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Unknown ProbLem

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Everything posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. it's more than likely being worked on as we speak, if everything holds true, expect it to be on next gen consoles aroooound 2014-2015 ish
  2. I was playing on a new account, that correlates with the Challenge that I posted and well... I found Fort Snowhawk which is roughly a little North and West of Morthal. Also Meeko's Lodge works pretty well which is south of Solitude. Fort Snowhawk, you need to kill off the necromancers but it has an Enchanting table, Alchemy lab and at least a Grindstone. so you're pretty set.
  3. two achievements away from Skyrim perfection!!

  4. I'm sorry but hopefully you can still enjoy the site and make use of everything we have to offer, since we couldn't exactly help with your Krosis thing. but it shouldn't really matter, there are no acfhievements tied to this mask or really anything aside cosmetic looks.
  5. I sent a message out to the man who made it, and I'm awaiting a reply, I'll post whatever he says (If i get a reply) but I think it would be fun. I started this morning.
  6. I was looking around for around online for a question of mine, to see if Serana was a marriable character, but instead I ran into this. http://www.computera...ge=1#top_banner The challenge is to make 25,000 gold and move into Proudspire Manor without doing a quest, slaying a dragon etc. to make it simple, here is a basic copied list of rules from the page itself, good luck to any who try, and post below if you think you may want to try it, you could even make a blog on here to track your progress if you wanted to.
  7. "Bump" edited the distribution perks, possibly something to take a look at to see if the changes were too extreme or not, or to get new opinion of other people as to ways to work around it.
  8. I'd have to say, the easiest way to level enchanting (though smithing will probably suffer more in the long run) is just level till around 20 and you'll be set when you find a banish enchantment. Now if you head to Dawnstar and are able to find the invisible Khajit caravan chest, loot it for a bunch of soul gems then just enchant one for a soul trap and run around murdering everything until you need more, then you'll probably be able to head back to the chest and re-aquire more soul gems. Or doing what blex said works wonders due to you being able to get up the original skills you wanted, plus store up a small armory of soul gems (which you could somehow craft them via an enchanting table or some other worldly magic)
  9. yeah, but ancano was thalmor and they pretty much played him out to be blatently the betrayer type.also after a lot of Dawnguard playing, found out that the Falmer are probably mad at the wrong people. they shouldn't be mad at anybody but the other Snow Elves, maybe the Dwarven race but not random people... they should learn to communicate faster...
  10. people say mage, because like in every game, they are squishy, and battlemages are just under-glorified warriors that sucks with weapons. the Magic pool is super super small, and if Bethesda will ever read this, the addition of the old school spell creator even with the same damage cap would at least make them a little bit less squishy and maybe make them harder to make, so you don't need to copiously waste gold.
  11. well Nocturnal does have that hotness factor, but Blex does have a point. also, most daedra do happen to have rather large back lashes when dealing with them or "dipping in Daedric" as Blexun put it. To receive your rather awesome looking pack of Nightengale armor, you must basically swear your soul to her in eternal debt for whatever she grants you (aka a succubus or feminine devil), ol' man Clavicus will strike a deal, but normally it's rather sick and twisted. and so on, So while Nocturnal may have the lowest cut dress/robe i've ever seen, I'd rather not deal with it, because dipping in daedric may lead to nasty consequences. my vote would probably be Mara for Divine and one of these for daedra, well basically I like them all, for different reasons and here's a little bit why: Molag Bal: apparently back in the day, he used to beat people, or have people beat people with a giant super spikey mace, and enjoys the suffering of people... with his mace, so his thoughts are interesting and somewhat amusing. Sanguine: Party? why not, a million never ending parties... at once? hell yeah! that is basically Sanguine's parties. lol Meridia: a lesser favorite, but i guess generally and more personality, I like somebody who acts like she does... despite it coming off rather dominant and arrogant. Azura: Controls the sun and moon? pretty cool, but she seems more.. earthly over all the daedra and isn't arrogant or anything just calmly speaks to you. Sheogorath: because he is random and hilarious, and old memories of traveling Shivering Isles were absolutely hysterical. Mehrunes Dagon: I like him, becasue he's borderline insane, and merciless. also basically like Blex said, he has determination to revolutionize something that probably won't happen, and will try again and again for centuries to come. Hircine: guess I lied a bit, I don't really care for Hircine, he helps hunters, woo.. I can hunt perfectly fine on my own in Skyrim without his help. even his artifact is rather lame. but, his method of communication is hilarious. Hermaeus Mora: He is the knower of the unknown and seer of the unseen, that just sounds badass and intriguing, also he is awesome because his "mortal" form is a giant tentacle blob thing (yay for Oblivion for the image) Peryite: pretty awesome, If i remember correctly, he is also a dragon which is even cooler, and his methods for doing things are plagues xD who doesn't love plagues? Vaermina: she is interesting, her followers make magical and crazy potions, including one that will bring you to the past in the form of somebody else and magically teleport. cool things like that along with the magic dust stuff that endlessly puts things to sleep. Nocturnal: not only has the attractive factor, but technically has two artifacts. one being the Ebony Blade, which is a cool life sucking ebony dai-katana, but she also has Nightengale armor, which is received by giving up your soul for a request from her and her luck changing influence. Malacath: um, well he was one of my better liked because he was a crazy and ruthless Orcish daedra (which seems a little odd...) but after playing dawnguard and becoming attached to serana and finding out about the "Daughter of calhabour" i lost a lot of interest because basically it seemed like there was some crazy rape ritual for eternal vampiric life. Namira: cunning yet disturbing... not much else to say about a cannibal. she's also pretty persuasive. Boethia: she/he is pretty badass, they are both genders and have names as both, also is pretty much the God of war in Tamriel and her shrine has people endlessly fighting, I also thought the quest was a ton of fun. (Also watching my follower die was amusing) Clavicus Vile: bromance with a dog, who seems a little depressive without him due to the weird want to murder him and such, i like him more than a lot of the others due to how he goes about things. he'll make a deal, but not without having a lot of fun in the mean time. like at the end of the quest he tells you about how he "helped" somebody with their problem, this problem being somebody sick in the family and he gave the guy an axe as a solution xD These are some general ideas to why I like most of the daedra, but my favorite is probably Clavicus, Nocturnal or Hermaeus Mora.
  12. kill them all? pretty much simple as that
  13. Maybe, and this is just a thought about what you just said would be to (And doing anything coding wise etc. is a hassle) would be to make individual game-specific forums like you have with Skyrim and RS for games that generally attract viewers. like just throwing a random example would be like the Fallout or Assassin's Creed series. maybe that would help a little more?As of right now, I don't really know of a way to help you, even as much as I really do want to because keeping this place alive kind of depends on Skyrim over RS or any other game.I do however believe that due to Skyrim bringing in around 90% of our traffic like you said that it should probably stay somewhat/mostly Skyrim, but I don't think my original idea/paragraph thing would be a bad idea so at least if we have others, they can post in what they like etc.maybe a poll for favorite games and have people list them? idk. not just Xbox or PS3's either, we're multi-platform!
  14. Now I may feel as if I'm wrong, because that makes a lot of sense and my approach was just more general where as you have a rather large point with that :/ maybe it would be time? i don't know, but I do know i'll still be posting Skyrim stuff and what-not here because this is by-far my favorite forum site.also, @Brad, nice Sig, lol.
  15. I decided to vote and I'd post why. My reasoning behind it, is that it's named Eldersouls. granted if you actually come to the site, the message says Skyrim and Dawnguard forum.However, I feel that without generally coming here and just hearing the name or telling a friend broadly that they would probably assume some sort of gaming site.I think it's fine, but if you want to stray the 100% ES sounding title, just change the domain message from Skyrim and Dawnguard to something more general if you see it as a bother.
  16. Well I wish you the best of luck because that sucks, but Hopefully it was just a problem with that save, and not the DLC itself. If it happens again, let me know on here or by PM, then my best bet would be to tell you to uninstall the Dawnguard DLC then reinstall it.Hopefully that will make everything work, because things like that have happened to me with other games and their DLC and i've ripped my hair out over it and realized that just redownloading works prefectly fine.
  17. as David said, you are pretty much out of luck as Dragon Priests are set as Unique NPCs and don't respawn after death. Do you have a save prior to your turning of him to poultry?
  18. After completing the Kindred Judgement for the Vampire side, talk to the woman training in the castle, and she'll tell you to kill a Vampire, then blah blah blah. Finish that and she'll say that... the Dark Elf whose name I forget, and he'll tell you that the Dawnguard are starting to become a hassle. you'll recieve an objective to go to the Dawnguard's castle and kill all the Leaders. after that you go on quests that make the Dawnguard look bad.l
  19. I would disagree xD your woman gives you half of the store money so it's easy money lol. You don't even have to acknowledge her.
  20. Beat Gawnguard as a Vampire Lord, Found both Auriel's Bow and Shield, found all 5 Paragons, and did the Secret Boss fight in the Soul Carin. go me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      come on David, don't chastise like that, Dawnguard** Happy now?

    3. Blake
    4. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      sup Blex, how's Dawnguard for you? also just passed 200 posts today :D i'm moving on up in the forum community and this is probably the most i've ever posted on a single forum, ever.

  21. i have my main, a level 81 hunter build, an 81 Dark elf assassin thing, umm.. two messed up characters, a level 19, a level 5 and almost a new level 81 that may just keep a save before adding any perks to anything to serve as a "build all" and just not save them. I'm not sure yet but a few of my builds still need testing, such as this one.Also, thanks I guess? I try to keep my thoughts on the useful tactical intelligence side where my thoughts are coherent. the other side is a baaad place... lol
  22. I will almost always do it because I already have my original legit 81 and like to test my builds out so it's generally an easy way to test it
  23. for weapons it goes like this:Bows are by themselves but are better than crossbows (I'm pretty sure, also more range) and they range fromlongbowhunting bowetc.Glass bowEbony bowDaedricand (Dawnguard craftable DLC bow) Dragonbone BowAs for weapons, the damage and speed vary for both one hand and two hand.for one hand Swords are the fastest but "weakest" and War Axes are stronger than Swords but a little slower, and finally Maces do the most damage but are the slowest overall.(And maces are the best Paladin melee class weapon due to the 3/3 perk which grants 75% armor passing per hit. [i.e if a person has a Daedric mace that does 150, and the enemy is wearing Daedric armor which has 100 armor, the maxed perk will make that mace hit for 125 instead of 50. this is because removing 75% of 100 = 25, and 150 - 25 = 125 ])Two handed follow the same rules where 2H swords do the least but swing the fastest (while still possibly slower than a Mace) and Battleaxes are basically the neutral and Warhammers are the slowest yet most damaging in the game.
  24. try and make a new character? That may have been a little extreme to delete some or apparently all of your saves. If you are on PS3, could've been a utility patch error, and if you have the game installed that could've helped with the problem.The disc part, I don't know. Which console do you have and not to insult your intelligence but do you know for PS3 or Xbox 360 how to delete your patches and system Cache, not just delete your Saves or DLC etc.?
  25. true, lol I don't exactly understand the half level but whatever. still curious though. hopefully there will be a responce.
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