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Everything posted by Dy3nasty666

  1. Good Lets go kick Al Arse!
  2. Even so he should still shwo up when we war AL I dislike them
  3. O noes! You will be missed (however you should comeback if we war AL again )
  4. bought a sniper rifle in combat arms for $30. Havent played it in over 2 years D:
  5. Ill join this and do f2p minining<br>Edit:<br>Abit to late dang.
  6. As you quated giant spiders for f2p and mems monkey gaurds(no food-60k p/h) armoured zombs, dragonths, and bandits but their always crowded
  7. soooo.....many....photos.... Best of luck with those!
  8. Im interested lol. Possibly however it would be awhile before I can be more active. With my current schedule im busy 6 times a week :/
  9. Bronze war ftw! Its cheap, fun and good practice
  10. RPG ftw... I remember when I was 5 the toughest decision I ever had to make was to pick bulbasuar, charmander or squirtle....
  11. Ill be gone for all friday saturday and sunday morning :/ ill try to make it if its later on
  12. What about a Bronze war? You go into wildy with all bronze and lobsters. If you die its a max 4k loss lol. Or even do bronze arm with rune scims and just protect item
  13. Lol yea its everymonth. And yea I get to practice for wars and have a chance to make alota money- win-win
  14. Hey everybody so there was this thing called powerwars sponsered by Gold4fun. And what happened was there was 3 rounds of wars and after a 100m drop party . It was super fun except my team sucked because we couldnt pile properly D: But at the drop party afterwards I made 3.3m Heres some pics. this is how
  15. going for pokemon fanatic spring trr awards
  16. So I started this one to continue from the old one because it saves ALOT of time editing so it appears in nice columns. To get started now. Week 1. Feb 1st. Oral sex can lower blood pressure! Week 1. Feb 2nd. In 2006 Britain had the best Dental Hygiene! week 1. Feb 3rd. Water tempturature doesnt control killing germs when washing your hands! Insitead its how you scrub and what soap you use!<br> week 1. Feb 4th During the great depression, there were popular porno comics called Tijuana Bibles week 1. Feb 5th Charleston Heston had the highest security clearnence possible for 6 years! week 1. Feb 6th. German academics voted the word "shitshtorm" as the best english loanword week 1. Feb 7th. Roman emperor Claudius's love live was considered unusual for his time because he only loved women week 2. Feb 8th. Theres a simpsons house in real life! week 2. Feb 9th. Theres a gummy bear that weighs 5 pounds and has over 6000 calories! week 2. Feb 10th.If the world was as densly populated as new york we could all fit in texas! week 2. Feb 11th. The worlds smallest gutar is the size of a red blood cell! week 2. Feb 12th.Someone calculated pi to 2.7 trillion didgets! week 2. Feb 13th. Odontophobia is the fear of teeth. week 2. Feb 14th.In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator. week 3. Feb 15th. Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day. week 3. Feb 16th.Karoke means "empty orchestra" in Japanese. week 3. Feb 17th.The most common name in the world is Mohammed. week 3. Feb 18th.President Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute. week 3. feb 19th.According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction. week 3. feb 20th.There are two credit cards for every person in the United States. week 3. feb 21st.When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months. week 4. feb 22nd.It took Leo Tolstoy six years to write "War & Peace". week 4. feb 23rd.The most money ever paid for a cow in an auction was $1.3 million. week 4 feb 24th.The Neanderthal's brain was bigger than yours is. weej 4 feb 25h.The pancreas produces Insulin. week 4. feb 26th.1 in 5,000 north Atlantic lobsters are born bright blue. week 4. feb 27th.A skunk's smell can be detected by a human a mile away. week 4. feb 28th.The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache. week 5. feb 29thMario, of Super Mario Bros. fame, appeared in the 1981 arcade game, Donkey Kong. His original name was Jumpman, but was changed to Mario to honor the Nintendo of America's landlord, Mario Segali. that wraps up February!
  17. Heres alot of pokemon one lol.
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