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Everything posted by Tcee

  1. Men's diving.. Oh, how I love the Summer Olympics ;3

    1. Jake


      I still think a "biggest splash" event should exist, as well as sumo wrestling. That would let fat people join in on the fun.

    2. Tcee


      One guy did a belly flop xD

  2. Eeep! Good luck!Hope everything goes smoothly x.x
  3. Enjoy your trip & take pics to share?:3Always wanted to travel to cities that seem unchanged from the past.
  4. 36weeks. Misery is my new best friend. Walking helps some, but really ready for this last trimester to end.. Soon, Little One, soon.. <3

    1. cheekychips
    2. Blake


      Here is a picture of Danny Devito emerging from a couch to get you in the birthing mood.


    3. Tcee


      That's soo creepy!!! XD

  5. Good idea for a clan event of our own, only a slightly smaller prize;)But ya, I'm with Dy3n!
  6. Tcee

    Game of Thrones

    I'm so ready for it to be March 31st already... A few cast members were at Comic-Con, too! UGH. SO jealous.
  7. Tcee

    Clan Citadel

    Sounds like a good spot, or even under that, where the War Record is. Since we don't war (at least, not at this time), the record could be moved to the spot under the 'Information' drop downs, perhaps?OR the Citadel could have its own little content box above 'Recent Gallery Images' on the right hand side.
  8. Tcee

    Clan Citadel

    So happy to see the Citadel is back to normal! Is there a way we can get a sort of countdown on the TRR forums to match up when the Citadel is going to be reset? And, also list the #of resources needed? Can put up small images to make it fun/inviting. It will need to be updated weekly. Yes, this thread is already dedicated to the Citadel and it can stay! But if we can put it on the Homepage (TRR section), it will be out in the open and not buried by other threads until we are begging people to cap.
  9. First, check your email and see if there's any suspicious junk in there, & if its still linked to your RS account. Maybe a hacker changed the email? Idk. Brand new email, new rs account, see if it gets hacked. I try to check the ip address when I log in to make sure mine was the last one logged on it. Check after a couple weeks if it gets hacked, then you'll know if your computer has something malicious hiding in it. There's a thread around here somewhere with a link to different computer cleaners. CNET.com is a nice source to find cleaners. But yeah. I vote start over, enjoy the nostalgia of being a noob, only you know what you're doing and the best way to do it.
  10. Because I want to create underwear and baby clothes with RS logos on them. This one actually came out cute :3
  11. Oops! Calendar event was created, but thread is pretty much blank. Calendar says this event is for.. Date: Friday, August 3rd Edit info in when you get a chance <3
  12. This event is tomorrow, please check the time chart above for your personal timezone. We'd love to have as many members of TRR join in on this safe event! Spread the word in the CC, invite friends, and most of all.. Have fun! :3 - Not sure if I'll be able to attend; Drs Appt at 2:40, not sure how long it will take.
  13. Have a nice vacation, BÃ¥rd c:
  14. Hold on TRR<3

    1. Jake


      I'd hate to see the birthplace of my favorite memories die. I didn't have many friends before I joined.

  15. In all honesty, I was too stressed to reply to this topic when I first read it (back when it had just one page). I read the original post as TRR was closed, or to be closed, as a final sentencing, & was totally pissed off/heartbroken since this is my first clan/community I've been a part of.I was discussing, or brainstorming really, the things wrong with the clan in irc with a couple other members, trying to find possible ways to help encourage others to get more active and excited to be part of this community.. But as I lack experience, it was hard to think of new ideas to help out TRR. I have personally expressed my concerns to the Leader not long ago, as well as to a Council member just the other day; Neither seemed too interested; Hopefully this thread gets the job done. Without anymore flaming.*We need stability:-A core group who are available most days, or checks on TRR most days. A group that reaches out to each player online just to see what's new and if things are running smoothly. The core will be Staff, if they choose. Or just people who are always in chat.-Using both the Forums and IRC help with communication and do nothing but help the clan, as far as I can see. If we can get our core using both of these features (at least the forums) slowly we can expand the # of members using, and thus they are better informed of most things going on in TRR. Of course, that is only if our forums remain running..*We need to follow through:-With ideas, not just sweep them under the rug. Even if the idea is "old news", or it's been done in the past, pr seems lke too much work to figure out, it's better than nothing. Never shoot down ideas without supplying a reason and way to do it better.-With events. Events need to take place at the time described on the Event Topic whether the Event Team member is there or not. Anyone can run it, but it looks nice when the higher ups can take the reigns and get things rollin'. Announcing the Event in the CC on numerous occasions may prove helpful to those who only access in-game features.*We need respect. Go take a Customer Sevice job for a week, and learn how to appropriately address people with the respect they deserve. Handle situations delicately and be less abrasive. This clan is a company: it's Staff the employees, the members and future members the customers.... We gotta make them happy and want to stay, and of course without our customers, we won't last.*We need to work. All of Staff chose thier roles by hitting submit after filling out their application. If they don't want it, they shouldn't feel the need to stay in that position. But with those roles come hard work, and great rewards. As long as you can say you try your best, then no need to worry, just be honest with yourself, above all else.Events/Citadel are not mandatory, but they mean a great deal to certain members and if we can keep these going, maintaining activity, we will grow closer and have more fun.*We are awesome! Just need some more motivation. I say we give cookies to all existing members as a thanks<3I'm super bummed I can't be more involved in TRR, I'd truly hate to see it close, especially without a proper conclusion. This thread is definitely a wake up call, one that probably should have come from a Leader, probably when problems were first realized, but at least it's happening now. Lets hope it's not too late for TRR.<3TCFootnote:I'm on my iPod, sorry for any typos/ramblings, I'll re-read this in the morning n fix. Just wanted to give some input before bed.
  16. 35 weeks & probably one-two more to go! Tired of these status updates yet? xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tcee


      More goooooood news! Zomg ;3 I'll post a pic when I'm home after the weekend!

    3. Anarchy


      HEEEE ARRIVED!!! :o?

    4. Jake


      Nice, glad I'm part of that inner circle of friends.

  17. Tcee

    Clan Citadel

    If a 35-week along pregnant chick can cap the Citadel, so can you! Even if you just visit the Citadel once a week.. For 2 seconds, it helps tremendously..
  18. Her mannerisms reminded me of her, but it would be hard to fit her in the movie.Anyways, sorry if I got your hopes up. & sorry for not putting up a spoiler, didn't think it was necessary, but added now..Maybe she was just included for more sex-appeal. She's freakin' adorable<3
  19. Catwoman's not a lesbian, lol, just affectionate? Like any kitty, until they get tired of you. x] Watching the few scenes she was in, I thought the blonde girl had a.... ...-esque to her. *sigh* It's hard to speculate without dishing out spoilers. Definitely want to watch TDKR again.. At least 6 more times.
  20. This is so fake it's not even funny. Good photoshop skills, guys ;]~On a serious note; Congrats Isaiah!! <3
  21. Thanks for all the laughs & support<3 Ps, shush CZ; You gotta have cool points to lose them!
  22. ^ Just in case you might not know. ^I wont be active in the cc if I'm online during the next few weeks. But PM should be on. Forums are my home mostly, easy to access anywhere and usually a good laugh posted daily; So I'll be here. This is a bit late.. But I'm sorry I couldn't keep my role as a Diplomat, I tend to be a perfectionist and if I can't give 100%, then I'd feel as though I'd be failing TRR. I have great confidence in Deathirst & Coo1 (when he returns) to keep up with Recruiting. Its tough, but the payout is great. {If you think you might be a good fit for Staff, I urge you to give it a try. TRR needs some dedicated, helpful members to step up and take care of the cc/forums.} Well, I guess we'll see what happens after Parker gets here. Can't say if I'll be in TRR, move on, or play RS at all. But for now, some s p a c e would be best. Enjoy your weekend guys n gals. <3TC
  23. 34 weeks along! Insomnia is a pain. 1 week til bday, though:]!

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