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Unknown ProbLem

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Everything posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. Not to sound like a broken record and repeat what has already been said but I fairly certain that there is no level "requirement" for paralyze, however i am unaware and uncertain if there is a specific scripted event/weapom that gifts paralyze. However, on one of my characters i did get insanely lucky once and my axe of whiterun had a paralyze enchant on it. like David said, your overall best bet is to simply just go to a vendor with enchanted weapons and wait (I recommend War maidens as it's the easiest and closest to the start.)If you want something specific, I would recommend scouring the skyrim wiki for it.
  2. I admit i did somewhat rush this guide, just It isnt something easy to explain to anybody. Also, as far as i'm aware, Bethesda said that anything like that or even the Ohgma glitch wasnt to be removed because it revolves around player choice. So i wouldnt expect to see this go away anytime soon.
  3. kevorkian, you didn't actually post your question, could you edit it so we see your question? The sooner you do, the faster we can help you out.
  4. I agree blex, i love keeping them as keepsakes (even if a few sell for decent price) it's pretty awesome to know that you have been through hell and got rewarded a collectable claw <3
  5. I'm not 100% sure if you can sell the Sapphire claw, but go ahead and try anyways.As far as the barrows key, i'm fairly certain (thanks to this link: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Shroud_Hearth_Barrow ) that the key just unlocks locked doors within the Shroud Hearth Barrows area. In link, It covers a walkthrough of the whole place, and a few things you may have missed.That's everything I had found, but nothing out of the ordinary, so hope i helped
  6. I agree, although Fallout 3 was my very first Xbox 360 game and probably have over 500, maybe even 1000 hours on it. I have extensive knowledge over it and well, at one point through my collaborative saves, had every unique item in the game. I had every achievement for Fallout on my original 360 account before a stupid mix-up with things resulting in an unfair permaban. now I have to relive the moment of getting them back (total achievement whore right here) which'll be dreadful.also yes, It was broken Steel. DLC in order: Operation: Anchorage, The Pitt, Broken Steel, Point Lookout and finally Zeta.
  7. Alien Archivist Achievement Guide Unknown ProbLem This is a guide about getting one of the hardest achievements I found personally for Fallout 3. This achievement requires you to collect 25 Captive logs aboard the Mothership Zeta. NOTE: After a certain part in this DLC, you -spoiler- but needless to say, some Audio logs become unavailable to get after finishing the DLC. Onto the guide! Captive Audio Logs: (Organized by Quest and Location) [table] [th]Location[/th] [th]First Quest Available[/th] [th]Log #[/th] [/table] Captive Audio Logs: (Organized by Log Number) [table] [th]Log #[/th] [th]Location[/th] [th]First Quest Available[/th] [/table] Hope you enjoyed this Guide!
  8. That sounds quite interesting xDI have a guide or two up in my head, mostly Fallout guides maybe some other misc. guides
  9. Not to sound braindead, but could you toss out an example for the funny/informative article?Also, As far as Fallout guides, i'd probably get addicted and it would be ridiculous xD
  10. Would that remove the glitched dead companion? Also, what if he has completed both questlines?
  11. The safest bet i could say for you would be to go back to a save were she was alive and disband with her. Other than that, I can't really think of anything because if she is dead, and it's been several days, the corpse will disappear. Let me know if you are able to fix it and I might go research this more to help you out.good luck!
  12. Thank you very much! I'm really honored to see my work being put good use. Aside the gigantic collabortative glitch guide you mentioned, is there anything else I could work on?
  13. Enchanting guide is now a published Article <3

  14. Blexun is correct, Maces do most (Warhammers likewise) and Swords do the least, but Maces are the slowest, while Swords are the fasted. And it doesn't specifically matter xD It's all about personal preference.To Gravis: The site has a wide variety of different topics on it for Skyrim, and mutiple guides. So, just take a look and see what you can learn!
  15. I like your Dual Wield, I understand the use of the Apprentice perks on this, because you're going to want more "health" type enchantments onto your Armor. Overall a good build! I like it
  16. Yeah, I mentioned that after finishing... I forgot to fix it xD i'll do that right now. Edit: Due to me not having an actual mouse right now, I'll have to finish it at a later time :/
  17. Since Dragonscale is better, I'd still say take the Heavy armor route, since you can craft Daedric weapons (if you plan to use them at all) And you don't need the Apprentice-Master level on Conjuration and Restoration. Also, you may want to invest those extra unused perks now into Matching set so you'll have 50% to your full set of Light Armor. Other than that I don't really know what to Add or Remove.
  18. Do you have any thoughts about my suggestions? Or did that encompass both of ours?
  19. Then, I'd remove both Dual casting, put one into Necromage. then what of the last perk? Because personally I think that Avoid Death isn't worth the Recovery perk and Necromage is much more useful over going Recovery --> Avoid Death on a once a day deal. Also you have one perk left to spend.(Side Note: Have you tried out the Boosting guide David? I remember you mentioning something about testing it out today)
  20. http://skyrimcalculator.com/#121109 Adjustments made: [table] [th]Skill[/th] [th]Removed or Added[/th] [th]Perks Added or Removed[/th] [td]Restoration[/td] [td]Removed[/td] [td]Avoid Death, Recovery (because with Enchanting, you can make your spells cost nothing), Apprentice and Adept Restoration.[/td] [td]Block[/td] [td]Removed[/td] [td]Block Runner[/td] [td]Conjuration[/td] [td]Removed[/td] [td]Soul Stealer, Mystic Binding, Apprentice and Adept Conjuration[/td] [td]One-Handed[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]+3 Armsman, Fighting Stance, Critical Charge, and Paralyzing Strike[/td] [td]Smithing[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]Dragon Smithing[/td] [td]Conjuration[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]Conjuration Dual Casting (takes a moment, more powerful creatures)[/td] [td]Restoration[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]Restoration Dual Casting[/td] [/table] Hope I didn't Deviate too much from your idea.
  21. I agree with what Traaginen has said, and If you want "authenticity" then I would say keep the perks on the bound weapons, otherwise, since you have the Daedric armor perk, you could smith out Daedric weapons.However, I'm now confused about your investment into Light Armor, do you plan to just buy/find it? or use whatever you find through dungeon diving. I ask because you went the Heavy Armor side on Smithing, yet stopped before Dragon, which then you could have gone with Dragonscale. The build is alright, just you, like Traaginen said, used a little too much into your magic perks. A couple perks that you probably don't need would be Avoid death (put that into Recovery perhaps, or just move it somewhere else)I'll reply a link with the perk adjustments and tell me if you like it or not, i'll do my best to not really take the feel away from it.
  22. Anybody got any guides they want done?

  23. It just takes free time to plan and a lot more free time to write.. I don't know if you want that much free time.
  24. I want to do the exact same thing, for whatever reason as it sounds relatively amusing to live an "actual" life.
  25. Personally, out of everything, as i do regret some of the enchantments every once in a while, I'll never regret the boots xD it saves me time, and I can carry all my smithing gear etc. with me. Overall, pretty awesome to have a pair, lol. I have one last thing to add to this guide, but i'm incredibly unsure if this is a cause, etc. Edit: Read the purple part David, This may make some sense as to my question that I asked upon joining the site
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