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Unknown ProbLem

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Posts posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. Blexun is correct, Maces do most (Warhammers likewise) and Swords do the least, but Maces are the slowest, while Swords are the fasted. And it doesn't specifically matter xD It's all about personal preference.To Gravis: The site has a wide variety of different topics on it for Skyrim, and mutiple guides. So, just take a look and see what you can learn!

  2. Since Dragonscale is better, I'd still say take the Heavy armor route, since you can craft Daedric weapons (if you plan to use them at all) And you don't need the Apprentice-Master level on Conjuration and Restoration. Also, you may want to invest those extra unused perks now into Matching set so you'll have 50% to your full set of Light Armor. Other than that I don't really know what to Add or Remove.

  3. Then, I'd remove both Dual casting, put one into Necromage. then what of the last perk? Because personally I think that Avoid Death isn't worth the Recovery perk and Necromage is much more useful over going Recovery --> Avoid Death on a once a day deal. Also you have one perk left to spend.(Side Note: Have you tried out the Boosting guide David? I remember you mentioning something about testing it out today)

  4. http://skyrimcalculator.com/#121109

    Adjustments made:


    [th]Skill[/th] [th]Removed or Added[/th] [th]Perks Added or Removed[/th]

    [td]Restoration[/td] [td]Removed[/td] [td]Avoid Death, Recovery (because with Enchanting, you can make your spells cost nothing), Apprentice and Adept Restoration.[/td]

    [td]Block[/td] [td]Removed[/td] [td]Block Runner[/td]

    [td]Conjuration[/td] [td]Removed[/td] [td]Soul Stealer, Mystic Binding, Apprentice and Adept Conjuration[/td]

    [td]One-Handed[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]+3 Armsman, Fighting Stance, Critical Charge, and Paralyzing Strike[/td]

    [td]Smithing[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]Dragon Smithing[/td]

    [td]Conjuration[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]Conjuration Dual Casting (takes a moment, more powerful creatures)[/td]

    [td]Restoration[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]Restoration Dual Casting[/td]


    Hope I didn't Deviate too much from your idea.

  5. I agree with what Traaginen has said, and If you want "authenticity" then I would say keep the perks on the bound weapons, otherwise, since you have the Daedric armor perk, you could smith out Daedric weapons.However, I'm now confused about your investment into Light Armor, do you plan to just buy/find it? or use whatever you find through dungeon diving. I ask because you went the Heavy Armor side on Smithing, yet stopped before Dragon, which then you could have gone with Dragonscale. The build is alright, just you, like Traaginen said, used a little too much into your magic perks. A couple perks that you probably don't need would be Avoid death (put that into Recovery perhaps, or just move it somewhere else)I'll reply a link with the perk adjustments and tell me if you like it or not, i'll do my best to not really take the feel away from it. :D

  6. Personally, out of everything, as i do regret some of the enchantments every once in a while, I'll never regret the boots xD it saves me time, and I can carry all my smithing gear etc. with me. Overall, pretty awesome to have a pair, lol. I have one last thing to add to this guide, but i'm incredibly unsure if this is a cause, etc.

    Edit: Read the purple part David, This may make some sense as to my question that I asked upon joining the site

  7. Hello Everyone!

    Yet another guide from Unknown ProbLem

    A guide similar to this was published by our Global Mod. Blexun yet the method he mentions isn't exactly "stellar". This Armor, Weapon, and stat boosting guide is NOT for the feint of heart. This glitch, when done correctly, can make your enchantments and Tempered items reach astronomical levels. Currently after doing this glitch (I'm fairly certain it still works, I will take a moment to confirm it later) I have a "Legendary" Daedric bow that does 749 MILLION damage per shot, regardless of arrows.

    EXTRA NOTE: I'm not 100% sure that this is related at all, but it may be possible with excessive use of this glitch for your Smithing and Alchemy to glitch and not work at all (Ex. normally tempering Daedric with the perk would make it (Legendary)) however the side effect may "reset" the skills yet keep the value at 100 so you can't de-level them. You've been possibly warned. Do in moderation and don't go too overboard, or don't use your main character for more than a couple enchants, etc.

    If you value legitimacy, and fair play, this guide is NOT for you. Please do not bash this thread to anybody who views it as helpful, because as stated before, this takes a little time.

    Okay, here we go.
    • [*]
    80(100) Enchanting, with perks in: (5) Enchanter, Insightful Enchanter, and Corpus enchanter (Extra effect, is actually optional for this glitch, but helpful) [*]80 Alchemy, with perks in: (5) Alchemist, Physician, and Benefactor [*]100 Smithing, with perks in either (or both) sides of the tree (Heavy/Light Armor) along with Arcane Blacksmithing

    Also, a little tip, as posted in Blexun's guide as he makes excellent points (I don't claim credit to this small part, but to Blexun on his own guide)

    Requirement Tips
    Covering some short tips in gathering supplies and other things.

    • [*]A Fortify Alchemy ring can be obtained by killing Nilsine Shatter-Shield in the quest
    Mourning Never Comes. Disenchant the ring if you need the Fortify Alchemy enchantment. [*]A Fortify Smithing ring can be obtained by killing Madanach in No One Escapes Cidhna Mine!. Disenchant the ring if you need the Fortify Smithing enchantment. [*]When you start enchanting, you are going to need a lot of gloves, rings, amulets, and head items. Make a habit of keeping any rings, amulets, and circlets you find while dungeon dwelving. Although I for one welcome our Thalmor overlords, I can't blame you for not liking them. However, their embassy can be a nice source of Thalmor gloves. Alternatively, you can craft cheap silver and leather items. [*]You'll need 4 Grand Soul Gems with a Grand Soul per set of Alchemy or Smithing gear. Azura's Star/Black Star can help you save money, but slow things down a bit. [*]For ingredients, your best bet is to make a run from Alchemy store to Alchemy store in search for ingredients. Keeping in mind what you need and collecting them while you are on your daily business isn't a bad idea, especially for the Blue Butterfly Wings.

    Alright, Now that the Requirements are basically out of the way, Onward to the actual guide!


    • [*](obviously) Get all your skills and perks to what the appropriate requirements are and being to gather 4-5 Grand Soul Gems
    (This is all you'll technically need, unless you like benchmarks) and any set of armor (Helmet, Gauntlets, Chest and Ring and Amulet) [*]Find a place with both an Alchemy Table and Arcane Enchanter, like Dragonreach, or a player owned house (the best is Solitude, however Honeyside works as well) [*]To begin, enchant your set of Armor, aside the Chest (that's for later, the smithing aspect) and enchant them all with +25% Potion Potency (aka Alchemy) for a total of a nice 100%. you'll now have roughly 3 times the normal alchemy skill, due to Alchemist and your armor (adding 200%) [*]Switch from the Arcane Enchanter to the Alchemy Table and instead of messing with Fortify Enchanting potions, like mentioned in Blexun's guide, craft a Fortify Restoration potion. This potion says it'll make all Restoration spells cost X% less to cast, however, what it actually does is beef up enchantments, along with it's actual effect. [*]Right after drinking this potion, take your now "modified" armor and un-equip then re-equip it for a "permanent" increase to Alchemy. Rinse and repeat for dramatic results. (NOTE: Your armor will increase at a VERY fast rate, and within 4-5 potions should be around +3,000% Alchemy on each piece.) [*]For ease, if you have plenty of Grand Soul Gems lying around, you can make "benchmark" armor that has the modified Alchemy stat as it's base.

    Post Glitch Fun!:

    After you have your desired Fortify Smithing and Fortify Enchanting potions made, you can begin to create whatever you can physically imagine. For a list of ingredients, check my two other guides. To help decide which Enchantment seems right for you, also check out my Enchanting guide as well. Both will have links at the bottom of the guide, and now to explain some examples from my actual game!

    [th]Example #[/th] [th]Weapon/Armor[/th] [th]Damage/Armor[/th] [th]Value[/th] [th]Effects[/th]


    Also, I forgot to mention, when using a modified Smithing potion, you can technically temper to an infinite percent due to the Function/Equation used to calculate Tempering. The higher the smithing "level" due to the potions and armor, the higher the damage of your weapon. (this is considered "stock" or base damage, because it isn't influenced by Enchantments, but tempering and can be adjusted by armor enchants for +One hand, Two hand, and Bows)

    As you can see, the Values are astronomical, and if people would like to call me a fake, I can and will have no problem providing pictures of my Tv screen (sorry, no Capture Card) with said item.
    May not be as Detailed as Blexun's guide, however this is more simple and If anything seems unclear, please comment and i'll make changes where necessary.

    Enjoy your Enchanted gear!
  8. Armor/Apparel Enchantments

    [table] [th]Armor Enchantment[/th] [th]Helmet[/th] [th]Chest[/th] [th]Boots[/th] [th]Gloves[/th] [th]Ring[/th] [th]Amulet[/th] [th]Shield[/th] [/table][table][th][/th][/table]

    Weapon Enchantment Descriptions

    [table] [th]Weapon Enchantment[/th] [th]Description[/th] [/table][table][th][/th][/table]*Note: Banish will cause your weapon's value to SKYROCKET and is useful for making money!**Note: This enchantment is found in one location only - the Silent Moons Camp.***Note: This is gained by the "Notched Pickaxe," found on the summit of the Throat of the World (the tip of the mountain past Paarthanax).

    Armor Enchantment Descriptions

    [table] [th]Armor Enchantment[/th] [th]Description[/th] [/table][table][th][/th][/table]*Note: The "Fortify X+ Magicka Regeneration" effects are acquired from disenchanting items such as a mage's robe (novice-master level). These two effects are less powerful together in this shared form than they would be otherwise in their single-effect state.Click here to view the article
  9. Hey Everyone, Unknown here!

    I was wondering and had been asked nicely, what personally I think could be done better to make Elder Souls nicer for the newer members, or maybe even make it easier for them. This thread would be for Guests only to throw in their input as to what they would possibly like to see here. Something, or multiple things that could better the site to get more guests to stay a little longer and acquire a name and partake in several of Elder Souls already offered "services".

    Post a comment below with whatever you think could be added or removed and why you think so!

  10. 50% to make items better? because If you tempered up some Daedric wearing full +25% Smithing (x4) and chugged down a 120% Smithing Potion (those are legit, just wear full +25% alchemy gear, +100 Alchemy and a few perks spent) and that would be what... like 220%+50% or like 270% total Smithing Bonus? not too bad. Wonder what that would do for it.. adding in the +5 Heavy Armor perk and the armor rating bonus perks.Currently on my "Hunter" his full Dragonscale set gives him a little bit over 1200 legit armor rating. Due to just the Smithing armor and potion (+220%) and the +25% armor rating perks.

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