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Everything posted by Tcee

  1. I played this for a little while earlier; It's addicting since you're there running around from area to area and xp is just laying around waiting for you. I'm really happy since RC seemed so dreadful to train before.The middle level is so prettyyy<3
  2. Tcee

    Dirty Mind

    Hahaha, nice random thread to boost my mood, but now I feel dirty!
  3. Congratulations on the promotion!!
  4. These are really nice. I agree w/Vocaloid + Another idea might be Member of the Month award w/month/year on it so it can stay forever. Award Requests: 2000+ Total, Attack, Strength, Defence, HP, Fletching, Fishing, Cooking, Firemaking, Woodcut, GE Sitting.
  5. Tcee


    Go for 99; Get your wiiiiings!
  6. Oye, Sneaky!!Red Bull was my fave, too :c
  7. Nice thread, its fun getting to know everyone without searching through 3243587 intros :bRunescape name: TC StormbornReal life name: TCFacebookpage: Clicky!Are TRR members allowed to add you?: I don't add people I don't know in person, sorry! <3Age: 20Country+timezone: US, PacificSchool/University/Work: TargetHobbies: Hanging with friends, movies, cruise the mall, play pool, spend time with my pups, swimSports: Whichever sport season it is I can get into it, mostly footballFavorite athletes: Ones that play the game and make it interesting# Years you have been playing RS: Hard to calculate, but I'm a Classic Vet. 'Nuff said ;]Time you've been in TRR: Not very long at all! Member Since 24 Apr 2012What you usually do when playing RS: Daily stuff, feed my baby raccoon, try to decide on a minigame to play
  8. Sneaky pengs are sneaky! Sorry I couldn't stay longer, but ty for free xp :]
  9. Grats on 99Mage Kosher, nice levels guys! Joining TRR, do I win? xD Jk.
  10. I'd like to sign up if its still possible
  11. I haven't had ramen in months! Must. Buy. Some. ASAP.. Stouffers cheddar baked potato with bacon.....*Drool* ..I would die without those.
  12. Thank you for all the warm welcomes!! Jamie, Its good to see more old people VETERANS from the old days! ;D I was determined to read Hunger Games before watching it in theaters; I'm glad because of course there is a lot more detail and explanations in the book- the movie wasn't terrible, its just nice to have faces put to descriptions. &Woody Harrelson<3 However, I'm sad about finishing all three in such a short time (read the 3rd, Mockingjay, over two days), and am now looking for a new book/series. Maybe The Hobbit? I'm open to suggestions besides GoT (cannot start reading at this point after watching the series xD) Eric, You are a champ! I'd be interested to know how different (if at all) the GoT book is in comparison to the series (: Appollyon, I'll be sure to put a napkin over my glass of OJ whenever you are around. <3 If you tell me how to get to the Citadel, I wouldn't mind helping at all when online, I've never been to one before. -TC
  13. Hi, I'm TC. I started RS back in like 6th grade when scythes and santas and phats (Oh,my!) dropped. I wasn't so fortunate to get any of em xD But I saw! I stopped playing when my circle of e-friends had too much drama in it. Then just got on for holiday stuff and updates. I picked up RS again because I'm sooo bored at home when there's nothing to do and joining a chill clan like this will help put boredom back in its place: inside the shoebox in the closet. You wont see me in-game on weekends though, but I'll be able to visit the forums. I was a bit of a rebel child growing up and I don't regret living, just some of the bad calls on my part. And giving my parents so much hell. These days I'm all grown up (but still short-.-) and currently working in retail (boo!) in southern California and ...... preparing to be a mommy! I'm excited/terrified/worried/anxious,etc. But mostly, happy and excited. Generally, I'm pretty friendly and outgoing & always wanting to keep things positive. Likes -Game of Thrones - Hence the name "Stormborn". -Florence and The Machine - I listen to almost every genre or music- 'cept screaming bloody murder metal. -Hunger Games books -Batman. Wolverine. I can't choose one over the other -Husky puppies (puppies in general...) -Tropical places -Awesome coffee mugs Ttfn <3TC
  14. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? TC_Stormborn Your RuneScape account's... Total Level: 2030 F2P/P2P: P2P Combat: 133 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? No, this is my first :] Where did you hear about TRR? RHQ What were your first impressions of us? Friendly, calm cc at the time, but I'm sure it gets busy. Also, the forums are quite active. Why do you wish to join our clan? To make more friends via RS/forums. After looking around for a clan, this one seemed to stand out as a relaxed, fun environment.
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