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Unknown ProbLem

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Posts posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. for weapons it goes like this:Bows are by themselves but are better than crossbows (I'm pretty sure, also more range) and they range fromlongbowhunting bowetc.Glass bowEbony bowDaedricand (Dawnguard craftable DLC bow) Dragonbone BowAs for weapons, the damage and speed vary for both one hand and two hand.for one hand Swords are the fastest but "weakest" and War Axes are stronger than Swords but a little slower, and finally Maces do the most damage but are the slowest overall.(And maces are the best Paladin melee class weapon due to the 3/3 perk which grants 75% armor passing per hit. [i.e if a person has a Daedric mace that does 150, and the enemy is wearing Daedric armor which has 100 armor, the maxed perk will make that mace hit for 125 instead of 50. this is because removing 75% of 100 = 25, and 150 - 25 = 125 :D])Two handed follow the same rules where 2H swords do the least but swing the fastest (while still possibly slower than a Mace) and Battleaxes are basically the neutral and Warhammers are the slowest yet most damaging in the game.

  2. try and make a new character? That may have been a little extreme to delete some or apparently all of your saves. If you are on PS3, could've been a utility patch error, and if you have the game installed that could've helped with the problem.The disc part, I don't know. Which console do you have and not to insult your intelligence but do you know for PS3 or Xbox 360 how to delete your patches and system Cache, not just delete your Saves or DLC etc.?

  3. in all honesty you really shouldn't need 84-85 perks to make a decent build for a character. For the most part you want to stay within a tree for most of your levels, depending on what you play. if you don't mind me asking, what kind of chacter were you trying? and could you list or link the perks? I'm curious to see why your Character's level is 85.

  4. You seem to be very OP to me too, I have a daedric bow that does around 100 damage and I consider myself semi-godly already, wearing dragonscale armor (that still doesn't reach the armor cap). I also play on adept because expert and master is just so damn hard. So Ive been trying to get to the level that you guys play on but I just can't do it. This is also my first RPG game I've played so I'm still fairly new. But back on topic I don't really have a dragonslaying strategy I just use whatever method seems right for the situation.

    Best for Adept and Expert would be Archery, then Shouts + 1h War Axes and Restoration (aside ancients, then you are done pretty much no matter what) Also, I think I'm one of the only who play on master and I've played Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Oblivion so it isn't my first "rodeo". Everything about Master makes it more challenging but dragons on master will always probably be too hard, aside low level ones like the weaker Blood dragons or just normal dragons. Elders and Ancients and Dawnguards legendary (which appear around 71 occasionally) are practically impossibly due to the Difficulty setting which i'll explain in a moment.

    Bethesda's typical damage table:


    [th]Difficulty[/th] [th]Player Damage[/th] [th]NPC Damage[/th]

    [td]Very Easy or Novice[/td] [td]200%[/td] [td]50%[/td]

    [td]Easy or Apprentice[/td] [td]150%[/td] [td]75%[/td]

    [td]Normal or Adept[/td] [td]100%[/td] [td]100%[/td]

    [td]Hard or Expert[/td] [td]75%[/td] [td]150%[/td]

    [td]Very Hard or Master[/td] [td]50%[/td] [td]200%[/td]


  5. I've done a tiny bit of research and apparently you get the most xp on the items that sell for more gold on their base. I don't know if it was there before, but you do get a little bit of xp every time you temper something. But i can recommend that after you hit 100, to mass make iron daggers after level 20 due to Banish because you can make like a 30 gold turn into like 1k+ gold.Also I haven't fully tested Jewelery, but Iron Chestplates raise from base smithing about a level per chest. I don't know about Jewelery though as far as it, and Gold, Silver, and all the Gems are rather rare and are expensive to buy.

  6. Thank you very much, I wish you could see all the code and such that went into this. *sigh* looong night. If you want, you could check out what I have so far on my Daedric Artifact guide, and my Alchemy guide. I take pride in them and they tend to run through several different drafts and such before being "published".From what I've been told, I apparently do a good job with all of them, but If anybody has a new guide or something in mind, I hope that they would PM me or something because I'm going to have a laptop soon and guides are no problem to me.

  7. again, you should only have to talk to them, if he is telling you that he isn't afraid of you, try and reload an autosave of when you first entered, then exit and re-enter. Stage 1 unlocks Vampire's Seduction and will work no matter what level you are for this specific quest. it worked for me on the first try, aside not being able to acquire VS due to my stage of Vampirism, but upon hitting him with it, he should be able to be fed on, then the quest SHOULD update and tell you to either talk to Serana or tell him to travel back to the castle

  8. from what happened with me an i'll try to kill two birds with one stone:1. when fighting the moth priest and you get him down, and if you are given V's S and it doesn't show up in powers, then go to the nearest coffin and sleep until you gain it.2. After you bite the moth priest you need to tell him to go to the castle, he will go on his own, and will meet you there, he isn't actually a "follower" per-say.

  9. well you're playing Battlemage, little different. a Mage is only and specifically robes, doing mostly dual casting. a battlemage will wear heavy armor along with a one-hand + Magic.Battlemages are tricky because you now need to invest heavily more into actual combat skills over your magic spells, thus effectively making you weaker in the magic sense. Most battlemages end up becoming Warriors that use a few magic tricks and will slowly head back towards a shield.Skyrim's most effective battlemage is any 1h + Restoration, as Destructions level scale is garbage.In conclusion, I have no idea how to help.

  10. I could get on my main in the next couple of days or something due today being my birthday and look for a hideout near to a bunch of settlements or something for you to settle in, I'll keep in mind of the Enchanting/Alchemy table. may I suggest a Dwarven Dungeon? xD

  11. As I posted in the "how do i re-become a werewolf" thread, this may apply to the vamprism aspect and how they treat you:

    I agree with Blex, guess it's time to don some dark robes, put on the eyeshadow and get dark and blood thirsty.As far as i'm aware, curing is usually a permanent thing and if the game was like a database, your character would be "flagged" for having been cured of lycanthropy which would mean the game knows you are "immune" to it. guess if your want for being a werewolf outweighs your love for your current character, you could always make a new one. Skyrim doesn't seem to mind one more Dragonborne in the world..

  12. red triangles of doom, That is something i've neer heard of or seen, is it on all your save prior to when you first noticed it? Bethesda game saves are notorious for having small errors from time to time. Also @David, please post a solution to the Water glitch and lock it. just so it's easier for visiters, te random thanks are bugging me for some reason xD just it's kind of un-necessary

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