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Unknown ProbLem

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Posts posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. lol my bad, umm well with the Restoration glitch (or even if you quickly unpatched) you could make an enchantment for a ring that increases your Alchemy potentcy and Smithing strength to go from directly 15 to 100 in one temperment/potion. you could simply do a rotation and with an enchanting potion and would be able to continuously reset it over and over again after the rotation. This is just my theory.


    so broken down, looks like this:

    • [*]use alchemy to craft a ridiculous enchanting potion (Such as +1,000,000%) and make two. (in case of mess ups) [*]go to your enchanting table and make an Alchemy & Smithing Ring. [*]Reset your Smithing first, to make sure it works, then if it does, make a set of alchemy armor to keep your alchemy % up. then reset that after it's made.

    *Note*: Now no matter what your alchemy and Smithing will be extremely high.

    • [*]Rinse and repeat and you'll be able to reset at least your Alchemy and Smithing about every minute or so, depending how much materials you have, along with how fast you can manuver.

  2. While our Wonderful Eldersoulers continue to Legendary their skills, doing a small chunk of research has lead me to learn that while there being no set cap, the player officially will acquire EVERY perk in the game at level 251.If they did not patch the Restoration glitch, this could theoretically be reached in a single day if you are so inclined. Even with Legendary, this may ruin the game. I will later comment how many Legendary reca


    EDIT: I will later comment how many Legendary "recaps" it'll take to hit this massively daunting number. My guess will be that it will take a rather long time but i'll sacrifice one of my 81's to power level him to 251. Wish me luck!

  3. If you are mod savvy, this is doable for consoles as well just requires a little explaining.To mod this for consoles, load up Modio or Horizon and extract your .exs skyrim save file. ALWAYS MAKE BACKUPS(This is in case you mess up)Now this requires a pc skyrim playing friend. If you figure out what to change the file extension as (.exs --> .ess, i think) you can load up the save from the pc version.Now do the above and save thrn quit.This part is rather tricky and requires you to retake the .ess and convert it back. This will take some trial and error.Voila! You hopefully have fixed this problem,Get back to us please if we helped:D

  4. Sir, 99-100% of all PS3 and Xbox "mods" are modded via your gamesave and if you which to get physical PC mods such as a graphics mod for example, you'd need a J-Tag (aka Developer's kit) or for a PS3 i'm unsure. Some people find using glitches, exploits and mods fun. There is really no risk involved either. Aside a Jtag, but you shouldn't be using it online anyways.

  5. Aside from using the "Alchemy/Enchanting Loop" as it's now called, power-leveling smithing is basically a thing of the past. if you want a legitimate experience with smithing, I suggest that you take time out every couple of levels to just binge on your smithing, sell it for extra gold and craft gear appropriate. the "easy" way out is to make a single enchanted item that would in turn boost your smithing to such a high level that tempering an object would make you hit 100. you'll want to not be too geared for your adventure because while there is no level requirements, you may find yourself bored wearing daedric at 20 if you aren't a dedicated ES player.


    Just good luck finding the materials and such to craft the higher leveled items to hit 100 if that is your goal. for heavy, you could stop at 90 unless you'd like Dragon weapons (not the greatest looking IMO, but they are better than daedric weapons) and you could create Daedric which should still be better than dragon plate even when tempered. Also the secret intimidate bonus that Daedric has is a nice bonus.

  6. nobody seemed to cover it in summary, but The "Alchemy/Enchanting Loop" is a method where using the Alchemy tree to create potions of restoration. for some reason this potion will boost all the enchantments on the items you are wearing. if you un-equip then re-equip your items the stats are supposed to stick. you can use this with a full set of alchemy armor (+100% towards the potency of your potions) and with this, after a few potions, the percent will increase exponentially. Then just craft yourself a couple of Fortify Enchanting potions and pick whatever enchantment you want (in your case, carry weight). Now you should have some either barely realistic, or some ridiculous amount of carry weight (such as my dragon boots of holding with a +850,000 towards Carry weight)

  7. What I mean is that pending on what save you come across, I know of one that made you level 250. you started off in a slightly (heavily) modded room in the starting area where you could loot basically any item in the game, then continue on with the very very beginning of the game. There is no "multiplayer" and story leveling will already be maxed at 50 due to that specific saves level. most people mod Skyrim to break level caps (which there shortly should not be), modify inventory carry weight, max out a skill (or all skills) and just to give the person using it a much much different and more "free" experience to do what he/she pleases.

  8. The best way to learn potions, or what to use is to  (provided you have completed it) to possibly invest into alchemy enough that eating will teach you all four ingredients then *spoiler* to reset your perks in that tree to move somewhere else. after you have all your ingredients figured out, you can work from there. If you are looking for something in a very specific scope or range, you can always use a guide of some sort as hunting recipes may be a hassle. If you opt the "easy" way out and look for a guide, you can use the resources on this site (we have two guides dedicated to Alchemy) or the vast resources of Google's search engine.


    As Jake said, be careful of using a third ingredient, sometimes it can barely affect the potion, or sometimes it can drastically change your smithing potion into a poison by accident.


    Overall, if you completely wing it, just harvest a bunch of ingredients (and i mean a lot) and just sit at an alchemy table and have a field day. Sure you'll probably waste some money or ingredients but you'll learn some new potions you didn't know before.

  9. I've been meaning to come back for a while now. I'm two months from graduating so i'm trying hard to graduate. Thank you for the welcoming David! I've been havung xbox troubles and with me having a 1550/1550 skyrim, it's been hard to break my 500 total hours on my 81. I've been playing a lot of borderlands 2 as well because I came into a group of "vault hunters". So i farm raid bosses now lol. I could throw together some guides etc. on those too :D it's great to be back here.

  10. The only downside is requiring 100 smithing to craft over Daedric's 90. however I think that Dragon armors sell for more gold on average.

    I made a set or two, and have just been hoarding the rest of my scales and bones just for laughing rights (i have over 200 of each at this point) I could sell them for money, but with over 130k in gold on me, Money isn't necessary. Scales and Bones should be sold if you can craft it into armor, because you can enchant it for more money. otherwise sell them for a quick profit.

  11. I enjoy this guide a lot, as it's very detailed, though if you don't mind, I could elaborate to help out, or something to add a little bit of detail to it.



    so lets do that.



    • [*]grab a pickaxe [*]go to any mine and start mining.

    here's a list of some mines ive picked up from youtube videos and other info sources

    Gold: Kolskeggr Mine (24 veins)
    Corundum: Darkwater Crossing (5 veins), Blackreach (3 veins), Snowpoint Beacon (2 veins)
    Iron: Embershard Mine (8 veins), Halted Stream Camp (16 veins), Stonehills (4 veins)
    Quicksilver: The Tower Stone (2 veins)
    Malachite: Steamscorch Mine (7 veins)
    Orichalcum: Bilegulch Mine (9 veins), Dushnikh Mine (9 veins), Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon (3 veins)
    Ebony: Gloombound Mine (16 veins), Throat of the World (2 veins), Redbelly Mine (3 veins)
    Moonstone: Mzulft (7 veins), Soljund’s Sinkhole (5 veins)

    You can use mining to either sell (low smithing skill) or you can craft items for roughly double to triple the amount, and even more for enchants. As with living off the land, using crafting materials to sell raw, is not the greatest, but the value goes up the more things you make for the least amount of materials.


    • [*]find an area that cuts wood   (riverwood) [*]cut the wood and collect "firewood" [*]sell wood for 5 gold per set.

    This method covers itself, but it is incredibly easy to get wood, and lots of it. you can easily make money, and the best part is, the people you sell to have an infinite set limit of gold to offer you.


    • [*]time consuming and laborious [*]find a dungeon [*]enter and kill everything in your path in whatever way suits your needs [*]retrieve all the loot you can and search every crevice you can find

    this is all somewhat dependent on your level, as dungeons level with you, until you hit past 50. to be effective, you can find a human body and put all your extra weight in that corpse and drag it to the entrance. just hurry of course as all things eventually de-spawn in the area.


    • [*]pickpocket [*]hit every chest you can  [*]every house, every night, no exceptions. [*]steal every possible thing you can find then run like hell if you get caught




    • [*]every dragon has money [*]every dragon has scales [*]every dragon has bones [*]all are worth something

    Dragons also carry extra and sometimes rare items. upon hitting the mid seventies, you can encounter Legendary Dragons which almost commonly will drop Daedric items. The scales and bones of dragons, while heavy and a burden to hold on to, if you manage to have 100 smithing, I highly advise making them into Dragonscale and Dragonplate armor, as they obviously sell for more.


    • [*]increase your speech [*]invest in shops [*]increase the shop keepers gold output [*]sell everything you find




    • [*]find every possible work you can and do all of it. [*]work for the thieves guild [*]work for the dark brotherhood



    • [*]i dont care what it is take it [*]after you kill an enemy take all that they have [*]get overloaded and get on a horse [*]go to the nearest town and sell sell sell. [*]TAKE EVERYTHING

      Thank you for your time and hopefully this addition is helpful in any way.

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  12. what level were you when you did this? What would be a way to maximize money, would be for all the weapons to enchant them with Banish, as it was confirmed to be the biggest increase. If you have 100 Enchanting, even better because you can milk a little bit more gold off each item. I'm not a hundred percent sure as far as highest increase for armors, but I would gladly post something on the most effective enchanting guide to make money. like which single enchant gives the most for each part, along with the best dual enchants. Also, if you bonus smithing ontop of that, you are rolling in money.

  13. It's Five dollars (not sure on currency conversions if that is a factor) but the add-on basically makes any house you could need to buy, a waste of money.  The only problem with this add-on is the amount of sheer materials required to make parts of these three houses. I would sadly recommend this add-on to higher level characters, as lower level ones won't exactly be able to enjoy it for a while. However, building your house as you go is incredibly fun and would make the game more fun.

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