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Everything posted by Tcee

  1. I'm just a regular member with no real opinion on how ranks should look in the Chat. As long as the appropriate Staff Members have the power they need to do what is necessary for their job (editing clan info, kicking, etc) there isn't too much of a difference. Except the look of the icon each person might prefer. But I do wonder if the ranks on forums could reflect this same sort of groups? At this time the ranks I see are: Administrator | Global Moderator | Category Moderator | Premium Member | Member | Awaiting Email Validation Which is a little different from the ranks shown here: http://eldersouls.com/topic/1024-the-ranking-system-explained/ (Maybe this needs to be updated? Info regarding who holds which rank for staff members might be helpful,too.) +The ranks in Member Title like "Advanced Member" is in reference to # of posts (right?)
  2. Helloo King Taco! Welcome to TRR:]Best of luck with your goals!After membership runs out, do you think you will be a member again in the future? It has lots of perks and fun minigames.Anyways, hope to see you around~
  3. Lmao! I see it now. That's just wrong x]
  4. This is purely epic! A thin boarder would be a nice addition:]
  5. Hating you both for ruining her for me!Beckham is just all around Yum.
  6. Fix it, fix it, fix it :[i was winning, too >.>;;
  7. Congrats!! & keep up the awesome work ;p
  8. I lol'd hard..... Hes soo pretty!! The Bieber pic is just great, too.I'd contribute, but on my phone.. ><
  9. Nooooio! I love Runespan, but wont be home til Monday Have fun guys~
  10. Tcee

    Game of Thrones

    It only gets better!!! She is by far the hottest character in the series.@AnarchyYAY!:]
  11. Tcee

    Game of Thrones

    Sparticus is just as bad as GoT or worse xDFuturama is a personal fave, but I might have seen nearly every episode already, ty for the suggestions!
  12. Tcee

    Game of Thrones

    That's it; I need to get a Netflix account :[Keep me busy waiting for new episodes. Seriously though: one episode and I was hooked, can't just stop watching now :]Any series suggestions?
  13. YAYYYYYY!@ Glad you showed that dude who's boss..Finally! So proud xD
  14. Tcee

    Clan Citadel

    Crap...Sorry, I keep forgetting about that. I've never been to one, so I'll find a info on RS Wiki n try to remember from now on.
  15. Tcee

    Game of Thrones

    For those who don't know.. Game of Thrones started off as a series of fantasy novels by George R.R. Martin and became a HBO special series first aired in April of 2011 and the second season began April 2012. Just wondering who else watches this show? The storylines are insane. Bloody, gory, medieval-ish timeframe, fantasy elements, politics, deceit. I highly suggest watching - if you're 18+ .. There are a few "adult" situations... Okay, maybe more than a few ;p Spoiler in place in case anything posted might give away the story! You've been warned! But yeah. No one else wants to watch it with me, reaching out to the awesome ES/TRR community!
  16. Hope the issue can be resolved, I would have liked to get to know you. Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't. Wishing you all the best!
  17. Feel like a zombiee.... x.x One more day of work til the weekend! asdfghjkl;

  18. Ditto; New clan time? :bSorry~ Back to Monkfish. YES! They are ugly sons of guns! Catch 'em all Swiftangel!
  19. *4 now. And probably ~2 more by the end of the day xDAh well, it's the participation that counts, right? Right? Constellation prize still cake?
  20. Gogogogo! Good luck! Monkfish are nasty lookin' things, have you seen them irl? XD
  21. 50M xp is quite an accomplishment, best of luck!
  22. No cape, no super-grats, lol.But you're getting close!!
  23. Congrats on completing the quest ~ GL w/your 2 extra spins!
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