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Everything posted by Tcee

  1. http://www.runescape.com/classicapplet/playclassic.ws <-- Must be P2P, btw.
  2. I won a fish mask from SoF! I think I will hold onto it until after summer and see what happens. Worst case scenario, if prices drop, I have something to add for a drop party? :3
  3. When was the last time you strolled down Nostalgia Lane?
  4. Crisis averted! Welcome to the clan! :]
  5. Tcee

    Game of Thrones

    2nd season has ended; 3rd will begin March 31, 2013?
  6. Enjoy you trip! You will be missed:]Ps, you come back on my bday, so bring cake n stuff!
  7. Tcee

    Game of Thrones

    Apparently Robb, Lady Stark, Daenerys, and the Wildling girl were at Comic-Con this year ;o I feel so left out.Can't believe how this last season ended; OMGOMGOMG. Even forgot to post about it here xD
  8. Tcee


    While it saddens me to see you go, I understand your reasoning, even if I don't personally agree with them, they are *your* reasons.I applaud you for standing up for what you believe is right and moving on when some members in this clan have different interests than your own.Thank you for the fun times we shared, you are a nice friend I would like to keep :] Best of luck, m'dear<3
  9. Neighbor's dog just got skunked... and I can smell it from here! UGH. x.x

  10. Were you invited to the clan by a Staff Member (Gold Star+)? If not, you might need to enter the Clan Chat (or Guest Chat?) 'The Rebelz' each time you log in.Please add me in-game if you have any further problems, I'll try to help you out. :3RSN: Tcee
  11. Tcee

    New Diplomat

    Its only mandatory to join forums if they want Corporal rank in cc, right?Fansite forum users usually dont mind registering here, but I agree: in-game recruits tend to be cautious. Can't blame them.
  12. 33 weeks! Holy hell, time is flying by o.O

    1. Anarchy


      few more weeks and he'll be as good as healthy :)

    2. gotab0ner4xmas


      enjoy your sleep while you can =p

    3. Tcee
  13. My RS schedule is dumb now. Very little drive to play. :[ -Log in -Free spins on sof -Work Kingdom (every couple days) -Citadel -GE idle until a minigame sounds fun Normally when I find a goal to meet either for a quest or just a 99, I grind without much interruption. I don't. ;3
  14. Tcee

    New Diplomat

    Congratulations on your promotion, Deathirst!!Best of luck:]
  15. Best of luck with your tournament & with college stuffs.You are a great Diplomat! Hope to see you around again soon<3
  16. Look just under/to the right of the reply box where it says, "More Reply Options" & Click that.Then, below the text box you are typing in, you will see "Attach Files", there you will be able to upload pictures from your computer,etc. OR You can always visit a free hosting site, like http://tinypic.com/ and load your picture with them, then select the "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" which will look similar to this when you paste it here: [IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/2eq6ooi.jpg[/IMG]But when you finish, and post your reply, the image will look like this: Hope that helps<3
  17. 32 weeks! I'm definitely feelin' it lol. Dr appt later today w/my dadzilla, then weekend shopping for babystuff :3

    1. Anarchy


      He's Coming!!! :D

    2. Blake


      The spawn will break free.

  18. I've always wanted an iPhone ;_; ... But they're hella expensive. I don't know if I'll ever part with the Android os <3Samsung Galaxy S III is my new dream phone. The screen is bigger than the HTC One x, but as CNET has described, it is also a little dim in comparison with the HTC.Still, I wants.I remember back in hs, I had this tiny blue and white Nokia that I loved. Small screen, just the numberpad [no qwerty] ... I thought it was the cutest thing. Now, the bigger the better. What a topsy-turvy world we live in!
  19. WHOOOOOO-HOOO!One more level C:
  20. Enjoy your break & we hope you return!There's still a while before the Beta is implemented into the Live game, and maybe some things will be revised.
  21. RC award, please<3Also, can it be placed next to the other skill awards?-Edited by TC:But...b-but... It looks so unorganized now @.@I'll pay!
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