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Unknown ProbLem

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Everything posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. I know, just that it's finally starting to show, like more new members are actually posting instead of them just "being" here
  2. I'm glad somebody finally posted here as i felt it would just be ignored. I hope the staff see this ad can hopefully put your thoughts into action or something, It'd just be nice to see more traffic here i guess
  3. i like how one that i didnt feel like i put much time in, turned out the best, whereas the others which took probably too much time are flawed
  4. alright, i'll probably whip it all into Health then, as with all the wonderful LA bonuses, Stamina isnt exactly "necessary" but just to have enough. I do want Smithing... somehow though. but Enchanting does need to stay because enchantments are of course a HUGE part in Skyrim.
  5. Level 50 Stealth/Thief: Requirements: 100 Archery, 90 One-Handed, 80 Light Armor, 50 Sneak, 80 Pickpocket, 100 Enchanting Personal Notes: I really didn't know how to put this together at only level 50, as most "stealthy" killing characters revolve around a bow and a one-hand such as a dagger. I wanted to invest into smithing along with lockpicking, but would require removing most/all of the actual combat stats. Could anybody help fix this Enchants: Helmet: Fortify Archery and Fortify Lockpicking Chest: Fortify Light Armor and Fortify Health (with the perk distribution, Stamina isn't an issue) Hands: #1 Fortify Archery and Pickpocket, #2 Fortify Carry Weight and Fortify Pickpocket, or #3 Fortify Pickpocket and Fortify Lockpicking Feet: Fortify Carry Weight and Fortify One-Handed Shield: None Ring: Fortify Pickpocket and Archery, or something else. Amulet: Same as ring Perk Distribution: -Pictures will be posted at a later time, doing this by hand. [table] [th]Skill[/th] [th]Perks placed[/th] [th]Total[/th] [td]Archery[/td] [td]5 Overdraw, 1 Eagle Eye, 2 Steady Hand,1 Power Shot,1 Quick Shot,1 Bull's-Eye[/td] [td]10[/td] [td]One-Handed[/td] [td]5 Armsman, 3 Bladesman, 1 Fighting Stance[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]Light Armor[/td] [td]5 Agile Defender, 1 Custom Fit, 1 Unhindered, 1 Matching Set, 1 Windwalker[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]Sneak[/td] [td]1 Stealth, 1 Backstab, 1 Deadly Aim, 1 Assassin's Blade[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]Pickpocket[/td] [td]5 Light Fingers, 1 Night Thief, 1 Extra Pockets, 1 Cutpurse, 1 Misdirection[/td] [td]9[/td] [td]Enchanting[/td] [td]5 Enchanter, 1 Insightful Enchanter, 1 Corpus Enchanter, 1 Extra Effect[/td] [td]8[/td] [/table] (Extra link if the original doesn't work) Health/Magicka/Stamina Distribution: [table] [th]Value[/th] [th]Health[/th] [th]Stamina[/th] [th]Magicka[/th] [td]Distributed[/td] [td]27[/td] [td]22[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]Base[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]100[/td] [td]Ending Value[/td] [td]370[/td] [td]320[/td] [td]100[/td] [/table] Update*: Decided to remove all of magicka, as you technically don't need it, and if you level to 81, you could easily just level Alchemy and use that, provided you remember to make potions.
  6. Granted Fallout 3 (And New Vegas) Are somewhat bland, and personally can find myself getting bored, but both games are fun to play and I think are great. Definitely not the best choice to play Post-Skyrim, but if you played Fallout 3 prior to being sucked into oblivion and the void of Oblivion, then you may have genuinely enjoyed this game xD I like the idea Bethesda took with it, but it's maybe a game for a more dedicated player, whereas Oblivion and Skyrim give you more free-reign.Also, Thanks
  7. True, just was trying to make a build, that seems a lot harder than I thought... so I have enchanting on my mind xD I personally don't like it, but i'm asking for feedback as soon as I post it.
  8. enough though, that you'd be able to raise it high enough to keep it? What about enchanting some armor? just to add until you break past 25, then resell?
  9. Thanks blex, we could always come back later and make a more in-depth guide xD but at least we have some ground to start on.
  10. Don't forget before lockpicking, etc. because it's easy to miss a lot of good chests in the beginning of the game due to lack of skill/lock picks.Topic all secured now?
  11. Basically ending this thread. All builds after the last one here will be made into new threads for people to directly comment about that specific one.
  12. That is probably something that should be bolded and graffiti-ed all over the site xD "If you leave your wooden mask in the sanctuary, you are screwed" heh.
  13. well, hopefully get people who know what they're doing? Because as a general sense, you could go by what levels you the fastest, like, for example you would get 1 entire level (lol, like that'll ever happen again) from crafting a Gold Diamond Necklace. But i do know what you mean and I'm sure that this'll be a large hassle, but will have ridiculously large pay off. more people, more chance at success?
  14. No problem, If I remember correctly, there may be a couple of other places that are inaccessible after going through them. I'd have to confirm however.
  15. I'm pretty sure you can just choose persuasion over bribe. As far as i know, they both work, but perhaps you gain more by a bribe. Something that would need to be tested. Can anybody already confirm?
  16. I'm not 100% sure as of right now how to work this, but I was wondering if I could get help figuring out the fastest way to level smithing, along with what item (through all the different armor sets) that yields the highest xp per item (ex. crafting a [insert set name] Chest, Helmet, etc.) Anybody looking to help, please leave a comment below, and if you have any questions, i'll try to answer with a clear explanation. Current Members: [*]Unknown ProbLem [*]Blexun
  17. I actually enjoyed reading this, and I did actually read the entire Leveling guide, and I agree, that just basically everything is incredibly detailed and is a small enigma to make unique things that places like IGN and friends haven't already published.
  18. To compliment what David said, It is only beneficial that you basically keep as many saves as possible, yet obviously keep maintenance on it every once in a while so your game isn't bogged down. There are no drawbacks to having several saves, including the same character with multiple Story lines. There is always another way/time to get something you may have missed and as much as I know, I'm pretty sure you can get all the masks, just don't drop any in Sovengarde as you can't go back.
  19. I'm not 100% sure as of right now, but i think multiple people working on one thing would be much more efficient over just myself. I'll figure it out and post a start-up thread on the General discussion
  20. For the benefit for this guide, could somebody help me lead a "team" to figure out the enigma of the new Smithing? It would make a good separate guide as well for how much everything increases and the general fastest way to raise the skill, along with possible areas to acquire your ingredients.The addition to this guide would be the fastest part, along with maybe the areas for materials. While the other guide would be much more in-depth and all the contributors would be credited as well.
  21. I only mentioned it because of experience.. My original GTA IV was in my xbox while off while i moved it and it somehow managed to get scratched (then again my old xbox ate games for lunch -.-) I went through 3 Rainbow Six Vegas 2's because of it. I think that it probably depends on the console? but yeah, other than a few rare exceptions, it's impossible.
  22. Really? I have moved my xbox before on accident without realizing I had a game in it and i never checked. I'm not an expert, just I'd say to actually look at the disc, and you'll probably be okay. I think it depends on how you handle your console, the rougher, the more likely a scratch could be there.
  23. it could be very possible, and most likely there will be a couple from it. The severity of the scratches will obviously be worse, the worse you handled your PS3. If you carefully moved it and it generally didnt "move" then the scratches will probably be minor, whereas is you had it... for example under your arm sideways and going up stairs.
  24. Stillan absolute hassle. Also as far as i'm aware, Banish is the only enchantment that has any level requirement, and it's level 20
  25. This is most likely a dead topic, However Banish i a very speial enchant that requires at least level 20 or so for it to appear in-game. If you have daedric weapons already, that should be no problem.
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