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Unknown ProbLem

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Everything posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. Every so often people question my opinions on Skyrim and I feel the need to show them this site. Lol

    1. David


      I thought we'd be talking about TES 9 by now and we still haven't gotten TES 6! :blink:

  2. I still remember my account info, holy hell

    1. David


      It has been a long time. And still no TES VI...

  3. Joined a Clan for battlefield, woo!

  4. Unlike what David said, most of the methods described in this thread are legitimate sources; however, he had one thing correct. It is a HUGE waste of time. He is correct that there is a lot of ways to mess up on all of the conversions. It actually took me a moment to figure them all out myself. As he said though, there is NO physical way to mod Skyrim for PS3 or Xbox 360. This Thread is helpful yet full of scattered replies. Somebody should compile all of the methods and do a "fact/myth" post.
  5. *Important Update*= Due to the 1.9 patch, to start off this speedrun, you MUST be offline. The fastest way to level 81 was through Oghma infinium. There are probably more official easy ways to ACTUALLY speedrun this game, however this is a more casual run that gets all of the achievements. Through 3 days of inconsistent play, I had 800 gamerscore for it.
  6. I'm sorry to get back to you so late but I've tested them and they do work on 360, I haven't had anybody else on the other systems test/verify it for me but i'd assume yes. I could also add your Water-breathing + Equilibrium method to it as well.
  7. The easiest early stage way to make money in skyrim (without leveling) is to actually get out of the whiterun borders and continue to take everything the master smith on the rock has (it's been a looong time since I played Skyrim, lol) you'll get around 1k-1.1k gold every minute or so, not including what you can sell. I can post a video or explain it manually how to do it, but you just need to quick pass through two days in-game and talk to him again. it is possible to do with more ease with Whirlwind Sprint 2 but you can do it right after finishing the "tutorial".
  8. I agree with Dova, it is the easy way and some people's save will have mods encased within them, such as a map edited area or added items like that, but an actual mod such as the "better body" mod (which is actually required for a lot of more serious clothing mods) and mods that add armor or clothes are only available on PC or (to my knowledge) a Developer's Xbox, J-Tag.
  9. My Top 5 Is: 5. Frostbite spiders, because they wreck low levels 4. anything dwarven, because I've done enough 1-81 Oghma runs to hate them with a passion 3. Wolves, because they are EVERYWHERE, like absolutely everywhere and they are stupid, like moon moon 2. Falmer, practically beasts, somewhat zombie-esque and they wield weapons. they bother and scare me on occasion 1. Chaurus and Chaurus Reapers, because they are large giant armored creatures that spit and are very very aggressive. I hate them with a passion and will sometimes kill hordes of them for fun.
  10. As with what David stated, it is impossible for a PS3 or Xbox360 user to remarry in Skyrim; however, it is fundamentally possible for all three. The discrepency is that you need to have a friend (or have it yourself) a PC copy of Skyrim as well. Through a little bit of computer knowledge it is possible to load a Xbox360/PS3 save onto a PC and edit it that way, then vice versa. There may or may not be videos of how to's: on youtube, but it would be advisable to start there or via Google/Bing.
  11. I actually forgot about that glitch but i actually found something in return for you. I'd like to personally thank you in return, I am flattered that you made an account for the sole intent to thank me. If there is anything you need help with or something, please, let me know. TESV - Skyrim - Speechcraft Powerleveling 1-100 (After patch 1.9): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-yh3Znb7KM
  12. Everybody has been updated in, including Randy, enjoy the updated content everybody!
  13. My favorite weapon was my Grip Reaper set of Daedric items and armor that had Fire dmg and Soul trap. they were rather nasty and the armor was super powerful, lol.
  14. So does Lv 60 Spell Archer Build sound better? I'm just trying to help out with the whole search thing, because I'm generally not good at that, lol
  15. it was supposed to be a spell archer, lol. I am tired of melee because of how much it's used. also i meant unorthodox. and you only need the damage modifiers, there isn't really much off of the destruction tree that you need ha, at least from what I've seen
  16. Hey man, if it sells hits, then hell, why not? also i hit NG++ on Dark Souls
  17. Prenote: This is my first build in a long time, so no hating, ha. it may not be as detailed as some of the others, but this is layout is straight-forward and to the point. I hope any that do use it can give me a hand with what to tweak. (sorry in advance for the table spacing issues giving the guide an odd look) Level 60 Orthodox Mage: Requirements: [table] [th]Build Number[/th] [th]Stat 1[/th] [th]Stat 2[/th] [th]Stat 3[/th] [th]Stat 4[/th] [th]Stat 5[/th] [th]Stat 6[/th][th]Stat 7[/th] [/table] Personal Notes: This somewhat odd build will maximize your ranged ability, along with the use of higher damaging spells, things should easily go your way. possibly meant to be played on Legendary but would require play testing. Why would i make a double ranged build you ask? Well simple. Magic, although useful can be somewhat weak unless you have a stupid amount of magicka, and even with it reduced to 0% casting, it's still not super powerful. you can easily use Archery to be stealthy from a far and deal sneak damage. it's like a spell blade but with bows. For your weapon though, I highly suggest against paralyze because of the level 100 perk. it's saved me innumerable amounts of times. stick to an elemental damage, or go with something like (Fiery) Soul Trap or even just a simple absorb. You could favorite two bows, the first with Elemental and lets say for example absorb health, pretty basic. your other bow could be absorb magicka for casters along with shock to really just put them in their place. [table] [th]Enchants:[/th] [th]Option 1[/th] [th]Option 2[/th] [/table] Perk Distribution: Link to the necessary perks: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#305259Health/Magicka/Stamina Distribution: [table] [th]Value[/th] [th]Health[/th] [th]Stamina[/th] [th]Magicka[/th] [/table]
  18. Hello all you Borderlands 2 fan junkies! Unknown here, and i bring great news if you haven't already seen the title or noticed it on Steam/xbox home. Today is the day that the final DLC for Borderlands 2 comes out!Based on the description I read, which I'll conveniently post here for all you awesome people; "Sorcerers, Wizards and Crumpets, oh my! join vault hunters, old and new, in Tiny Tina epic quest of revenge and redemption. Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, the biggest and most inspired add-on content in Borderlands history, features a game within a game, as Tiny Tina takes on the role of Bunker Master in a game of "Bunkers & Badassess". Travel through a dark and ever changing world of castles, dungeons and magic forests as you fight off skeletons, orcs, dragons and more. Explore side missions and answer riddles as you roll your insight stat to gain new and amazing loot. Join with friends to save the queen and restore peace and order to the world once more." Wow, that was intense, ha. When i finish this download and beat it, i will comment back letting you know just on a scale of 1-10 how awesome it was! this is a $10/800ms point download for those without the season pass, and this DLC is a whopping 1.77GB download Unknown out, happy dungeon crawling!
  19. Alright everybody, i've come back again, ha but i updated the page with Dan_Guy's method, along with just checking up on stuff here! I hope that I've helped a ton of people with powerleveling!
  20. This is a place to post for anybody who has other methods aside the ones mentioned in my guide, please post them here as more people seem to look through here. I will post any updates into the guide with full credit to the poster. Help out others and show everybody your moves! -Unknown To view the guide itself, click this link!: http://eldersouls.com/topic/4012-power-leveling-after-patch-19/
  21. I'd say the best would be to search youtube so you can at least watch it, and check the comments on the video as well.
  22. Thank you for the second draft comments, i'll make them as soon as I can! Thanks a ton David
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