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Everything posted by Dy3nasty666

  1. Alright so from now till the new year I decided that I shall get all my money from merchanting so heres my super epic post that will be updated daily. Day One Starting Cash-1.6m Item purchased-Lobsters Price per item- 89 Gp Quantity- 10,000 Total Price- 890,000GP Selling Price-94 GP Total Price- 940,000 Profit- 50k Total Time- 2 Hours to buy and sell Day 1 Continued Starting Cash-1.6m Item purchased-Lobsters Price per item- 88 Gp Quantity- 19,000 Total Price- 1672,000GP Selling Price-94 GP Total Price- 1786000 Profit- 114K Total Time- 2 Hours to buy and sell Starting Cash-1.6m Item purchased-Steel Bars Price per item- 1275 GP Quantity- 1250 Total Price- 1,593,750 Selling Price-1285 Total Price- 1,606,250 Profit- only 12k D: Total Time-Instantly
  2. Dy3nasty666


    Lol i got a blackberry last week. Sofar im loving it- I already have TRR added to my favs lol. I even troll the forums during school when im bored lol
  3. Agreed. I can lead the CoD part if you like Ive won 5 games of FFA yesterday in a row using only a sniper rifle with no killstreaks
  4. That would be a good idea. Any other games that i can think of would be LoL WoW and maybe some others. I cant think of it atm
  5. Lol we should actually try and recruit him lol
  6. either way there both still really good. or you can have highest posts per day award
  7. Sexiest Event coordinator-I think we all know who should get this Haha jkbut in all seriousnessMost DedicatedMost improvedClan trollMost activeMost recruits st00f like that.P.S. 100 Posts FTW!!!!!!!
  8. You super lucky kid lol. Im jelly
  9. Lol say goodbye to rl over the Xmas break lol
  10. Sounds good Lol. If I ever get some free time this week ill go
  11. Can a person only win this once or can they win multiple times?
  12. Idk Ferg... Xbox is pretty epic. The reason I got an Xbox was for the Live, Controllers and how many kids in our class have one.
  13. Do you need money to play Runescape? At the start no, but the farther in yes Do you need coins to enjoy Runescape? If your member yea Do you need $$$$ to be good at Runescape? No, but it makes it alot easier Does a big cashstack resemble your skill in Runescape?Not really however there are buyable skills just mah opinion.
  14. Yea lol and would any of you be down for a skilling comp? the only thing that sucks is Jagex removed f2p highscores ftl
  15. For starters get an Xbox Come and game with me. Second Id get Blops and Skyrim Just because if you dont like mw3 and stuff and skyrim is really epic.
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