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Everything posted by Tcee

  1. The link above in the beginning post will track ALL of the experience you gain while playing Runescape - P2P or F2P.As a reminder to all, please DO NOT change your RSN during the competition (June 23-30th) or you will lose your exp.
  2. I thought the quote was referring to the sackboy. I was confused and delighted at the same time xD
  3. Tcee


    Lol'd @ CheekyChips. Original!Welcome! Glad to have you back with us again ^^
  4. Wtf do you blow up? XDSounds like a good stress reliever
  5. Tcee What if there's an odd number of people D:
  6. Although its a little ways away... Have a nice vacation!!
  7. So... I totally had a dream I was IRL fighting QBD last night. Some details are missing..I arrived at some deserted beach and she could only reach so far onto land, so I set up camp and finally came face to face with her, but retreated shortly after cos I wasn't prepared. She ended up following me onto land a ways and I took pictures of how huge she was.. Yes, sword in one hand and camera in the other XD But soon she went back to the ocean.The next day, some guy came to the same place I was at and started taunting/teasing her, then QBD moved like a ginormous walrus/seal, wiggling out of the water, onto the beach to kill the guy. That's when I was completely done with trying to kill the QBD.
  8. Courage is awesome!! But the show was super creepy xD Had to wait til I was older to watch
  9. I watched wayyy too much tv as a kid.. Most of shows I now watch on Boomerang<3 [*]Pokemon [*]Babar [*]Captain Planet [*]Tiny Toons [*]X-Men [*]Rugrats [*]Flintstones kids [*]Smurfs [*]Pirates of Dark Water [*]Gargoyles [*]Sailor Moon Hated DBZ -.- all the boys at school where obsessed, it was annoying xD
  10. What world, is this P2P?
  11. Congrats on the loot, feel free to share ;]
  12. Hitting the road pretty soon ~ Have a nice weekend everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cheekychips


      bye! have fun wherever you're going!

    3. Tcee


      Lotsa shopping n cooking getting done! Very relaxing, but hot here :]

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      have fun wherever youre going lol we shall miss you until you return.... byyyyyyyeeee

  13. Just a friendly reminder/bump to the top! I wont be there, but I hope you all have fun!~
  14. Best of luck with all those lobbies! @.@
  15. We're AWESOME! It was fun, even though I'm terrible.
  16. Tcee

    Clan Citadel

    Capped for the week + Fealty 3 <3
  17. Still think Pac-Man was the best Google homepage activity ;]But this was very creative and fun!
  18. -> ( Vaporeon + Jolteon, too! ) Original Starters - I wish this artist made at least all the originals ;3 Growlithe is another one on my list! ~ Tbh, I can't have just 1 favorite, I grew up with this show x] ( If images slow down the page, let me know & I'll remove em. )
  19. Hello, welcome back! Its nice to meet another old school member from TRR. What 99(s) are you hoping to achieve?
  20. Tcee

    Game of Thrones

    I CAN'T STAND JOFFREY. GET OFF MY THREAD xDI kinda get what you mean about the Starks, but they just wana be a respectable well-rounded family... Not to mention they are Lord/Ladies of Winterfell, not just plain folks. Sansa was the only real stuck up one in the beginning, and boy has she paid for it. There's a girl that works at Starbucks by my house who looks like her, only older.Jon Snow is a good boy<3Haven't watched Monday's episode... Something important happened.. And I can't watch it til tomorrow. -.-
  21. Hey there :] Just a heads up,I'll be road trippin' to Arizona for Memorial weekend - yay driving through mountains n desert w/no cell signal most the time! Ideally, I'll leave Friday morning/ afternoonish and come back Monday evening, we're still not sure how long we're staying, but will check forums when I get there
  22. Queen Bee-zee Dragon!She does look serpant-like, but her body hasn't been shown yet... She's probably ginormous! .....And purple? o.OCurious about the new possible draconic armour, too.
  23. Congrats! We should Runespan together :bI stay in a certain spot though, seems to work out well.
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