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Unknown ProbLem

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Everything posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. i agree that Mages are probably hardest, also can see the small breakdown thread i made.
  2. I'm glad that people are actually posting AND voting on here and it gives me much better insight, as I forgot about all the extra little bonus things Archery comes with for perks. the Paralysis for master is WAAAAY more potent than any other classes because suuure melee has it, but getting off successful back power attacks is like trying to fight a dragon only using shouts.But on the same note, David is right, Magic/Spellcasting has the opportunity and most potential to become over powered provided a DLC is released to show that somebody cares about it. Maybe it's the weakest because Skyrim's general Dragonborne hero was supposed to be nord and most Nords are like "lolwut? Magic, ha." and tend to enjoy cutting things with sharp sticks. Also maybe they're hunters as well? explains the OPiness of Archery xD
  3. A question maybe not asked too much around here but what is the best Combat Style? your opinion can be based of expeience, preferrence or whatever, just please provide feedback on what you think.To start us off, Melee. The most common and possibly most used because at some point any character build, or style needs Melee to back it up in close quarters situations. However, when it comes to damage, does it stack up? provided no perks are spent, your typical weapon (Daedric will be our standard for everything from now on) will hit like 60-90 damage when fully tempered (with NO smithing armor/potion boosts) now provided you put some perk points around, either 1H or 2H depending your play style, can now be around 100-250(possible exagguration on the 250) but you notice a dramatic increase. now add your enchanted armor and rings etc. and you are around 200-400 damage. I think the possibly highest however is a sneak perked enchanted armor boosted dagger, as a 15/30x sneak crit on a dagger that does around 100-200 now becomes from (1500-3000)-(3000-6000) damage. Even on master that damage should probably mutilate anything you come in contact with. Next up, Spellcasting, Offensive and Defensive. Where to begin, Destruction first, the most commonly used next to Restoration, you have three types of spells Fire, Frost, and Shok damaging spells. now without perks, the base damage is around a mere 60 for them. on master that is halved to 30. add the perks to make them better, Augmented "insert type" they can be uped to 45 a piece (90 damage). Never forget to add perks into dual casting and for the stagger on Destruction because they improve Destruction a force to be dealt with. the next most common being Restoration, which the base can only heal health lost. With a couple of perk placements, it recovers Stamina. the most powerful spell that isn't once a day is grand healing, which heals a whopping 200 health per cast (and stamina with the perk). Restoration greatly compliments anything as it'll keep you alive and healthy (and maybe kill undead). Conjuration, the "force multiplier" adds on base of one "familiar" to fight for you. prior to master, you can already cause yourself to be a problem because your enemy is distracted by whatever you summoned. once master is reached and the ritual complete, one can permanently summon certain creatures which can come more in handy due to lack of constant re-casting. Alteration is more of a side skill as you alter reality with it, such as your armor or items in the game. best for using transmute to make jewelery for money. Illusion messes with reality itself and allows the user full control with things like invisibility and such. Finally, Archery. Archery to some is seen as the most powerful because with the right tuning and proper placement of perks you can make sneak shots 100% of the time where you may fail with a dagger. normally a standard bow upon master Archery is around 40-70 damage which is lower than Melee. however, upon adding the +5 to the first perk, all bows are double damaged and now with full tempering are almost on par with Melee weapons. Heres the kick, with some skillfully crafted enchanted Archer gear, that "puny" bow can hit upwards of 600 damage! to top that wonderful sundae off with a cherry, get the sneak perk for bows, and you are hitting around 1800 damage at long range garenteed! even on master that is 900+ damage per arrow on a sneak shot. odds are you'll be able to hit a target from distance over stalk raping him with a sharpened death stick.My personal choice as Best is Melee because it is most versitile, however Archery is probably most Over Powered because of sneak. I would've chose Destruction spellcasting because of staggering, but having a few enemies come at you at once is very hard to manage and easy to lose.This has been a comparison by Unknown, enjoy!
  4. As long as he isn't an Archer. Dragon bones and scales make godly Light Armor.
  5. Best shouting experience to get a letter was accidentally casting Storm Call in solitude. the man who wrote it apparently enjoyed my prowess for calling down ruthless NPC killing thunderbolts that don't understand the difference between friend and foe.As for a theory, i have no idea. from reading the arguement/debate, I agree with David because his points seem to be more valid. I've played and done a lot of research about Elder Scrolls stuff and Divine beings have never really chosen the "subtle" route, as david gave examples of. maybe though, and who knows, it could just be a random non-named traveler like yourself who happens to notice it (he is probably a spellcaster since if i remember correctly he mentions something about power coming from there) however my parenthases could also work for the greybeards as they are superior wizards, so again, who knows. Honestly, they do seem subtle laid back and very very Swedish as far as problems go. (no offence, Sweden is the shit)
  6. Archery, in my opinion is rather OP, considering how a well built archer can easily have an unenchanted bow (firing Daedric) doing around 600-800 damage normally. now add the possible x3 with the sneak perk, and you're at a whopping 1800-2400 damage. Melee can get roughly there but nothing like that. maybe a dagger (like 100-300 damage with a 15 or 30 sneak bonus, [1500-3000] - [4500/9000]) if your shit is whack like that.Personally, I wish that magic was more integral to the game, because aside restoration (which was oddly less useful and more of a hassle to level in Oblivion) every spell aside the adept + spells at levels 30-81 are just medicore. @David, if you make an Archer, it'll be a little rough getting enchants and mats. for them early on, but if you know what you're doing you can get them pretty fast, but you'll generally breeze through the game. Can't say much on Melee as it's tried and tested by trial of fire and everybody knows more or less what does and doesn't work.This has been my breakdown, enjoy my rant xD
  7. As far as I know this has yet to be patched, please see the Skyrim guides for the Oghma Infinium glitch. you don't need to unpatch your xbox to do this. Not yet at least.
  8. I agree with that, damn. I have never seen something crazy like that in Skyrim EVER. o.O best of luck apparently, because your game is garbage.
  9. My girlfriend is the shit <3 I love my nerd :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      tis a little far, but it's alright xD and hey Jamie, sup?

    3. Jamie


      Not much, chillin, I just wanted to crash your status.

    4. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      sounds like a fun time xD

  10. well as a place to start:Xbox: to install a game to your HDD, simply click the Y button where it shows "play (insert game name)" and it should take you to a different screen with information, etc. but also a button to install the game. this will take about 10-30 minutes as Skyrim is around 7GB.PS3: I'm not sure how to, or if it is possible at all, but i'd need help from a PS3 owner as far steps etc.PC: there is a lot tha could contribute... like does the game work, and you tried installing a mod and your game just died. or if you incorrectly installed the game, or your computer doesn't meet the requirements, if this is the case, you'll definitely need to be much more specific.
  11. i'm not sure on the specifics, however, if you would like to check out the large Alchemy guide I published on this site, you could gather the rest of the resist fire ingredients from a local alchemist (such as in whiterun or solitude) and when you go to craft it, go under the resist fire tab, and pick out your ingredients and hopefully it'll make what you asked it to. hope this helped a little bit, i, along with David, need to test this more to give a fully accurate responce. stick around and hopefully we'll have your answer
  12. I read through some posts, and didn't see any type of enchantments etc. a good suggestion would be to put Regen on Destruction and Conjuration so they all cost nothing. I don't like throwing around my stuff, but would you want to use my template?
  13. As a last note, As far as everything goes and as of right now, there is no way to mod either console (Xbox and PS3). From my knowledge, there is no program out for Skyrim, yet due to it's relatively young age I can only expect it to come out soon. Both Fallout 3 and New Vegas, however do have programs for modification on the console and they get A LOT done, which is no understatement.If you also play the Fallout series, and have some want to modify it (I've tested both a lot, thought for the New Vegas if you do modify it a lot, or mess with a lot of things in your inventory, you can mess your game up)Fallout New Vegas:http://www.game-tuts.com/community/f116/app-falloutnv-ve-v-4-1-a-41317/Fallout 3:
  14. I have personally had problems with side quest myself, and the same happened with a different book. I gave up, because I had found all the enchantments, and I have almost all the spells, including the master. I ended up just ignoring it.Also, as far as I know, there isn't any fix, but it can be avoided by just actual dungeon diving, and buying from the people at College of Winterhold, or other spellcasters.If you find anything, I'll be watching this, because it'd be nice to fix this quest, i guess.
  15. mind you, this came out as an epiphany to me yesterday around midnight or this morning around one. So i don't know, all i lnow is that i had a retarded eureka moment while playing new vegas.
  16. my top Favorite is Typhlosion all the way, followed by Tyranitar. Tyranitar was the shit, hands down xD
  17. I'm not 100% sure as to the reference, but while half asleep last night it occured to me that in Fallout 3 during your tenth birthday, your character is given a sweetroll by the NPC old lady Palmer. about half a minute later, your childhood bully/rival named butch, and his gang attempt to steal the sweetroll from you... at your own party. nothing happens and your childhood friend Amata tells you how stupid Butch is. that is my possible theory about the sweetroll "meme"/saying
  18. as far as damage goes, maces do the most, yet are slowest. Axes are faster than maces but do less damage than maces and more than swords. Swords are the "weakest" of the two, yet are the fastest of the three
  19. As blex said, it is definitely more steady, but if you wait a long time, and do it after getting rather far, along with having banish and you could do it all in one go. Also, for better enchantments, make full alchemy gear (X4 =25% pieces) and you'll double all your enchantments strength, plus all your perks.
  20. Some dragon is actually better than Daedric. as far as i know, D-Scale is the best light armor, but Daedric does have a little bit on D-bone, however, stated above, Daedric has an intimidation bonus underlying.
  21. what you're looking for is 100 Enchanting and to use a Grand Soul Gem (GSG) on your item while using said Fire enchanent. this resulting effect should give you the standard highest Fire damage value in the game. Drinking a potion on top of that is just "gravy" to the total fire damage. Since it is archer stealth, you may want Alchemy just on the side, have it for boosting enchantments/smithing. the highest fortify smithing potion i've ever made was +120%. Side note: 99.9% of builds should have 100 Enchanting because it is so beneficial.
  22. I could always try to make a build for it? also if you want a template for it to post on here, you can go to my original build thread in the General Discussion. :3 I like the sound of it, even tried one on paper
  23. Well, Time to go own a dragon! lol. Here I come Blackreach!!!Also, I knew about the Thieve's Guild Markings, just didn't know what they meant.
  24. don't feel stupid, ha. curious minds are curious and we're all happy to share what we know so ask questions as much as you want and such.
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