasional event just to get more people active and such. What I want to know however is what is your favourite event? This way I will try to throw lots of events that will get people active and still have lots of fun. KThxBai
  7. Alright im going to start recruiting hardcore. Can anyone show me the ads we have and some sick siggies? I thought we had a place for them i just cant remeber now ....
  8. imma just recruit super hardcore so that we no longer have this problem evarAGAIN!~
  9. Grind spiders in f2p and monkey guards in p2p
  10. best thing ive ever made lolz: thats my xbox live gamertage zoso is just the clan name
  11. Combat:90Attack:73Strength:75Defence:72Magic:59Ranged:54Constitution:74Prayer:46Summoning:1Attack Style(s):MeleeOther stuff:Om nom nom nomz
  12. exactly lol just like untrimmed hp cape cuz its pretty rare.
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