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Unknown ProbLem

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Posts posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. well, hopefully get people who know what they're doing? Because as a general sense, you could go by what levels you the fastest, like, for example you would get 1 entire level (lol, like that'll ever happen again) from crafting a Gold Diamond Necklace. But i do know what you mean and I'm sure that this'll be a large hassle, but will have ridiculously large pay off. more people, more chance at success? :D

  2. I'm not 100% sure as of right now how to work this, but I was wondering if I could get help figuring out the fastest way to level smithing, along with what item (through all the different armor sets) that yields the highest xp per item (ex. crafting a [insert set name] Chest, Helmet, etc.)

    Anybody looking to help, please leave a comment below, and if you have any questions, i'll try to answer with a clear explanation.

    Current Members:

    [*]Unknown ProbLem


  3. To compliment what David said, It is only beneficial that you basically keep as many saves as possible, yet obviously keep maintenance on it every once in a while so your game isn't bogged down. There are no drawbacks to having several saves, including the same character with multiple Story lines. There is always another way/time to get something you may have missed and as much as I know, I'm pretty sure you can get all the masks, just don't drop any in Sovengarde as you can't go back.

    • Upvote 1
  4. For the benefit for this guide, could somebody help me lead a "team" to figure out the enigma of the new Smithing? It would make a good separate guide as well for how much everything increases and the general fastest way to raise the skill, along with possible areas to acquire your ingredients.The addition to this guide would be the fastest part, along with maybe the areas for materials. While the other guide would be much more in-depth and all the contributors would be credited as well.

  5. I only mentioned it because of experience.. My original GTA IV was in my xbox while off while i moved it and it somehow managed to get scratched (then again my old xbox ate games for lunch -.-) I went through 3 Rainbow Six Vegas 2's because of it. I think that it probably depends on the console? but yeah, other than a few rare exceptions, it's impossible.

  6. it could be very possible, and most likely there will be a couple from it. The severity of the scratches will obviously be worse, the worse you handled your PS3. If you carefully moved it and it generally didnt "move" then the scratches will probably be minor, whereas is you had it... for example under your arm sideways and going up stairs.

  7. Not to sound like a broken record and repeat what has already been said but I fairly certain that there is no level "requirement" for paralyze, however i am unaware and uncertain if there is a specific scripted event/weapom that gifts paralyze. However, on one of my characters i did get insanely lucky once and my axe of whiterun had a paralyze enchant on it. like David said, your overall best bet is to simply just go to a vendor with enchanted weapons and wait (I recommend War maidens as it's the easiest and closest to the start.)If you want something specific, I would recommend scouring the skyrim wiki for it.

  8. I'm not 100% sure if you can sell the Sapphire claw, but go ahead and try anyways.As far as the barrows key, i'm fairly certain (thanks to this link: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Shroud_Hearth_Barrow ) that the key just unlocks locked doors within the Shroud Hearth Barrows area. In link, It covers a walkthrough of the whole place, and a few things you may have missed.That's everything I had found, but nothing out of the ordinary, so hope i helped

  9. I agree, although Fallout 3 was my very first Xbox 360 game and probably have over 500, maybe even 1000 hours on it. I have extensive knowledge over it and well, at one point through my collaborative saves, had every unique item in the game. I had every achievement for Fallout on my original 360 account before a stupid mix-up with things resulting in an unfair permaban. now I have to relive the moment of getting them back (total achievement whore right here) which'll be dreadful.also yes, It was broken Steel. DLC in order: Operation: Anchorage, The Pitt, Broken Steel, Point Lookout and finally Zeta.

  10. Alien Archivist Achievement Guide

    Unknown ProbLem

    This is a guide about getting one of the hardest achievements I found personally for Fallout 3. This achievement requires you to collect 25 Captive logs aboard the Mothership Zeta.

    NOTE: After a certain part in this DLC, you -spoiler- but needless to say, some Audio logs become unavailable to get after finishing the DLC.
    Onto the guide!

    Captive Audio Logs: (Organized by Quest and Location)
    [th]Location[/th] [th]First Quest Available[/th] [th]Log #[/th]


    Captive Audio Logs: (Organized by Log Number)
    [th]Log #[/th] [th]Location[/th] [th]First Quest Available[/th]


    Hope you enjoyed this Guide!
  11. The safest bet i could say for you would be to go back to a save were she was alive and disband with her. Other than that, I can't really think of anything because if she is dead, and it's been several days, the corpse will disappear. Let me know if you are able to fix it and I might go research this more to help you out.good luck!

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