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Everything posted by Tcee

  1. YAY, I'm orange now :3 Thank you for the opportunity, I'm excited and honored to be a part of Staff :]
  2. Congrats on 99 Farming!!@#%$%&
  3. I had fun today :] It was nice getting to know a few clanmates!<3 PICS: Anyone know how to make the interface go away when using orb of oculus? PS, my baby platypus grew up! Also, he got the name Perry. Thanks for the suggestion! lol
  4. Congrats on the good income! 138's are brutes!;oI didn't play for double loot, but I got a See-No-Evil monkey hat; and a barrel. The emote is cute, but I don't wana use it..
  5. I officially never have to wear a red shirt + khaki pants again! FREEEEDOMMM!:]

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      A friend and I wore red and khaki pants to target once... was really fun fucking with people. Especially the new workers.

    3. Tcee


      Lmao x) Take walkie talkies next time, and tell people to get back to work!



      Wish we thought of that, we were seriously high as fuck that day though ha

  6. I've never played Skyrim, but I just wanted to thank you all for the good read. It is very entertaining when you have no idea what's going on!Happy Gaming!(please don't count this as spam... um.. *cookie?*)
  7. Lol, it was still very awesome. I didn't even notice the ~2hr difference, I was at work, I assumed the 5hrs was valid.PS; Stop lying to me D:
  8. DUDE! This is hardcore adorable! <3 All the colors, too! I'm a lil confused about the quote lol x] Sounds dirty.I miss playing LBP, I had like 40 characters saved;
  9. Hello there~ I was wondering if anyone would like to practice their artistic/creative capabilities and make me a signature?:] I'm not really picky on how it should look, just want something cool that's allll mine! Image: Do not have one D: Anything cool/badass/awesome/fun. Anime/'real life' pictures both accepted so long as we don't break any rules ;] Colors: Any really: blues, purple, TRR greens, black, charcoal grey, yellow; Pastels, brights - I like most colors Main Text: Tcee Subtext: >.> Idk what else should go on it. Could you make one w/TRR logo & copy without? Just to see the diff?:] First request Thanks in advanced!!<3
  10. Tcee


    Enjoy your mini vacation, hope it serves you well.We will be eagerly awaiting your return! :]
  11. Congratulations on your promotion Destiny!It's nice having you here with us (again)!
  12. Strawberries, booze, a highchair and no pants! What a party!Nice tats - from what the pics can show.
  13. Super-Congrazzzlessss@!#$%^&*( <33Gl w/99 Farm, too! You're so close! GAhhh, teach me your ways x.x
  14. Because it's just so obvious how awesome Sonic is:]
  15. Totallyyyy miss playing Super Mario! I, like 99% of kids, would lift the controller in the air whenever I needed Mario to jump, thinking it would help. Ahh, nostalgia. &I miss Mortal Kombat .. Which was on.. Sega? I'm feeling old now ><N64 faves were/are Mario Kart and Monopoly.
  16. Havent seen him chubby xD Time to google and laugh.
  17. I'm on the fence about his body. Just keep his face covered,pls.
  18. Lmao@Eric's pic. Thats a huge freakin bubble from her!Hayden is pretty cute - is that her in the gif, too? From what? xD
  19. Tcee

    Rebelz Timez v1.0

    I'm super excited to see the finished product. This is my first time being part of a TRR project, I am truly honored. Big, big thank yous to Jamie for taking charge of this fun project and everyone who put this in motion, adding their talents, and finally getting it published. There might be a couple errors, but for this being the first issue of the newsletter, its pretty awesome and we can only get better! :]Enjoy!
  20. Date: 05/13 Tuesday This is incorrect. 05/13 is a Sunday. In the US it is Mother's Day. 05/15 is Tuesday. While we appreciate the event being created, the date posted may need some updating.
  21. Tcee

    Clan Citadel

    When/how do you become fealty3? When you've done 3 weeks of work in a row?
  22. You save the day again! *Gives cookie*I meant to put names on that page (here: http://eldersouls.com/topic/1024-the-ranking-system-explained/ ) w/original TRR ranks not on the users as I can see how difficult that would be, but I do see the Clan Hierarchy now. I'm so used to just simply going to "View new topics" and not dealing with the actual subforums. I get it now, haha, normally I'm pretty good at finding this stuff. Must be an off day. I'll stop bugging you:]]
  23. Aaahhhh.. Thank you very much for clarifying, I do appreciate it:]However, I do stand by my request to have TRR Staff listed on the page with their Ranks, especially since there is not really another way to tell here on the forums. Just in case I have, say for example, warring questions, I can actually seek out the Warlord by looking at the ranks and PM'ing the person listed. Thanks again!
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