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Unknown ProbLem

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Posts posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. Hey, it's another Build, tried to make it relatively simple and more focused. I feel like this one is better, and lower leveled so hopefully better.

    A couple spots I couldn't figure out an enchant, due to the overall lack of enchants for the specific item, or just nothing that seemed to actually fit the build.

    Level 54 Paladin/Melee:

    Requirements: 100 Heavy Armor, 100 One-Handed, 90 Smithing, 75 Restoration, 100 Smithing

    Personal Notes: can't really explain much, aside that i tried to compact my previous build, may be a little rushed however. please critique harder.


    Helmet: Fortify Restoration and ??? (can't decide between FM and FMR because there aren't too many Helm enchants for this type)

    Chest: Fortify Restoration and Fortify Health

    Hands: Fortify One-Handed and ??? (Possibly Fortify Heavy Armor)

    Feet: Fortify One-Handed (?) and Fortify Stamina or Resist Frost/Resist Fire

    Ring:Fortify Restoration and Fortify One-Handed

    Amulet:Fortify Restoration and Fortify One-Handed

    Note: +100% Restoration and +160% One-Handed (+40% per enchant)

    Perk Distribution: 12 Heavy Armor, 18 One-Handed, 6 Smithing, 9 Restoration, 8 enchanting

    Posted Image

    (if doesn't work:http://s746.photobuc...dPallyBuild.jpg )

    Health/Magicka/Stamina Distribution: 30 Health, 13 Magicka, 10 Stamina (ending:400, 230, 200 ) (53 total)

  2. Personally after playing both, I prefer Battlefield 3. I've played Bad Co. 2 and Modern Warfare 2 and between those two, i did prefer BC2 but only because of the teamwork, and lack of "effective" camping.As for this time around, I'd say Battlefield 3 all the way. Modern Warfare 3, to me, is absolutely painful to sit and play (even when I do good). I've always liked the team/tactical orientation of the Battlefield franchise, so one more to Battlefield. There is much more variety in Battlefield 3 over MW3 and the goals and medals don't make leveling an absolute hassle higher up (Colonel 35 :D) whereas by about 40 in Bad Co. 2 you had almost every insignia and you still needed about a BF3 Colonel's xp amount to level.Battlefield 3 has Dedicated Servers. hands down better. They are effectively less laggy (although it can be sometimes, but on average). I think that triumphs over Modern Warfare 3 because they are still ran by the "host" or lag magnet -.-.. the average quality of a match between them is very black and white and with Battlefield's new Rent-A-Server, you can actually play private matches again with your friends and fly the jet around all you want etc., whatever you desire.It all boils down to what you like more. The arcade style 1v1's in MW3 (even though half a team normally camps -.-) or the team tactical and squad of Battlefield 3 (although as mentioned earlier, being stuck with randoms [especially "noobs"] can be frustrating) Also, do you like vehicles or no?PS: in response to Anarchy, the jet flying at this point is too competitive, and i agree that there is nothing more annoying than that. (1000+ Jet kills here) There is really only two ways to get/be good at this point in a Jet, #1 Played it on launch day, or #2 play in a friend's private rent-a-server (unless you find a "no killing chill server")This has been a longish response to why i think Battlefield is better.-Unknown :D

  3. Here is my first Build, I like it the most and please, don't be stingy with Criticism, you can only make it better!


    FOH = Fortify One-Hand

    FTH = Fortify Two-Hand

    FMR = Fortify Magicka Regen.

    FHA = Fortify Heavy Armor

    FH = Fortify Health

    FS = Fortify Stamina

    FB = Fortify Block

    FR = Fortify Restoration

    Level 81 Paladin/Melee:

    Requirements: Minimum 40 Restoration, 100 One-Handed and Two-Handed, 100 Heavy Armor, (Optional, though helpful) 100 Block, and finally 100 Enchanting and Smithing.

    Personal Notes: An atypical melee set, due to the Restoration Pre-requisite, but combined with more Magicka enchantments, basically an advanced person could technically live forever. Typical loadout for this build is One-Hand with Restoration spell. however one may deviate from this depending on the Situation.


    Helmet: Fortify Magicka and Fortify Magicka Regen.

    Chest: #1:(Fortify Health and Fortify Magicka Regen./ Fortify Magicka Regen. + Restoration Bonus) #2:(Replace FMR with Stamina, Stamina Regen. or Health Regen.)

    Hands: #1(Fortify One-Hand and Fortify Two-Hand) #2(Fortify One-Hand and Fortify Magicka)

    Feet: Resist Fire and Resist Frost (Or something with Carry weight on the side as an extra pair)

    (Optional)Shield: #1(Fortify Block and Resist Magicka) #2(Resist Magicka and Fortify Health)

    Ring:#1(FOH and FTH) #2(FOH and FR) #3(FTH and FH/FS) #4(FOH and FB) #5(FTH and FHA)

    Amulet: Same as Ring.

    Perk Distribution: 12 Heavy Armor, 10 Block, 16 Two-handed, 18 One-Handed, 6 Smithing, 10 Restoration, and 8 Enchanting

    Perk Trees:

    Posted Image

    (if doesn't work: http://s746.photobucket.com/albums/xx102/Unknown_ProbLem/Skyrim Perk Tree builds/PallyBuild.jpg)

    Health/Magicka/Stamina Distribution: 30 Health, 35 Magicka, 15 Stamina (ending: 400, 450, 250)

    • Upvote 1
  4. Not sure if it's 100% true, but can't you only get "Dragon Smithing" provided you've "maxed" out your Smithing perk tree?"Players cannot 'loop round' earlier perks to unlock later ones. An example of this would be the Smithing skill tree; on the left hand side of the circle are light armor perks, on the right are heavy armor perks, meeting in the middle at dragon armor at level 100. Although the dragon armor perk is visibly joined to both the glass armor and daedric armor perks, it is not possible to unlock all 3 without first acquiring all the prerequisite light and heavy armor perks."It's off of Skyrim Wiki so i don't know, take it for what you will.

  5. well. it's more or less, at this point the Character itself. Ever since a certain point, it has been like that (I went a while without using enchants etc. so i don't know which save) Not to mention, that i tend to delete a majority of my saves to keep my game running relatively smooth. I'll uninstall the game, and try it without, along with deleting the patches and see how everything goes.I'm going to quickly take a shower, then test it out and i'll report my results. Have you heard of anything like this before? and do you think it may require more looking into?

  6. Welcome to the site. :)

    Did these problems start happening after you installed a patch? Are you playing on version 1.5? If they suddenly began after you installed a new patch, I'm going to assume you're using a PS3. Try the following:

    [*]Game -> Game Data Utility. Delete the game data and updates/patches for Skyrim. Note that this is NOT the same thing as your game saves; this is an entirely different folder than "Saved Data Utility". After the game data is deleted, run Skyrim again and reinstall the data and patches.

    And if that doesn't work...

    For Smithing, make sure you have the appropriate perks in order to max how much you can improve an item. Though with 100 you should be able to improve items past fine regardless of whether or not you have the perks, investing in them might fix it. I would try that and see if it changes anything. If you don't want to invest in the perks, save before you test it so you can just revert if it doesn't work.

    If you were able to do all of that before and it just suddenly stopped working, I'm not really sure what to suggest. Reply back if any of the above works. If not, just say so and we'll try to figure something else out.

    I currently have an Xbox 360 and am up to date on updates/patches. I have all the perks for Smithing (Steel... etc.) and i have a a couple of perk points into Alchemy. I think the first three (think 5/5 for alchemist as well) And, if my memory serves me right, this has been going on since prior to 1.5.
  7. Smithing:

    I have recently found that for whatever reason when Smithing (Tempering a piece of armor, or a weapon) it only goes to fine. I have 100 Smithing and prior to this happening could get at least Epic. I have used the Fority Restoration potion glitch prior, though I've tried removing the armor, dropping it, etc.


    This goes with Alchemy as well. I don't exactly remember the starting % for potions but now, no matter what, it goes only to 4% even when wearing a full set of + Fortify potion gear (25%).


    1. For Smithing, I've tried using a previously made Fort. Smith. potion with over 100,000% (which just tempers a weapon waaaay over what it should be, ex: Daedric Bow does 140, now does 5,000) and this won't change it anymore.

    2. I've tried removing my Smithing gear, in attempt to see if my actual level 100 skill would do anything, but nothing

    3. I've tried the same with Alchemy, aside from #1 because there aren't Fort. Alch. potions in Skyrim (that would be a little redundant) but using the Fortify Restoration potions still do work, which last time i check was a while ago (definitely pre 1.5)

    If anybody could help me, that would be incredibly awesome, because I'd like my first original level 81 to be able to finally "work" again.

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